Is it redpilled to dump your girlfriend if she was raped, *while you two were together? *

Is it redpilled to dump your girlfriend if she was raped, *while you two were together? *

I'd dump her. She'd be fucked up beyond repair and I'm not being Cuck.

Is this degenerate?

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If you were raped by a big black man would you want her to dump you?

Depends if it was legit rape or 21 century rape.

You stay if its the first, run if its the second.

It is redpilled if you kill the man
If not, you're just a cuck lmao

Invalid question

Dude if she has an orgasm during a legit rape then it's game over for our Sex life. Her threshold will permanently be fucked and I'll always think another man had his way with her while I'm sexing her? No.

Also her being raped basically would imply she was stupid enough to put herself in a compromising situation without me around. On that principle alone I'd dump her.

Redpilled. Any sex with another man will leave a mark on her and will permanently weaken the bond you two have. Dump the bitch and never speak to her again.

I'll give you advice. I have not seen anyone given people this advice so I'm not blaming you or making fun of you.
Don't browse Jow Forums if you are stupid or underage.

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Funny. Here's a reply

How is this invalid?

You hunt down the rapist and end his existence. That is unironically the non-degenerate and non-cucked way to deal with it.

What if she put herself in a dangerous situation to prove that she's a feminist and then gets raped? I still think it's her fault

Honestly,ide just offer to put her out of her misery. Rape is bad,even if "it isn't that bad". No one will like her,she'll get mentally scarred into thinking all men arr rapist or some stupid shit and honestly the list of damages she will get could fill a novel. It's like,yeah,I could buy a used car but it's obviously this low of a price for a reason. May as well trash it and move on. That's what ide do.

a lot of women lie about being raped to avoid being called sluts, tough if she was legitimately raped i will not dumper and ill try to fix her, while hunting down the rapist and after i deteminated that was a true rape i will end the rapist life, and keep her with me and try to fix her libido because i can please any woman better than any rapist

She wasn't raped, she fucked someone else and decided it was a bad idea after the fact.

Let me guess, she:
Didn't get a rape kit done
Didn't call police
Didn't tell her family
And the "rapist" acts like nothing happened.

Wake up cuck, she screwed around on you and the person didn't want to be with her. To save her horrible ego she claimed to be raped.

No, you rape the fucker. Discarding her means he took her away from you, making you a cuck. Getting him arrested helps reduce your cuck level, but raping him back to assert your dominance reduces your cuck levels back to absolute zero and gives you a reputation, making other males fear fucking with you.

To add, if she actually cheated on you and you raped the guy, other males will fear approaching her, making you uncuckable.

I'd leave her ass in a heartbeat. she wouldn't be traumatized she would instead have the great orgasm of her life and want more. Women are degenerate.

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>She'd be fucked up beyond repair
You're saying no one ever overcomes the trauma of being raped?

That's exactly what I'm saying. Fuck off

Women will lie about being raped.

Women have lied to me about being raped.

"Fuck if he finds out I slept with this total stranger he will leave, its not my fault I was drunk... oh well I dont even know this guy so I'll just say I was raped and that I dont remember anything or I could drop his name to make it more believable since I really dont know this guy I really dont care and this is for our relationship since I see a better future with him and dont want to fish for someone that good for my future"

This is literally how they think.

>Is this degenerate?
No. It is being quite ruthless, but it's probably the best and most practical move. Unless both of you manage to move past it, which is not that likely (she could develop a fear or men or sex, or maybe some kind of complex if she orgasms during rape, etc., while you might develop an inferiority complex for not being able to "protect" her), it'll cause problems later on that you're better off avoiding. Better not cut it off immediately though so you don't look like a jerk. Just slowly fade out,