How strong is your hatred for women?

How strong is your hatred for women?

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Nonexistent OP friend

I hate them and fear them

Take another look at your picture it says it right there

Men want a long term relationship that has meaning not some used up bimbo who still wants to ride a different cock every night

I mean I despise most of humanity so up there with normies I guess.

I don't hate women but I think women have turn in to spoiled children that need to be reminded who is in charge.

I used to feel hatred now it is mostly disgust or lack of interest. I had a chance to fuck a chubby girl, I was seconds away but I ended up leaving cause I just didn't give a fuck anymore. I sometimes wonder if this entire site is a jewish psyop to keep low-quality men from dating at all. If so I support it, means my ugly genes won't be passed on.

They are dumb animals

Most of the time the exact opposite is true though, while there are some outliers most guys don't actually care about romance nearly as much as women do.


>I support it, means my ugly genes won't be passed on.
But roasts' ugly worthless garbage-tier 2/10 genes will be passed on multiple times, completely invalidating your whole masochistic "evolution knows best" argument.

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Neckbeard thread

Ew. I find it hilarious girls like this are so desperate to date but any single man without kids meets a single mom with three kids he's gonna be like "fuck no"

True. But at least my hands will be clean.

have you ever seen Midnight in Paris? romance kino

>have you ever seen Midnight in Paris?
Yeah, I have. Great fucking movie made by pedo Woody Allen.

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That's a more potent argument. There's no greater evil than bringing more lives into this world, into this goddamned thresher, providing more pain for the pain gods and more flesh and blood with which to lubricate the wheels of civilization.

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aight good taste just watch like Blade Runner or Rushmore and don't think about anything hating women is bad for your complexion

I dunno, I'd say women tend to pretend to like romance more, but that's about it. In about every classroom and workplace I've been to so far, you'd have like 20% of men be dudebros, 30% ultra conservative and the rest is the mix of robots and cyborgs who never actually thought about sex. Women would be 80% thots and the rest is cool girls that never talk about sex, so whether they're closet thots or just pure, I'll never know.

Then again, never been in an environment where the great majority of people were above like 25.

I "hate" women and relationships the same as I hate knifes and their ability to cut.

Nice to look at, they really draw the eye. Sort of satisfying to polish them a little, just really sucks when you cut yourself on them by accident. Best kept in a fastener on the wall and used with caution and a clear mind.

It depends of the person. If she has no interesting personality or is a shitty person, I really fucking hate then.

Very fucking high, i just hate every femoid on earth

About the same as I hate everyone else. Women didn't make me a robot, I did that myself. I use to try to misplace the blame but I've stopped at this point. I did this with my own shitty decision making.

Women over 25 basically want the same thing but they also realize they'll have to settle for beta bux if they want a comfortable married life. Women lose their energy/ambition/etc earlier than men and end up as housewives if successful.

Why are you here retard? We're here because there's nothing worth fighting for. You should be a [insert strawmanned buzzword] too.

My anger towards women has declined but then again so has my testosterone. I have no energy, my balls are shrinking, and I have no strength. I don't see the point of relationships anymore because my options now are single moms who will want me to get a real job.

I don't think you're right. It's not bad living. I mean. It sucked. And many times have I seriously contemplated just ending it. But the pain is soon gone and soon we'll die anyway, so I don't really get the point of anti-natalism. It's like "Well, who cares? You'll die anyway."

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Hard to say. Intellectually I understand that there's nothing objectively wrong with them. It's society that's wrong. Women really shouldn't be given equal rights if you want everyone to have healthy relationships. But that doesn't mean they're bad.
However, in learning the truth about this, I've started to become annoyed with every woman I meet who looks at all like she might be a roastie or a "strong woman" or anything like that. Plus, I've noticed that I have a double standard for men being rude vs women being rude, which is that I hate it infinitely more when women are rude. I don't know why exactly.
So I don't think I hate women, but subconsciously when a girl makes me mad at all I have a tendency to go into "fuck bitches get money" mode and stop seeing her as a human being with feelings.

>It's like "Well, who cares? You'll die anyway."
Yes, (YOU) will, individuals will, but the machine will keep grinding along indifferent to your anguish and the anguish you knowingly inflicted upon another being by literally ripping it from the void and bringing it into this world, giving it form and forcing the myriad horrors of entropy and chaos upon it against its will.

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I loathe women more than any other living being on this planet. Women are contempible whores.

Don't worry bro, you'll have eternity to live in the eternal nothingness and void.

