How do I learn to code?

how do I learn to code?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>pick a language
>pick a simple project
>google whatever you don't know

Google codeacademy. Good site.

sites like this are trash.
use a textbook if you actually want to learn how to create something yourself. All the sites do is trick you into thinking you're learning anything. All you're actually doing is copying.

Depends what u want to do? No reason to learn proper languages if u just want to webdev.

>He just does the exercises instead of using it as a vantage point to figure out the best place to start and discover new terms.
Brainlet detected. Reading a textbook will get you nowhere. You actually have to get your hands on a keyboard if you want to learn anything.

try to do something you dont know how to do but want to:

1. open editor
1.5 write code
2. compile
3. fail
4 go to step 1.5

repeat until you know how to code

1. Download MS Visual Studio
2. Read pic related

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Use the new boston on YT

I'm using that exact book as a means of keeping my monitor higher up on my desk

Use SoloLearn

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>Select your Editor
>Select your Language
>Enter Code

>can actually program basic programs no problem
>tremendous difficulty reading/making sense of documentation
>sloppy indentations and naming conventions that are difficult to improve on

The constant learning process of reading documentations for projects you're employed to do renders programming a job I am incapable of doing. Absolutely impossible.

I'm such a brainlet. Can't the documentation word things in the same way I write?

Go to Jow Forums and then click on the sticky, their wiki has a section on programming resources.

If you want to learn to make websites then go to the /wdg/ general which has lots of resources in the OP.

Watch youtube tutorials. You can find entire rundowns of languages and all the fundamentals of programming. Then download an IDE and start typing away.

Udemy has a few courses, they ar eusually on sale for like 95% off

Honestly though OP, you have the entire internet at your disposal, you could type in "how do I learn to code" into google and find a website telling you the exact steps, you have tons and tons of documentation on languages, you're even on a website with an entire board dedicated to it, yet you made this thread anyway, I think you might as well just give up if you can't even figure out how to learn.

programming is a huge and diverse field. first you have to get your feet wet by doing online tutorials, taking courses, reading, etc. once you get a feel for it, you should start learning a language, and start making small projects. once you become comfortable enough to use it without referencing documentation all the time, you should try finding an entry level job. then move on to other languages according to preference/needs/the state of the job market.

also, be prepared to devote a lot of time to it. you can't learn programming in a month.

Why not? I did a maths degree.......8 years ago....i work as a cart pusher.

well, if you have the time/willpower to actively study a lot every day, you can obviously learn faster. im learning frontend dev myself, and i don't think ill be comfortable with my knowledge for at least a year, but maybe thats because im a liberal arts boomer brainlet.

You do know you can use a keyboard AND a textbook, right?

I once tried to make a pokemon romhack but even assembly really confused and frustrated me

>uses duckduckgo
based AF

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Assembly is literally the hardest shit..

it seemed really simple on the surface so I'm glad to hear it isn't an easy one
I really want to go back and give it a shot, but my brain doesn't seem to work for coding

Try C.
Yeah it takes certain type of brains to be able to program but it gets easier when u understand that its just using same kinda things over and over again to make functions.
Hard shit is in 3d and shit when u have to apply real math

Good money tho and feels gr8 to success

?? assembly is literally the most basic form of programming. it's the building blocks of every other language
like what are you morons even saying

It is really tedious to do anything in asm. Literally lowest level after binary

Well, no, machine language is lower than assembly.

Yes but rly no one should code asm nowadays just saying

>every day
I cart push almost everyday for 12 hours. I need another job before I can actually study. Or die there.

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idk I'm the one who didn't understand it, I don't know one way or the other
I only did it because that's what pokemon crystal was coded in and we have the reverse engineered code available

>want to code a loop
>cry as u do all the goto and jmps yourself
>gotta remember what all the registers are used for

Pick a nice easy language to start with (Java, Javascript, Python, or Ruby), and get a textbook that teaches it. As you go through each chapter, practice what you learn by writing code and understanding what the book is telling you. Debugging is half the skill in programming, and understanding how to track down errors and fix them will help you understand your code much better when you get it working.

Some places are better than others at documentation. I've been working on cuda stuff recently and nvidia's stuff is really annoying to try to make sense of, but for many of the more common languages like python or java there are sites that will re-word everything and display information in a much more presentable manner than the companies that maintain the libraries.

>want to print 'hello world'
>30 lines and an emulator later

Is programming worth learning if I'm 21 and already failed out of college? I looked at 12 week boot camps but apparently people make fun of those online. I feel like I missed my chance.