
Fight the sissy menace edition


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right on broother

Life is always a game of basketball
You've got to shot the fags at the club

Pretty sure they just want to buttfuck each other. Eradication of straights seems a bit removed from their scope

all weebs should die

Every single fucking day
We have to see a faggot thread
This is how they want to get rid of us

Brothers, we must unite with out friends at Jow Forums if we want our board to survive. Their ideology is the one of the good old days, of traditionalism and of strong communities. I implore you to look into the jewish role in pornography and lgbt movements, look into who's behind the media, look into israel's role in the middle east or at the very least keep an open mind to our Jow Forums breatherin. Remember brothers, divided we fall, united we stand. Heil victory.

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>gays have tons of meaningless sex
Of course they do

>secretly loves trap porn
I'd like proof of that, and one person posting trap porn and pretending isn't enough

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Bigots you cant be proud of being str8 because privilege
Jk yall based carry on sarges tbqh ajajajaj

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>he thinks there's a meaning to sex

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>there's no meaning to the very thing that creates human life
Of course a homo wouldn't get this concept

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How does seeing a faggot thread get rid of us though? The threads don't reduce the number of breeders.

literally none of you want to procreate so why are you bringing up reproduction anyways? straight sex is as meaningless as gay sex

>Gets on Jow Forums
>sees r9straight thread
>Pic Related

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Wish I had a cute gf to impregnate right about now.


He is a bump, you guys! I am gay but I think its cute that you straights think you can keep up a general thread

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You're alright... I guess
Now run along

Yeah, let's make more derpressed people kill themselves for failing their family
Fuck off, we're all men, no matter height or dick size

They can't even keep a thread up lol


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Men lmao a 5.5 manlet with a 4 inch boiclit go take your estrogen user or take your place and be a sissy bottom

And I want to shoot my load in your beta robot boipussy

Has a /r9straight/ thread ever hit bump limit before it gets archived? If this hits bump limit I will eat my words

I won't be any of those
I can just pay a hooker btw
>They can't even keep a thread up lol
The first few threads we did faggot

HH brother. Tell your friends and family of the good word.

Not him but no, I try to bump but there is no conversations just angry posters that reply or post once

>literally none of you want to procreate
I do get owned

Still creates an emotional bond that can lead to reproduction

Gayness is mental illness
Stay educated robots

>Robot Place
Tinder is for robots
Being gay is normie

How many fags can a lightbulb screw?
Well if it has a dick, maybe two or six

kys nigger faggot
Noone wants you here
Gays are not robots
Trans are not robots
Traps are not robots

alright alright, since you asked nicely I will leave you guys alone to a tread that will eventually be archived. Enjoy my last bump *kisses you on my way out*

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ew fuck off
if you want to post your
>tfw no bf
or other gay boasting
go to /b/

I'm a straight so I'm allowed to say it.
I'm reclaiming it from our oppressors.

You're fuckin' nuts like the swag of a fag

How can you fight the sissy menace while being a massive faggot yourself OP?

Also what the fuck there's no porn in this thread

>There's no porn in this thread
Check. The. OP. Image

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Don't give into (((their))) lies. Jews play a big role in the pornography industry, its perverse metamorphosis into what would have been unthinkable 20 years ago and in LGBT movements. They're doing this to KILL US. JEWS HATE WHITES AND THEY WILL NOT STOP UNTILL WE'RE ALL DEAD

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Lot of deleted posts in here.
Here, take my bump. I might not be hetero myself but I'll support the thread anyway.



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the deleted posts where faggots that posted their faggy images and attempted to derail the thread. It's a relief to see jannies doing their jobs for once

OP image drew me in, thanks I love it

Also, do you dipshits unironically believe this or are we all pretending to be retarded?

In the middle z we're tired of seeing fag threada everyday so why not counter that?

I miss the sharpie in pooper era from actual bitches

boipussy is just man ass

Fuck fags
I hate seeing their agenda being thrown around
we need to take back our board robots.

No father should ever go through this

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No one should ever go through that.

Fuck that's extremely depressing how does he live with that

Unironically none of the father's business, and I don't even like traps/trans shit

See, I don't get why people do that. Happens all the time in /lgbt/ which is why I left that shithole. Let people have their generals. I don't get why some are compelled to antagonize.

>tfw straight but dont want to have sex with females, I just want them to peg me
Anyone else?

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Everyone in this thread is a bigger faggot than the posters of /r9gay/, genuinely. We have an entire board to post on and you choose to obsess over a bunch of queers.

Lets get rid of the faggs by saying what we fap to.
>Big tits

I got news for you buddy, you're not straight

This is now a gay thread breeders get out reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Dick is objectively superior to roast change my mind straightfags

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Guys I realized one thing that prevented me from fapping to traps

traps are literally male roasties. they exhibit the same soulless attention whoring as e-thots except on chans and imageboards.
They're tainted. If they were monogamous an kept to themselves I wouldnt hate them nearly as much
Think about this before you fap;
ass roasties

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>If they were monogamous an kept to themselves I wouldnt hate them nearly as much

How the fuck are they gonna find a bf though if they just sit there?