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They are 'bad' only in the way that they too have the capability of seeing what they wrought and not use it or develop it. Sometimes a guy can see that gleaming forth under all their bullshit.
Most are very busy with shoving attention-gathering and distractions over that it, so they never have to confront that part of themself.
It seems to hurt them when they step back, notice how they act and what the consequences of their lives today are, but then they shove that insight away and continue with the same path.

Personally I feel that is a big part of the cause for the submissive and self-degrading habits many show and that some robots feel so disgusted by. They want to feel sufficiently "punished" for their wrong-doings, but want to continue with them at the same time. Changing those doings instead is not on the schedule, they would only do so if society views or some 'stronk dominant' person forces them to.

Strong enough to have been arrested for assault on a female

>tfw managed to get the charges dropped
10/10 would assault again

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Greentext please.

Based and redpilled, friend.

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who is self sufficient cynicism? I would like to read up on him.

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Try Diogenes


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You can find loving romance movies aimed at women too, OP, just not aimed at Americans of either gender.

notice the word "for"

notice the words "incel" "beta" and "virgin"

out of 10 possible hate, I hate them 10

Are you asexual or would you ever date/marry a girl?

I think it's a sign that there's something very wrong with her, unless the father died tragically. I think a widow is more attractive than a single mom who obviously has issues.

Pretty Damn strong. At a certain point, it was just me manifesting my hatrrd for myself, due to being undesirable to women. In time, however, that's changed. Now I actually do hold some amount of contempt for their gender. To be fair, I also feel contempt towards the male gender as well, but in a different way.
In reality its probably just my bitterness but nowadays I feel glad when I overhear women talking about their fucking stupid dating choices. If I cant be happy romantically, it gives me some amount of satisfaction to think that women also might not be happy romantically.
Without needing women, I wonder how many men might have actually been happy in this life.
Romantic relationships truly are not the road to happiness, despite what we've been taught

Hatred? Eh. I'm more just afraid of how laws have given them the power to make my life hell if they so choose.

>so I don't really get the point of anti-natalism. It's like "Well, who cares? You'll die anyway."
Lol this is why society will always be shit. High Autism Quotient fuckheads like you who lack sufficient mirror neurons to respect free will and agency
You are literally evolved for simple society, where you must knowingly compete for resources with others whom you know will also die.
People like you who apparently can't understand that other people are actually just an aggregation of experiences, just like you, and thwt your whims aren't more important than their's.
Congratulations, you are everything wrong with the human mind

You spout hot air, but do not give one argument

more like
>romance for men
>beat up a disabled girl so frequently she has to change schools then hound her for years until she develops stockholm syndrome and falls for you

I see most women as nothing but degenerate children but I respect a few of them.

>but do not give one argument
Argument about what? There is no argument you damn fool.
You asserted that you don't really care about the experiences of other human beings.
I correctly identified that pattern of thought as detrimental to society. I love that before a certain point of intelligence, everything is debatable.


Women ARE children

Not him, but why should anyone care about anyone beyond their family and friends. If some guy came up to me and said "push this button to kill everyone on earth except for you, your family, and your friends. If you choose not to, you will die.". I'd push the button without a second thought. You greater good faggots are so weird.

I no longer care about getting married, let along having a gf. They seem like too much of a hassle.

I feel like you can't really read, and/or think in abstractions.
The point that I'm making is that the scenario you're describing is not conducive to an ideal society.
I curse every day I was made to walk this earth without the capacity for delusion that normalfags have

Why would I hate them? They're doing what they're conditioned to do.
Do you hate your dog for peeing on the carpet?

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>but why should anyone care about anyone beyond their family and friends
>why should somebody call the ambulance if they see my child attacked by a dog
>why should someone help me if I lose consciousness in public
What are you, fucking 15?

We're talking about 3d women.

I realize, I'm talking about them too.

I'd say there's no real reason to get involved in a relationship. If I want some tiddies or ass, I'll jack off to some porn.

Why have an ideal society? I personally would like a society where people are free to do pretty much whatever they want as long as it doesn't directly hurt anyone. What would yours be?

I'd probably call the ambulance if I saw a kid get attacked by a dog. More for me, because I'd feel bad if I didn't. I'd hope that someone would help me if I lost consciousness for the same reason I'd help the kid, but they don't have to. Are you 15?

