I recently just asked my this girl to be my gf and she said yes...

I recently just asked my this girl to be my gf and she said yes, and today I went on her laptop when she was in the bathroom and found out one day earlier then that she told her ex she missed him and wants him and loves him. I asked her when the last time she texted him was and she said over two months ago. What do I do, I feel so upset, confused and sick and I just wanna cry and throw up. Please give me advice I really don't know what to do rn.

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Consider suicide amoga

free of charge

Fuck her then dump her. Let her cry over her ex alone if she wants to.

I wanna confront her about it but I feel like of I do it's not gonna end well and that's what I'm scared about

if being your gf means burying your cock in 'er, then keep er busy w your bone, shell move on. if ur a hghschooler crying like a faggot over a girl u havent even kissed, figure out how your weiner works b4 crying about how yer girl is cheating on u.

What is the alternative though? Do it now so this shit does not drag out forever and end with her leaving you for him anyway.

nah honestly best idea is to go out on top or confront her soon. bc if not she's gonna get back with him after a while and leave you after you've grown attached and it's gonna hurt moar

Not asking her about it will make it worse for you though

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I'm 20 and I've already fucked her

or u could always kys, user. hs faggotry, ur bound to be back on tomorrow crying like a bitch about something.

Leave her and get boi pucci

Yeah, tomorrow I think I'm gonna bring it up. Should I tell her the truth and that I was snooping?

no thats not a powermove bc if you get past it she won't trust you...just say "i keep an ear to the street" will be badass

As someone who was in a similar situation, the best thing you can do is accept the fact she still has feelings for her ex. She may be using this relationship as an effort to try and move on, unsuccessfully it seems. Accept the situation, cut your emotional attachments. You can either confront her about it, or ride this out with the knowledge that she loves someone else despite being with you, which probably means she'll leave you eventually because her ex knows he can get some easy pussy & emotional affection again.

If I was in your situation OP, I'd be completely open and honest about this. Ask her straight up if she still has feelings for her ex. If she says yes, that's all the reason you need to not take anything seriously between you at that point. The next thing is important though, don't get mad or be upset with her. The moment you do is all the justification she needs to get back with him. Say "okay, I understand" and leave it at that. Love'em and leave'em. Go get some fresh pussy when you're ready to go out into the world again.

Nobody knows about this not even her friends just me and her that's the issue so I can't say I heard it somewhere cause she tries hard to hide it. My only option is to say I snooped

Yup. If not, how dafuq did you know?

Just talk to her about it before it becomes a bigger problem

I already asked her and she said no and she said she hasn't talked to him in two months so I don't trust anything out of her mouth anymore

say you ran into the fuckin guy then. you're a highschool fag anyway this is all irrelevant

Dude, stop putting these bitches on a pedestal. Dump her. The more practice you get at being ice cold the easier it becomes.

I'm second year uni and she lives in her hometown that's not really an option for me

>My only option is to say I snooped
No it's not OP. A lot of individuals wonder if their partner is still in love with a previous ex. Ask it with the angle of you wanting to be completely honest with each other about where your relationship stands.

And I have and she has lied to me and told me no. That's the big issue here is that she's lied to me and is hiding this behind my back and pretending like it's not even near a possibility


Even though now I have proof that it's happened I took photos and everything. I'm very tempted to just get out of her bed walk home and just dump her the photos and say bye.

brit fag confirmed, lets wrap it up here boys

Canada actually