Be me

>be me
>live in mixed dorm
>be last night
>suddenly knock on door
>wake up because knock is so loud I thought it's the police
>Wild Roastie at door
>"user, I can't sleep"
>don't really feel like dealing with her bullshit cause sleepy
>take her to kitchen
>prepare some hot choco
>give to Roastie
>tell her to drink it and go to bed

Do any of you college students need to deal with annoying attention whores on a daily basis or am I just cursed?

Attached: veriupsetti.jpg (1333x900, 80K)

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She wanted your dick dude

And even if she didn't, that sounds super comfy. Just chilling out and drinking hot cocoa at like 2am, having some light conversation. That sounds really nice.

You fucked up so bad you fucking moron. She wanted to sleep in your bed next to you. When she said she couldn't sleep you should have told her to cuddle with you. Once in a lifetime chance and you fucked it up. She knows you're a beta. No going back.

It didn't fucking happen you stupid retards.

Leave me alone. I like thinking it's real and that it could happen to me.

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You say this now, not at 2AM waking up, my dorm bed is small as it is, she'd have to literally lay ontop of me and I just want to sleep.

Even if it was real it would never happen to you.

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Bed is already small, it'd be too cramped. I'm 6'1 and they give us kiddybeds to sleep on, can't even stretch.

That's the best thing that could happen. What I wouldn't give for a cute, warm, soft, girl to put her entire body on top of mine and hold me through the night. I want to feel her breathing on my neck and lick her face while she's got her arms around me.

I wish you were right, sadly she just keeps pushing at me. This isn't the first time.

>and lick her face

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user, you're desperate, it isn't as nice as the imagination portrays it to be. She's not fat, she's around 110lbs I guess, still, you can't sleep like that.

OP has never stepped foot inside a dorm room and his entire perspective of dorm life is based on TV and movies.

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Do you have experience with that? Please describe what it's like touching a girl. What she feels like, smells like, tastes like, your thoughts

Nice trips, I don't live in Burgerville tho so I have no idea what kind of dorms you guys have. I live in a dorm-flat. We each have our cozy room, but share spaces like the kitchen. There are like 4 bathrooms on each floor and 2 kitchens. There's 20 people per floor.

I don't like "touching" them unless they take a shower first, so they just smell like those female shampoos. Going on through the day you'll smell their hair, if they're tidy they'll wash it frequently, so it smells pretty fresh. They just seem kinda frail.
>tastes like
College girls don't wear that strawberry lipbalm anymore, so you can't really say they "taste" in a certain way.

What does her face and other parts of her body taste like. And what does it feel like touching her body and have her body against yours?

user, first of all stop masturbating to my posts.
>body taste
This is not regarding every woman, but they like to use that body milk, so their body feels smooth and has a faint milky taste.
Unless they go the extra mile for you and get that strawberry lipbalm (they ALL like the strawberry, take note) their lips don't really have a specific taste to them.
I don't go for their cooch unless they wash it first, in which case it'll have super faint saltyness, but the fact they took a shower makes the experience feel more fulfilling.

Fuck I wish I could experience that. So, Chad, how do I get in that position? I calculated my average on soc and they said I'm 8.72/10 but I still get too nervous when talking to girls.

I'm not a Chad, I'm still autistic af, just like you. The reason these whores like me is because they didn't experience my autism yet, you need to learn to hide it. Always say less than what you were going to, don't drool over them and stand your ground, give them some treats (compliments) from time to time, but don't go out of your way just to give a compliment.
Also, dating apps, flirt with girls then take the experience to irl. Also meet some girls you flirt with. It feels more natural if you both know what you like, makes the conversation choice easier.

missed out beta cuck

I've tried talking to girls and some approach me but lose interest once they see how nervous and quiet I am. I'm always too afraid to make a move or have been shut down when I try. I tried tinder once but got really nervous and deleted it when I got my first match. But I have picked up girls online in video games. I can only act normally there and have gotten nudes before. But real life is like another universe. How do you even become friends with a girl or get closer?

I wanted to sleep, not stay up all night.

This is obvious bait dum dums

Quicktip: You probably don't know this, but when you get nervous you won't seem like you're enjoying your time with the girl, learn to smile and appear like you are "free"/got things figured out/can be cheery.
You don't need to go for every girl you see, play around, if she notices you, you're already half in.
Use meetme instead, practice on girls that aren't 10/10 to train your nerves.

I try to act calm but I can't stop worrying no matter how hard I try. My heart rate and blood pressure get so high that it feels like my heart's exploding. It gets worse when I'm too nervous to talk and she's doing all the talking and I'm just saying yeah. I think way too hard about what to say so it doesn't get awkward.

Always have a few lines prepared as a buffer, listen to what she says and ask her about something she mentioned.
Even if you're nervous, smile.

It sounds easy beforehand but it is always different in the heat of the moment. I can never think straight

>itt we act like we don't understand made up stories

Imprint the buffer questions into your mind. But practice makes perfect, flirt on dating sites.

This isn't the first thread I posted, there were other instances
>inb4 you are required BY LAW to fuck every cute girl that knows you exist

I've been flirting with girls on snapchat that I met on video games for 2 years now. They all think I'm good looking and I can easily flirt online. I've gotten tons of nudes. Practicing hasn't helped.

>don't really feel like dealing with her bullshit cause sleepy
>prepare some hot choco

you failed her shit test. you need to tell her to fuck off when they don't let you sleep at night. now she is going to bother you at night again and not have sex with you.

Go out of your comfort zone. Flirt on dating sites. Set a selfrule: no talking about games

Alright. But when I was talking to girls from video games I had a plan/script to get nudes and it almost always worked. Not really sure how to have a conversation. With girls I've met at school it's always school related.

>not have sex with you
I'm ok with this
I consider this returning the favour. A week ago her and a bunch of her drunk friends made me some sandwiches.

Make different scripts for different occassions

>I'm ok with this

smart man you don't want to be falsely accused and get fucked by Title IX discriminatory polices against men.

I don't really worry about that, it's more of that I don't want a sexual relationship with someone I see every day.

>I don't really worry about that

well you should because your education and career is on the line. one false rape accusation and you are out there is no justice in that law.

I don't live in Burgerville where females masturbate to false rape accusations

do women have the right to vote where you live then? because you are fucked either way. Women are going to change the laws to discriminate against men just look at what is happening in Spain.

My country is pretty conservative. Let's not go into details, also this isn't Jow Forums.

>My country is pretty conservative

don't matter son you are beyond fucked if women have the right to vote in your country.

stop making these reddit screencap bait posts I swear to god

Frien, this isn't Jow Forums, we're not all crazy here.

God this shit happened to me to.
>sister having sleepover with friends
>playing HOI3
>one of her thot friends comes into while I'm organizing my OOB
>"user I can't sleep"
>give her one of my melatonin and a glass water and send her back off to my sisters room
>have to start reorganizing my OOB since I lost track
I wasn't even mad man 30 mins of autistic organization just to be redone again because of some inane bullshit.

I don't understand why you're so bothered when I share my experiences, what's wrong with it?

not crazy I am telling you the truth male morality is based on abstract thought and female morality is based on emotions. your society is not going to have justice if you give women the right to vote because justice is all about abstract though.