Fembots, tell me how to get out of this mess

Fembots, tell me how to get out of this mess.

>tell my girlfriend I cheated on her because she's super adorable and I wanted to see her cry
>she does cry
>tell her I was just kidding
>she says she isn't sure whether she can believe me and that the trust has been broken

How would you fembots handle this?

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I'd tell you to go to Jow Forums or /soc/ you fucking faggot

It'd be funny if she ends up believing you cheated on her and kills herself over it lol

Yeah, you're too fucked up to have an emotional connection with some one, I'd suggest just doing hook ups.

Huh? I don't think I'm fucked up. It's just flattering to have someone cry over you.

>tell my girlfriend I cheated on her because she's super adorable and I wanted to see her cry

I honestly think it might be for the best that im an incel. Crying girls make my dick diamonds so i'd probaly just end up doing shit like this.

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>hurting people to get a self esteem boost
>not fucked up

Look, I know this is larp but just in case you end up doing something like that irl, say something that can be proven false you fucking retard

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You broke her and there is no going back. You could've just shown her a sad Youtube vid but you did this like a retard. You will break up, prepare for it. A girl did the same to me with a different fib and I instantly lost any attraction and trust for her.

I'd break up with you on the spot. If you're telling the truth then you're a cheating shitbag. If you're lying than you dont care about me enough to care for my emotional wellbeing.

Essentially you're a piece of shit either way.

>If you're telling the truth then you're a cheating shitbag
Good luck finding someone that isn't. The only people who don't cheat are the people too lazy to.

lmao, talk about hysterical. Are those silly female emotions playing tricks on you again?

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>specifically works to upset his girlfriend
>surprised when she's upset
No need to see a doctor.
The autism is terminal.

Bullshit desu, moralfags exist

And they just get fucked over until they stop being one.

No way, you're fucked in the head and are actively ruining your relationship. Hopefully she leaves you.

It was just a one-time thing! I'm always good to her otherwise.

It's funny, I know exactly who made this thread
That's fucked up, dude, I hope she leaves you

you should have just made her watch some sad dog movie you autist

I don't believe anyone is actually this heartless and retarded. This is a shitty RP.

If this is real you are a psychopath.

Girls leave men standing at the altar and dump their fiances for other men all the time, and you think that me playing a prank on my girlfriend is outside the realm of possibility?