How did you react when you learned love wasn't real?

How did you react when you learned love wasn't real?

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its more like an empty feel, not a reaction.

It is real though, it just often isn't reciprocated by the other party. In the rare cases that it is, things feel amazing but making that feeling last is one of the hardest things to do.

The grapes are sour. The things we cannot attain are false.

Happy like I was finally making sense of the lies they stuff us with

What you feel isn't love. That's why it goes away.

i always found a way to insert it into every conversation

Love is real. We're just not invited.

Love is real as life is real.
Until humans will live there will always gonna be a concept of love.

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No it's not. There's a reason why cheating and loose sex are so rampant. Would people do those things if love was real and as great as people try to make it out to be?

Love is just an illusion created by chemicals in your brain that are trying to get you to procreate. You will never have an actual connection to another person.

You're right, dating life now has these degenerate practices. Maybe love WAS real.

fuck off santa is real

Is that a Rick and Morty reference XDDDDDD

kys faggot.

It was never real. Don't be retarded user. If people could ever feel it, they'd still feel it now.

Wubba wubba dub dub! Life is meaningless Morty! Look at me Morty, I stuck my dick in a small child. I'm Pedophile Rick!!!!

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The more you know of a person,the more you care about he or she,the more you think about spending time with your loved in a non-sexual way.That's love.
Of course a big part of that is chemicals reactions,but aren't we a big chemical reaction after all?

ps:what about gays? they cant reproduce.

>Is that a Rick and Morty reference XDDDDDD
Did the show actually say something like that, or are you just trying to call me edgy?

Your entire experience of this world can be wittled down to an illusion caused by chemicals in your noggin if you really want to go down that faggy reductionist path.

I think people lack empathy especially now in our generation. There's so many factors as to why. Both systematically and individually. Love is somewhere buried in our degenerate society.

I started going on this board desu. To be fair, everyone's definition of true love is probably different, but I probably set myself up for failure by having the standards too high kek.

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>The more you know of a person,the more you care about he or she,the more you think about spending time with your loved in a non-sexual way.That's love.
>Of course a big part of that is chemicals reactions,but aren't we a big chemical reaction after all?
It's all bullshit the mind does in order to try and create a family unit. As you said, everything is a big chemical reaction. That's why betrayal in relationships is so common. As soon as the mind decides it no longer wants to be part of that relationship, the person has no choice but to leave it.
Gays (and half gays such as myself) are defects.

rip,just lower them lmao

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I'm trying to call you a nigger. Moving on.

People never had empathy. Do you know about the fucked up shit that happened back in the day. Murder, torture, and rape galore. The lack of empathy isn't new, the difference between then and now is that people try and pretend that they are better than they really are.

>Gays (and half gays such as myself) are defects.

There have been amazing people throughout history that were gay. Life is about more than procreation.

>Gays (and half gays such as myself) are defects.
Good point

>That's why betrayal in relationships is so common
After some time with the same person you just get sick yeah,it's probably true.
But thinks about all those people that refuse to have a child(myself included),they just want to have sex with different persons.

We are just chemicals,It doesn't matter anyway

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I reacted with fear and aversion when I learned that it is real, just not ever unconditional

Talk for yourself,just because someone is mean to you it does not mean that every human of heart is a fucking robot

Exactly. It's about doing what you want.

>they just want to have sex with different persons.
Another defect. A side effect of "free will"

right, but people take this to mean instant gratification instead of trying to actually build something which would be infinitely more gratifying

They're not robots. They're people. And people are just animals who have learned to gain pleasure from the things nature causes them to do.

Love is conditional and we're not meeting those conditions.

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It can be either. You might want to amass a fortune, or you might want to go outside and shoot someone. It can be anything.

Didn't you say that breaking a relation was normal?

It's not a defect,it's a feature such as free will

The conditions are that you need to offer them something and pray that no one else if offering them something better. Then they will pretend to love you.

I don't know ho to keep this conv going
here,take this wallpaper

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Free will is a defect as well. It offers no evolutionary advantage, we just happened to gain it.
Life has, still is, and always will be about living long enough that you can have offspring.

Uh thanks I guess
I'll cherish it forever

Free will is permitting us to enjoy life for fuck sake.
We are evolving in such a way that we can choose to have children or not to have sex with our same sex or not ect...
We are evolving from the animal and primitives traits of our ancestors.

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Love is real.

You can only realize this after plowing through tons of women though.

I can understand why you guys don't think it's real.

It's more like something you create and nurture than a magical feeling that suddenly happens to you in Disney movies.

t. older chad who "made it", but was once like you when he was 15.

>We are evolving from the animal and primitives traits of our ancestors.
Then maybe we should act like it

Your body is trying to get you to settle down to start a family.

>can I please go now

I'm acting like it,I wouldn't be doing this kind of speech if I wasn't.
I only hope not to be the only one.
Maybe I'm he one who is fucked up.

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Maybe you are
I was like that for awhile. I thought maybe we were better than we once were. That most people truly wanted to do what's best. That there was love and happiness in the world that was the end goal of everything you did in life.
I was wrong.

>That most people truly wanted to do what's best

Oh hell no,I still think a lot of people only wants sex.I'm just saying that "SOME" subject around me (included) actually have a different view of love.
But I still think we are better than 1000 years ago even if the world right now is full of suffering.
I have to wake up in 6 hrs,see ya

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See ya user, sweet dreams

that's the only way to feel when confronted with reality

Isn't your wife an e-whore?