What kind of girls do you like anons?

What kind of girls do you like anons?
Describe what your oneitis is like
My oneitis usually
>Secretive about their thoughts/feelings
>Doesn't wear lots of makeup
>Not promiscuous
>Doesn't have lots of alcohol or take drugs
You know the innocent type I'm talking about?

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Bump I want to know what other anons like

Fat, nerdy, ugly, lonely, depressed. They usually end up being sluts or having nasty personalities though.

Fashionable, cute, thin, actual model

I'm the same but idc about them being a model. The only other thing I need is them to be intelligent and not a whore.

Definitely into innocent girls. Probably due to my homeschooled, conservative upbringing, where almost all of mSmarty friends were conservative/christian.

>Likes music/art
>Down to earth

I naturally mesh with people like this, a balance to my more reserved self. I've only really met two grills like that, ones 4 years younger than me and still underage (We're still friends though, she cool.), the other lives in another state.

The wild thing about there other girl is I'm pretty sure we had crushes on each other when we were in church activities together many summers ago, and now she's back for the holidays. I saw her in church, but she didn't see me. I'd really love to reconnect. But I'm scared anons.

long wavy black hair (though I do like redheads)
cute sloped nose
thick eyebrows
I do like freckles
really like Indians and Persians
pear-shaped body - thin on top, small tits, big ass

> personality
low drama, agreeable
open to new experiences, curious, adventurous, outdoorsy
supportive, optimistic
interested in the arts

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For me personality is the most important thing. I can't be attracted if I hate their personality. After that I go on how they look.

Definitely. I can feel attracted to almost anyone with a good personality. Especially if we share interests or have complimentary personalities.

>Tfw other people literally try to be my friend
>Tfw it's always been easy for me to get friends
>Tfw have BPD
>Tfw have been friends with every single person I've ever had a crush on
>Tfw always get progressively closer to them
>Tfw always end up disliking them
>Tfw drift off from every one of my crushes
>Ywn never have to fear having a oneitis
Only ever dated one girl, and it was in high school. Lasted two months. I was worried the entire time about her deciding she didn't like me or that she had a crush on another guy, so it honestly wasn't fun. Plus I was super shy so any time I saw her I wouldn't even talk to her because I was too anxious. Top it all off with the fact that I was constantly switching between loving her and disliking her and you get the start of your depression.

OP here. I've never got past being friends ever. It really hurts when you feel like you're getting close only to be shot down at the end.
I'm going to tell my oneitis on Friday who might meet up with me (I made it clear I was just asking her not others).

yeah .. totally the innocent type for me too ... totally.

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over 20 years ive totally killed the part of me that is attracted to real women. even looking at a naked one does not give me an ereection

Black girls. Dark skinned black girls. Or just darker black girls.

Don't have a oneitis but I do have a girl I talk to regularly. We tried dating but it didn't work out. So I guess now we're just talking.

I don't really care for chasing girls or getting laid or any of it. Talking to her is nice and she's very no-bullshit conversation-wise which I've noticed with a lot of black girls so we get along well. Hopefully things work out but if not, oh well.

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I like any girl that has jokes and is independent not submissive.

last practice gf was really leaning into some outdated gender roles at least for my tastes. I was probably also shitty but she would always say i wasnt a gentleman I dont think i fit her ideal idea of a bf. Either way she was upset when I broke it off. What do you want me to do? just pretened this is working when it ovbiously isnt?

Almost every single one of my major crushes in life:

>Is somewhat masculine
>Has at least two big hobbies that she's really into
>Has a good career or one she's passionate about
>Has a good balance between playful and serious
>Is down to earth
>Is a lesbian, and therefore would never have any interest in me

Oh wait. Fuck.

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I unironically dont mean kids you nonce. I mean the ones who don't talk about sex or drugs etc openly.

yeah ... I get that. But I do ... unfortunately. You asked.


Art hoes who read 20th century literature and listen to hard rock. petite but still have feminine curves, long hair is better - in any color - or all the colors...
But my real dream is to find a late 30's academic Stacy who wears Gucci and Chanel to make me her Toy Boy and go totally Pygmalion on me - buy me nice clothes, tell me what to read, how to act, takes me fancy events. Gives me a high society education.
A gigolo. I want to be a older woman's gigolo!

i only like girls that are lovingly mean

>tfw a sucker for abusive gfs that have issues and use drugs
why do i always ignore the good ones?

Because you are afraid of commitment, so a girl with issues always means the relationship won't last?
You don't feel you're entitled to a 'good' girl so you become intimidated and don't try to court them - while abusive girls with issues you feel you're more 'entitled' to?
The sex?

Intelligent, naturally pretty with a bit of tomboy type style. Laid back, and open minded.

>brown eyes
>not fat
>no makeup
>doesnt drink
>dont care if does drugs but no stims or IV
>doesnt care if I do drugs
>smart enough to know she is not smart
>no social media
>has a hobby that she doesnt talk about to randoms
>doesnt try to be funny
>doesnt try to be nice
>doesnt try to be anything
>not dead