Filthy dumb /brit/ scum edition
bet i'm the biggest virgin in this thread so fuck off
Just gonna cause another influx of shit posting edition
first cum
first served
i reactive my facebook to see what my past friends are up to, feeds my depression
hope you've all been good boys and been racking up your social credit scores
thread theme tune
All of mine work for Deloite, Golman Sachs, EY etc
and here I am
I wonder if any regular britfeeler has actually committed murder and just keeps it quiet
nth for listening to the la's and chilling.
How does the grass grow?
choon lads
oh I bet you are you fat fucking disgrace of a human
Vile insectoid system for a vile insectoid system
Got an interview at the job centre tomorrow
Been on Universal Credit for a while but I need to go in to be transferred over to this new system they're doing.
I hope this doesn't affect how much money I get at all
Any of you guys had to do this?
>Be asian and shag a 15 year old slag who is asking for it
>"Fucking scum, should be tortured to death"
>Be white and kill 50 people
>"What a ledge!!"
how do we solve the behavioral problem of the british without social credit?
woah, 13 hour sleep. alright
no shops open now and have got no food in, not alright
think i may have some potatoes in, looks like a big plate of chips and gravy for breakfast/dinner/tea
We've always been badly behaved
they're putting you in the gas chambers lad. Trying to get rid of the dead weight in the country
i heard two miscrete slimes with the really flemy scum accent on my bus and my skin got goose pimples
What problem, cunt?
a guy, 24m posted on my cities subreddit saying he wants to meet someone as hes just moved here.
Should i meet him and maybe make a friend?>
what if he thinks im a loser? Also my reddit account is scrubbed clean so he might not trust it
as soon as andrew moved to worcester a guy was found dead in the river
just saying
If escorts are so cheap, why are there so many virgins here?
will i be bullied if i dont drink at the meet?
fuck off you speg
who wants to fuck a cheap slag?
Shippy doesnt drink and no one would bully him so dont worry
Haunting of Hill House. Worth a watch?
sex is special and should be done with the person you love
-50 points for unnecessary rudeness. your public transport rights have been revoked and you are unable to book any hotel above 1star
will i be bullied if i'm not white at the meet?
Why are English people so subhuman?
I'm a london lad but got a job so don't want to be photographed at it otherwise I'd be well up for going
Silent treatment
8 hours of data keying tomorrow on most likely 4-5 hours sleep
I want sex with someone who actually wants sex with me.
Just making things up now are we user
too many inbreds
fucking nigger faggots, amirite or amirite?
Fear and ignorance I guess.
60 quid for a fuck is terrific value for some birds.
>tfw VR sexbots are probably coming in the next decade and you can finally fuck your waifu
underrated, just finished off another bowl of Granola, makes it 4 bowls of cereal today. Well over 2k calories again but I feel like a massive fat fuck now despite still being underweight
is this an explanation for the shit in the threads lately?
well thats not gunna happen you miscreant
okay well I wont have sex then
simple as.
13 year olds from /brit/ shitting it up with their god awful unfunny memes
Why are English people like this?
too much inbreding lmao
Yeah lad its pretty good. I binged it all at once, got quite drawn into the story
>will i be bullied if i'm not white at the meet?
you saw what happened to moni
ever wondered what the chinks think of you when they spy on your picture gallery if you use a chinkphone?
tip top kekarooney
The sad dregs of society from /brit/ Jow Forums are raging because their thread is on gay 4Channel now.
and good for you user
fucking joke being on phone with people at work. Cunts giving their life story when they could ask me a simple question and get a simple answer.
Not reyt arsed about your network infrastructure pal
do any bois here play company of heroes 2?
I dont know what I'm doing and I have no frens
would it be weird if my hobby was collecting dna of people without them knowing?
>white man have big cock
is that the miscreant shit?
yanks had loads of their internet traffic get nabbed by the chinks for like a year. pisser.
cunts. bet they'd cry if we had done it in their thread but they don't give a shit about here eh
No one here is pathetic enough to raid another thread like they do.
very weird. don't be that guy user, you're better than that
whats the point if they dont even like you.
Is there a reason besides inbreeding why English people are so goblinesque?
Some people just like the sound of their own voice. this is one thing i can't stand abar normies, half of the time they don't look for common ground, they just wanna chat shit about themselves. tell them to do one and fart down the phone at them
Anyone wanna go on holiday to France?
it would only become weird if you get caught
be the best sneak DNA thief ever and you'll be good
we've had anons raid youtube, twitch crystal cafe, some fucker tried to claim a /britfeel/ thread on indiachan or something.cunts that go into tranny threads
all that stuff fucks up this place IMO. had indians in here bitching, more roasties in here now, fucking tranners attention seeking.
order in
gonna do this to Moni at the meetup 2
is it a wrong thing to do? i did have a collection of locks of hair i cut off people but i came to understand that was too creepy. spit and bits of blood isnt as weird imo.
if i got caught would i be in trouble? it feels fun.
no as long as they dont know if they knew then it would be weird
>lol im a massive faggot and im weird and dont have a caps lock
No and we could do some black magic on them and it would be even more fun
takeaway by me shuts at 23:30 but i'm not in the mood to eat 3 hours after i've woke up.
plus, 30quid to last 2 week, i need to go supermarket shopping i can't do takeaways
could use shift
3 more days at work then off til Janaury 7th :) Unfortunatley I wont be able to channel my inner neethood during the holidays as im going abroad :/
hey gay bois check out these dubs
i just mute my headset and point at my screen so my coworkers know I got a real prick on the line
No dubs but thats a cool picture
oui oui, je parle un peu francais
je mange le pain au chocolat comme un cochon
quand allons-nous ?
i like to think that i might stumble onto a human cloning technique and i could make my own versions of all these people
Have you considered necromancy instead?
>ask bf to talk about fight we had
>he agrees, tell him just to tell me when he wants to
>ask 4 times throughout the day
>never responds to when we can talk
>just plays games on discord all day
>after over 8hrs of waiting it's too late to talk, have to sleep
>finally just tell him this is a huge issue and I don't want to deal with being second place anymore
>says he understands
>point out he's always said that the last 2 years
>"Im sure we could have started talking about yesterday by now if you weren't just saying the same thing over and over"
>Say good night because I don't want to fight anymore
Every now and then I remember about lolcow and there's always great examples of female lunacy on there
Whats your thoughts on this lads? CERN even acknowledged it's employees did it but it was a hoax
no lad whats that? something to do with dead people?
want a joshi gf still
>be bored in East Devon
>wish for dead normies
>get a news alert about Strasburg shooting
>a shooting already
Dead people and demons lad, good stuff
it always seems to be france. really makes me think.
France fights a lot of muslim extremist groups in Africa
I am PAINFULLY bored ffs
hmm not sure about that. dunno if i believe in that stuff really. i just like having bits of people i know with me all the time.
If stuff like this actually goes on then I can't imagine people like us would find out about it, let alone from a video on youtube of all things, they'd be super careful about it.
With that said, putting it in public view and calling it a hoax is a good tactic in itself to hide it, because most people just wouldn't believe it because it shatters their worldview.
>tfw no drunked Hungarian slag gf
why exactly would they need to sacrifice humans at CERN?
>shooting at christmas market in france
>suspect known to police
it's just sickening at this point
no hype, no happening, no jokes about it seem funny
just a fucking raghead who decided to gun down white people and the authorities do FUCKING NOTHING, AGAIN!
it lets you summon shit like the dark lord hemlok
Well if you ever decide to choose the left hand path instead you let me know lad