ITT you prove me wrong.
I have a feeling that women are generally stupid af and have a sheep mentality. In most cases.
They tend not only to be extremely lookist, but also have they a tendency to rate sb's opinions not by what the person says, but how this person looks.
They also tend to exaggerate the advantages of somebody who is considered attractive by them and also they are getting more aware of common interests between them. To this degree that they tend to ignore the other ones.
Some real life example.
I've got a buddy, very tall (6'5 or 6'6), handsome and also charismatic.
Let's say that we were talking about Bob Dylan. It was a kind of a small party, but at this moment only me, him and one girl were talking in a corner (the girl itself also appeared quite intelligent and interesting).
I begin with talking that I like Bob Dylan, I made some constructive opinions about his music. The reaction was quite bloodless, like "yeah yeah user that's nice that you also like it".
Now here comes dat boi and tells that he also likes this.
The girl gets excited, admits that she also likes Bob Dylan and they have a nice conversation despite the fact, that the guy is already in relationship and he doesn't give a fuck about her.
That's what I am talking about.
I have also noticed that the way how the girl get picked up is quite humilitating for them and they do not really care of this. Sometimes even when you tell the most sophisticated things you can get rejected by this iconic chad talking shit like "ahhh fuck i have an erection gurl" just because he looks better. And I am not saying that on my case, but on the cases of my friends, who I know really well.
This is bad.