Tfw you want to move to japan and be a hikikomori over there but can't because immigrating requires work and the...

>tfw you want to move to japan and be a hikikomori over there but can't because immigrating requires work and the country has draconian laws and hates foreigners

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>Wanting to live a welcome to the NHK fantasy in Japan
There's plenty of room and reason to live a far more fulfilling life where you are.

whats the point of moving to japan if you will never leave your house

stay the fuck out of my country you white pig

Fuck America. Everybody here is so ugly, and our language is uninteresting and has no kanji equivalent.

Doesn't matter. You want to be a recluse regardless, so language and other people have no bearing on your judgement.

You can be in America and learn Japanese/Chinese.

I took Japanese for 3 fucking years and am not even at JLPT N5 level. Which is like, kindergarten or preschool-level comprehension.

It's not that hard moving to Japan, I'm from a shithole and Tokyo U asked if I wanted to go there

you tell him big boy

You probably worked hard to get their attention. Meanwhile I haven't worked at all or done much of anything during the short time I was in college.

Japan actually loves American forigners unless you live in buttfuck nowhere in the middle of a rice field.
They idolise our culture and most are eager to get to know you.

But you do need yo know a little bit of their language at the very least. They do not like using english at all. Even if they know it, they wont be confident enough to use it.
Hes a shitposter and probably not Japanese. Its 7am in Japan. No ones awake on Jow Forums except fat neets.
Even then, you give a fuck if they like you anyway? Youll never run into them unless you go to the weeb parts of Tokyo or those stupid maid cafes.

Stay. The. Fuck. Out. of. My. Country. Weeb. Faggot.

Roleplaying as a jap. How low can you get?

And I dont think I will. I think Ill come over and get a work visa. Hell, what prefecture are you in? We can be neighbors! We can go sing kareoke together and I can fuck your sister and have happa babies!

Racist fucking fat bitch. Yall wanna come to America but god forbid a couple of us come over and enjoy your culture. Stay mad.

>Racist fucking fat bitch

you're american lol

Lol kys you goblin fuck

Japanese won't let you come to there country, they are a respectable master race who doesn't hurt anyone and you are a vandal, a punk, a nigger, why would they let you a hairy white boy come to their hairless nigger utopia where they never had nigger slaves, do you know japans the only country to never enslave niggers?

And we put up with a lot more shit than most countries do as far as immegration. We're not the wort by far, but we do have to accept the shit with a smile on our face otherwise we're alienated by the mass populas. So its not comparable to having a white neighbor, dude. Why are you so against forigners? Eh?

>doesnt have an actual good rebuttle so be just resorts to the "le goblino" line.
Okay buddy.

Fuck amer*ca

>thousands upon millions of foreign citizens who earn their citizenship fairly easily
>"aint no whities in MAH country!"
Theyre... already there.

Nice trips, but

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Whew. You guys are going to sure love the 2020 Olympics, huh? What happens when half of the foreigners decide Japans comfy and they apply for citizenship?

t. amerifatcuck

>Can only say "fuck america" and "americuck"
Yeah. Im not worried about moving anymore. Ill be fine.

No, they saw a project I did for my shithole's air force that I still serve as an engineer

good, keep your fat ass on that side of the pond lol

The only people wanting to go Japan are fat unhygienic weebs that thinking watching anime teaches them Japanese and taking shitty courses online will be good enough. Picking one of the most Xenophobic countries ayylmao.

No, you dumb fuck. Im not worried about moving to your country. Youre a unintelligent sad little fuck thatd not say SHIT to a foreigner in real life, dispite what you may say on /r9k (which negates what you say off the bat immediatly anyway).
So, I could give a shit less what you think, and Im gonna move over there, see the temples, eat some Takoyaki, find a nice Japanese girlfriend, and live a happy life. All while you stay mad at me from afar.

Suck my nuts, neet.

you live with your mom, there's no way she's gonna let you go

>imagine being this much of a triggered obese weeb

Parroting the same insults do not make you clever.

theyre not insults, theyre objective fact and only the first one was me btw

t.Japanese guy that speaks english

t. virgin weeb

I think if you fly with the seeming intention of lesiure/visitation, you can stay for up to several weeks or months. Apparently from what I've heard, some people go there for work and then when their allowed visitation is coming to an end they simply boat to korea then immediately come back.

just because you have a learning disability does not mean that everyone else has that as well.

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Why do you assume I like anime? I actually hate anime. Your insults dont apply to/hurt me in the slightest. I just like your culture.

>I just like your culture.

I like white culture too :) sorry I got a little carried away

Well. This turned around fast.
Is the only kind of forigner you hate weebs?
I mean. Even us Americans hate weebs. I dont think that should count. Lol

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They dont idolize Americans, but they have a positive opinion of them compared to other foreigners. They still see Americans as outsiders. Its pretty much only black people who have anything to be worried about, they dont have any perceptions about most countries, so you will have a neutral starting point.

>The Japanese and white America team up against the weebs
I like where this is going.

>Is the only kind of forigner you hate weebs?

basically, and niggers desu, most of you whites are alright in my book

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What races/countries do the Japanese hate then?
I heard most of the time Asians just hate other Asians and thats about it.
Theyd shit if whats happening in Paris happened to them, though. Lol

It would be like getting culturally cucked for the weebs. Like if mom fucked your bully.

I knew I liked Japan for a reason. Sorry for throwing those insults out. I thought you just hated me because I was white. Not because you thought I was a weeb.

Ill happily come over and beat up any weebs for you. I know the Japanese don't like to get into legal trouble. But if it was one of those "damned forigners" going around beating up the weebs...

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They hate Chinese people and Korean people because there is still animosity over WW2. Their perception of black people is the same as every other country, they are seen as savages. They might feel the same about people from muslim countries because of ISIS. Most other countries are in the clear.

The ultimate punishment for being a fucking fat nasty failure. They might actually get a job for once and stop wacking it to "2D waifus".
Its the solution we've all been looking for, boys.

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How did America become an idolised culture to them after world war II? Is it sort of like when the victim stands up to the bully then the bully wants to be the victims friend all of a sudden sort of deal?

No, we occupied their territory and forced them to like us. We also helped rebuild their economy after the war.

Japan exists because of those laws, you stupid parasite
If you think white people are bad wait until you have to deal with blacks.

>whats the point of moving to japan if you will never leave your house
What if I did leave my house

>stupid parasite

You're on a board full of fucking NEETs.

Take your survival of the fittest bullshit and minority hating back to Jow Forums where it belongs.

take your minority loving bugman faggotry to leddit where it belongs jimmy nu-male

Bold of you to call me a bugman when you're the one spewing all those retarded buzzwords.

How the fuck do you not understand the simple principle that a welfare state can't perpetually exist?

bold of you to come to a site where people are called nigger and faggot everywhere, do you shield your eyes or install a censor script every time you see it?

I know it's bound to collapse over time but that isn't my problem. I'm going to leech as long as I can.

And then you'll wither away, as you should.