Manlet General

Who else pathetic manlet here?
Im 178 cm thats 5'10 in retard

Attached: qlnVygz.jpg (533x800, 125K)

same height, just be confident bro

i am 23 years old and i almost had sex once, there's hope for everyone

i cant care any less about sex, i just want to be taller
22 btw

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Nice bait , 5'10 isn't Manlet, try being 5'7

Nice bait, 5'7 isn't Manlet, try being 5'2

Hello, fellow 5'2" user. We meet again.

5'2" isn't manlet, try being 4'11"

5'9" skeleton is suffering.

How are you holding up? I think this whole Manlet shit is the lead cause of young male depression. I'm young, but it doesn't bother me being short

It seems to bother the barely short more than the super short. I've known shortness my whole life, but they're suddenly panicking.

Don't beat yourself up over being short, it's nothing you can change, so don't care about it. You have to realize that it's not that important of a factor that women consider when looking for actual loving partners

I think this is completely true for a lot of people who want to blame their height as the reason they don't have a gf

>178 centimeters
>tfw im 172
>but at least i live in south america and im kinda tall here
Feels kind of good lmao
But im still a ugly piece of shit kek

>>kinda tall here
Dood, 172 is like average male height here.
t. huefag, um e oitenta masterrace

Br's are tall but im from chile and i live in a city full of peruvians and bolivians
They are the ultimate manlets thats why i said that
T. Chileno prusiano (negro) y que wea

r9k truly is zoomer island now

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What's with dynamicfags and doing everything they can to get banned as many times as possible?

ahh a fellow weon here

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I'm a 6' Korean.
That's basically 6'3" by Asian standards

5'10 is BIG BOI tier, I am 5'10 and I am a BIG BOI!

I'm 176 cm. Feels pretty unremarkable I suppose.

Wena weon que lo trae por r9k camarada?
Toma un (You)

lmao kys fucking manlet scum

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