I turned 19 today. Is it all downhill from here, lads?
It's my birthday
It gets harder but you have no other option but to win
No you still have time to transition
Pretty much unless you go on Grindr and TOP sissy twinks or get TOPPED
I wish I could slap you zoomers. Downhill starts at 25 and it becomes a vertical drop at 30.
Try being 22 and a half nigger
I see. I wanna try and turn my life around now. 18 was the turning point where my birthdays felt meaningless.
Fuck you, faggot. I grew up in a millennial household. I hate zoomers and I am saddened by my own generation. I hate boomers who associate all Gen Z stereotypes with people who grew up after the 90s.
>I hate zoomers
>is zoomer
Kys yourself
t. 18 years old boomer
Only thing worse than a zoomer is one who is "le wrong generation".
You have to be actively working against yourself to fail zoomer, you kids have it so much easier.
I turn 21 today
It's up to you
My condolences.
God, the point just went over your head. Literally neck yourself. Are you thick headed or some shit?
>I hate zoomers
>I hate myself and my own generation
Fucking gay, learn to control your emotions and hatred, you pansy.
Did you let any robots fuck all your boiholes today?
You gonna drink tonight? 21 is legal limit in US, unless you're from somewhere else.
Did u find Jow Forums 3 days ago retard?
European, been drinking since I was 15
Mommy gonna buy me a car, so no excuse to not getting a job anymore
I might drink by myself but meh
Ah, well happy birthday and had I been there, I would have had a drink with ya.
And I'm saying that you're just a stupid zoomer who wants to feel special by identifiying with previous generations, and fucking millenials at that. Don't say you hate zoomers, you're just as pathetic as them - as everyone else on Jow Forums is - except in a different way. Really, how can you talk shit about any group of people being the individual that you are?
>inb4 ackshualy I'm an aspiring Chef at Wendy's, have 50 close friends, fucked thousands of sorority girls, etc
Thanks senpai, appreciate it, honestly and originally
Happy Birthday user, let's make the most of our youth while we can.
I'll be 19 on Sunday...
Stop being a faggot on a bday thread
Damn, you gonna also ask for my sweetroll too? Fucking faggot, GTFO this thread
You're welcome dude. Take care.
We'll make it count. If anything I've learned from my previous birthday, is that even when you're depressed, you got family, and that's the purest form of love ya got.
>tfw 24
the ride never ends user
>tfw 26
>tfw it's already been 7 years since I was OP's age
You got one year to change things. One year. After that you don't have a snowball's chance in hell.
Downhill or uphill, we all end up with the same fate. Remember that, user.
>i can do in a year what i didnt do in five
A slim chance is a lot better than no chance. 25+ people stop giving you the benefit of the doubt.
>tfw 27 and never had a gf.
3 more years lads till this ride is over.
You just reminded me of this
Incidentally 19 is the year where things started getting really progressively worse by the year. You should mostly listen to this guy though. There are a lot of opportunities for you to do shit in your early 20s, pretty much the most. Try to see those years as valuable and try to pursue something even if you are miserable and just feel like none of it matters.
my life has been ascending since age 22. I still get down, but everything has been continuously improving.
When I was 19 I was still in high school so no you don't have it off that bad go to college get a good job don't become wage cuck I'm 26 pissed off College and I'm going to blow my fucking brains out
That's good user keep going
I turned 19 a few days ago aswell, although 16 is when everything started to go downhill rapidly for me. Good luck with whatever you do.