Socially conservative

>socially conservative
>economically center left
What does this even make me? And who do I vote for?

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Vote for trump so thr us doesnt become china v0.5 with hate speech laws and trannies everywhere

economics are way more important than any social issue, so always vote left

>caring about politics
hello, boomer.

don't care about economics that much though. i don't really understand it well, i just know that free trade and pigovian taxes work very well, and i don't really suffer economically under right wing governments ever

Democrat when the right pushes retards like trump

definitely, my province's conservative party pushed a trump like retard and i ended up voting libertarian because i couldn't stomach voting for a moron

Third way. Fascism, Carlism, and Reactionary groups are probably your speed. If you want eft-wing economics, National Socialism(Nazism, Falangism, etc.) are probably more your speed. If you're in the USA, your opinion is not voiced, sorry.

i'm not against immigration, if anything i want more of them because they have more traditional values and have a tendency to convert to Catholicism if they're not from the middle east

imagine not being a Georgist

or it becomes just like China, ruled by billionaires, putting muslims in internment camps, imprisoning journalsits, etc etc.

Trump on Xi Jinping: "He's now president for life, president for life. And he's great. And look, he was able to do that. I think it's great. Maybe we'll have to give that a shot someday."

china would be an ok place to live if the people weren't so shitty and the buildings actually had central heating

I used to be a georgist but now im a titoist

The Bernstein San Andres.
Ironically he was the only Jewish presidential candidate in today's climate, and he's trying to take the fight to the Jews.
>opposes Israel more than anyone else
>takes the fight to the Jewish owned big banks
>takes the fight to the Jewish billionaires and mega corporations
>takes the fight to the Jews on Wall Street
It's literally the next best thing to deportation of Jews. A realistic solution. It is taking their ill-gotten profits and hoards of gold, and balancing the economy. These are the only direct blows (((they))) can take directly without it being persecution.

Of course if Bernie was elected narrow minded, hard-liner Republicans would lose their god damn.
But it's better than Antifa chimping out in the streets, rioting. Because we know the right wouldn't react that way.

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what gives you the idea that i'm antisemitic

>What does this even make me?
Patriarchal or at least have what Lakoff calls a "strong father" model of society, strong sense of tradition, prefer individualist leaders to communal, believe in strong punishment but you believe in a strong welfare net and universal and even educational access for all but not with much regulation and red tape for business? Medium tax levels?
>And who do I vote for?

Nothing. Just advocating the right thing to do, and the right things to oppose.

A fascist, basically, although it's hard to tell from just saying you're "left" or "right" on such broad topics as "society" and "economics."

Do you mean that you prefer traditional social orientations, and if so which ones? Do you want to go back to 1950s America, or 1850 America, or are you a neo-pagan or what? Or are you some kind of atheist futurist who has been lured into promoting traditional societal structures by statistical data and recent scientific inquiry into human behavior? Do you think we should be free market with more socialist institutions/protections/regulations? Or do you think we should have centrally planned economies, or no money-based economy at all, or that we should have more free markets than we do currently with more emphasis on social safety nets based on families and local communities instead of government institutions?

It's always worth remembering that the left/right dichotomy illustrates the nature of the First Past the Post voting system and the two-party systems it inevitably generates; it was not developed to accurately represent the totality of political views or how the average person holds those beliefs or what philosophical basis those beliefs arise from.

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You'd have fit in in America during the 50s and 60s probably. The "old left."
But name your social conservative positions and your economic center left positions. On the internet I don't have a frame of reference what "center left" means in your country.

Look up liberation theology

This makes you a fascist. Keep in mind, that a poor but moral society is much healthier than a rich but immoral one, so economics are not as important as social issues. Vote right in most cases.