It's slowly changing from hate to contempt, where the hate just turns toward myself for my own loneliness blinding me.
>two girls I've known for years
>both text me out of nowhere after at least nine months
>"want to come over for a movie" and "I miss you"
>try to schedule with them
>neither can follow through or cancel repeatedly
>both also had trips to the hospital for excuses, but at least one had some consideration to send proof of her jacked up arm
>neither are good at planning or considerations in the six years I've known them

Dealing with both of them makes me feel like I'm babysitting toddlers that don't know what they want or they just need attention after a break-up (more rebound shit). Since I've known them for so long, I shouldn't paint the whole gender as doing this but I've had more incidents than just these two
>dated one girl for a month but broke up due to her clingy behavior and need to pick apart everything I said
>then immediately hopped on an ex's dick, which she was allowed to, but it just screams "easy rebound girl"; basically a slut
>another girl I could only date for two weeks before breaking for similar clingy behavior
>still offered to sleep with me if she found someone else
>much later told me she slept with an ex behind her new fiance's back
It all feels like a waste of my time.

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You should hate the jewish influence that made them this way.
not even pol user swear to god.

sauce on the anime and is it good fren?

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Basing your opinion on fiction? What.

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you srsly dont know koe no katachi?
it was adapted by the same studio that did chuuni you dumbass.

On a scale from 1-10 it's about a 0.5.

Pretty fucking strong, been improving myself for a few months now. Know if I hopped on Tinder I'd easily have a few sluts to choose from, but fuck I don't even really know if I want to date anymore. Women are just so fucking despicable. Maybe I should just go back to getting stoned and playing video games, I know it's killing me but man, if the alternative is watching some bullshit reality tv show and pretending like I don't want to throttle this vapid whore then like, why bother?

I've got a pol browsing sibling who tells me the same thing, though he came to the contempt conclusion sooner. He already realizes they're just incompetent and want to be controlled. Case in point, he's already got some random chick he recently met online in second life sending him birthday gifts in the mail. He said he doesn't want to manipulate her anymore but was shocked at how easy it was and how natural it seemed.

Pic sauce?

>Life has no meaning until you give it one
>Logical Positivism
I've seen this somewhere else but never read anything about it. What are some authors who talk about it in-depth?

You can find pre-jew rants by old greek motherfuckers bitching about the same shit.

That's Hot. I would also take a girl doing the same thing just so long as both of them are virgins.
Or really any story where virgins become lovers for life and never have any other sexual partners (unless widowed, unintentionally)

>women were snakes since the dawn of man
how the fuck did we get to this point then?

Related to you pic op
>what is harem anime

>harem anime
you mean cocktease?
this shit is always three or four bitches owning one guy and he either ends up with one of them or with none


I don't really care anymore.

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I hate idiotic women, like any idiots, as much as the next guy here,but what a fucking cherry picked OP image

This thinking allows their habits to persist though.

It's an endless cycle, can't you see?

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except your gay anime movie is for kids who aren't fucking yet and Bridget Jones' Diary is a comedy relying on the audience laughing at her stupidity. Nice try, next time compare manga aimed at young men vs manga aimed at young women and it'll be the opposite of your point.


Basically this, I no longer feel like real women are worth it. I'm saving up for this pure doll who will be mine and mine alone.

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I hate women as much as I hate men. So quite strong.

My nigga. Dolls/robots are the future.

>How strong is your hatred for women?

Very weak.
It crumbles when one smiles at me.

Isn't that just existentialism?

Don't be moralfag, virgin.

I was not aware they could look this good...

I gotta say I hate men more, women are not often pedos, footfags, trannys and tend to have a minimum IQ of 80.

>tend to have a minimum IQ of 80
and a maximum of 95

Still better than a 60 IQ male who is prone to violence and can't bother to wash.

Duhhhhh hehehe men bad, womyn gud, cuz dey purdy heehee

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They're not pretty? They just take showers and don't have disgusting paraphilic obsessions with children, feet, turds, etc.

I'm saying I'll take an average harmless brainlet over a turbo brainlet that smears feces on the walls.

>I gotta say I hate men more
They are simply not relevant to me.
As I do not want to fuck them or have a relationship with them, I deal with them only if work forces me to. So what should I care?

Wish I could manage to care as little toward females too desu.

>women don't have any fetishes
for some reason I don't believe you

1. Most child molesters are female
2. They're all obsessed with rape, degradation, submissive masochism, and other similarly disgusting fetishes. Moreover, they let these paraphilias define their collective existence in really creepy, insidiously gross ways; feminism, for example, is literally just a massive, international subconscious BDSM larp, where they use half-baked Marxist intellectualism to talk ad nauseum about how much Chaddy daddy wants to oppress, objectify, and rape them.
3. They're anything but harmless, and the only brainlet in the vicinity is you if you think any differently.

Evolved more from hatred to disgust. Every girl at uni has been infected by the feman virus

>most child molesters are female
Could you at least post a source that isn't co opted by nambla discord shills?

you sound like a huge faggot lmao
come over to my house so i can fuck you