>Nobody has ever made me feel the way you do, I love you so much user
>Just one thing, you're not antisemetic are you?
Nobody has ever made me feel the way you do, I love you so much user
>implying jew gf isnt the secret s rank ending for robots
Lol at this.
QQ. Where did you learn the term S rank?
It's not particularly common outside of people who have played certain videogames or watched certain media. So always interesting when someone knows what it means, because then you don't need to say A rank instead (because, in the mind of someone who doesn't known S rank, saying it is confusing).
try SSS rank newfag
Answer the question nignog.
I'm not antisemetic. I'm just curious as to why most of the people in charge of corporations that bet against my wellbeing are jewish.
Anything else?
Those khazar milkers could win over even the most dyed-in-the-wool anti-semite.
Sanic Heros.
>Just one thing, you're not antisemetic are you?
That would be her last words after that she would be knocked out and made into a living sex doll
>It's not particularly common outside of people who have played certain videogames or watched certain media.
Where do you think we are, nigga? Do you want us to dumb down our power level to be more inclusive of the norman invaders?
Thanks for reminding me.
Some context here: I was trying to get into a Harry Potter Hate group called "I'm begging you please read another book" and they hit me with this question at the intro
Is good boy gonna get a treat when he finishes doing his tricks?
Well I am Jewish.
>Of course not baby, I don't discriminate, to me you're no different than any other athiest, muslim, christian, or hindi. :^)
OYYY VEYYY don't tell me you're an ""anti- semite"" goyim!
Are Jewish girls the final defense of the Jews?
wouldnt date a muslim desu
Sonic games didn't have S ranks until Rush.
That right there is why you're the best, boss
>Where did you learn the term S rank?
Are you being intentionally dense who the fuck on this bandwagon planet doesn't know what an S rank is?
>Fuck the kikes, lol, if you don't like my views you don't like me
>Glad I got tipped off on this one before my kids got hitched to your genetic taint
Easy as shit.
No problem with jews.
I'd don't believe in the holocaust tho, the numbers just don't add up
14/88 brother
Nah babe. Gay people are fine and dandy!
Probably. Green eyes, big tits, nice hair, that is all I need. I don't care about whatever reputation. Is she not Jewish?
Talk to a human being who doesn't spend hours on the internet and let me know how many people know what you're talking about. None will.
I don't like jews because they're the second biggest enemy to black people like me.
They aren't. They're WASPs. Literally look it up. The leadership of the major Fortune 500 companies, as well as their stockholders, are vast majority WASPs.
> implying anyone would want your dumb redneck loser cum
I don't like kikes either but I would wife this girl. I also secretly fap to Sarah Silverman even though she's a bit obnoxious about being a libtard cunt and a kike.
You know, maybe if you stopped hating other ethnicities, your life would improve.
Uh... What? Me? No way!
Second? Loooooooooooool. All my lols.
Unless your first is the devil himself.
No, the first is legitimately WASPs. They run the prisons, they ran the majority of the slave trade. Some morons tried to say otherwise, but it's bullshit.
Quakerism > The Satanic Temple > all other Christian branches = Church of Satan
That depends, do you have a moment to talk about the genocide of Palestine?
>why no short hair big milky qt gf though?