It's the eternal r9k problem: people who try to find a bf/gf are roasties and chads, people who don't just sit there posting TFW NO GF over and over.

When's the last time a trap tried to bully you user? Or make """fem""""""bot""""""" threads that litter this place now?

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Why do they think that posting their gay shit makes their point more valid?

They either
A. go through dozens of "bfs" which are basically online one night stands and then wonder why nobody wants a "serious relationship" with them
B. never settle down with anyone and act like an online prostitute for attention

You can find people online in other ways than acting like an e-whore. With this method you're guaranteed to find people just as shallow as yourself

There's a lot of asspain in this thread for supposedly straight """people"""

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yea were butthurt cuz you nigger faggots took over our board
now go back to /b/ where you belong


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ALRIGHT ALRIGHT guys can we please go back to propagating the straight agenda! Just give no attention to the faggots. From here on out just talk about straight shit like tits and hating minorities

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Can we settle on a truce? /r9gay/ and /r9straight/ co-exist, with hearty shitposting from both sides

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Yea. Our.
Traps and gays are not robots you fucking cocksucker.
now go get aids and die. like the loner you are

fembots aren't robots either, don't you know user?

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>Can we settle on a truce?
no fuck you.
gays are not robots
and they would rather push their unoriginal agenda down our throats

Yea. and id rather fuck a woman then fuck another guy
so if you would
please fucking neck yourself fucking loner with no bf

If you really cared about the state of """our""" board, wouldn't it be smarter to get rid of the femoids first?

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you can't be gay and a robot

homosexuals are an elite protected class in the west immune from actual hardship beyond petty personal issues
you can get accepted anywhere on virtue of being gay

oh it's you again, hating on sissies because you can't one.

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What the fuck did I just said!!!
>Just give no attention to the faggots
Are you some kind of faggot yourself? Or are you just retarded

Also people who self-refer as "sissies" are usually the bottom tier pipimpled ass overweight traps who get off on cringe tier humiliation

When do I get to cash in my gay privilege? It sounds an awful like white privilege to me user, when's the last time you were racially profiled and sent to jail or shot?

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I see you stalking trap threads, whining about the exact same things every time.

Lose some weight and stop being so boring and maybe you'll find someone!

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>because you can't one

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Are you any different from the people who say you cant be white and a robot? Or educated and a robot? Or live in a first world country and be a robot?

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so insecure you had to reply to 4 different people to defend yourself. Admit it, you're a fat unnatractive """"woman,"""" who lives vicariously through anime pics he found on the internet that he'll never achieve in real life.

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>wouldn't it be smarter to get rid of the femoids first?
at least they dont start a fucking huge ass thread with 400+ replies with the same super unoriginal titles
>Are you some kind of faggot yourself? Or are you just retarded
No im not retarded
im sick of a bunch of fucking gay people sitting on this board.
so fuck you.
you can ignore them if you want
wow you proclaim yourself as a sissie?
what a fucking loser.
go get a fucking life fat trap loving fuck
and take your std ridden asshole with it."

The same people propping up the whiteprivilege myth are the ones fighting to push the gay and tranny agenda in every major media outlet
If I criticize homosexuality, I would get fired from my job and barred from future careers
if my black coworker insulted whites he would be unaffected

even if you dont support it, your kin do

I agree with this guy
we as white people get the fucking worst treatment out of everyone in this world.
because the fucking faggots who do get the worst transfer over to the minority groups so they can shit on everyone else.

nah he's replying to me but I actually haven't posted in a single r9k trap thread so I dont know what he's going about there

they always assume it's the same obsessive person when someone reasonably tells them to screw off

Giving the faggs attention is just what they want you fuck. You being a faggot and complaining and getting triggered that a few faggs are shitting on your board is pathetic. They live off the (You)'s you feed them

Lmao we have successfully triggered the straightfags

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Only cause fags spam these threads with gay shit, which is so disgusting I have to leave the thread.

What you find attractive is so vile and disgusting to me. It's proof of your sub-human nature.

Im just wondering how'd the LGBT community end up on Jow Forums.

>constant straight sex and kissing all over every form of media >one gay couple kiss on some tv show >REEE THIS IS LITERALLY GENOCIDE FAGGOTS ARE LITERALLY HITLER BOOHOO

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Doing my contribution to the thread .

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Gays are welcome as part of the victim minority club which means any criticism directed at them becomes 'x-phobia' and a thought crime backed by angry mobs who will hunt down the offender.
if youre an artist or musician who is gay, you will ALWAYS find a way to be promoted on the basis of your sexuality

tf it's so pink inside. Pleasantly surprised.

Not much into furries but she's actually really really cute
9/10 tiddies, would be 10 if lactating

yeah lol proof? What's your account and on what platform?

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actually you wouldn't get fired for that
its just -free expression- when it's the other way around
Remember: Hate requires 'prejudice + power' in modern context.
Since you're gay it would just be "punching up" at the "straight establishment"
in fact if they fired you for that you could sue them for discrimination.

Twitter mobs will not hunt you down and get you fired for bashing straight people.
But LGBT on the other hand is a holy cow



Hi, token gay here. Trannies must be destroyed. Thanks for stopping by.