Do men even value love anymore?

femanon here, so I'm talking to a guy on r9k and we're having a conversation about virginity and I was telling him how'd id like to save it for someone I love and he just tells me he wants to get rid of it asap which makes me kinda sad because I want love and romance and it seems like most men just want sex and that's it.

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femanon here. i too feel like most guys look out for just sex for the most part. i hate this hookup culture we're in. my body count of 6 people dwarves in comparison to people in my age range desu

I fucking hate you OP.
Your brain is dumb, and I am only doing this to save this image

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You're gonna get old and cucked by young stacies

Just date an older guy or a guy who grew up in a religious Evangelical or Mormon family.

You just go around LOVING people. If you did you might waste your time and get your heart ripped out.

Considering the entire concept of the value and purity of virginity is entirely a social construct, and not even a universal one...

Who cares what anybody "does" with it? I guess it depends on how sexual a person you are, but considering that sex is awesome I can't blame anyone for pursuing it. And if you're not that sexual then it's fine, keep away from it for however long you like.

Though I will say that it kinda sucks for mr right down the line as when you start out you're going to be really, REALLY bad at it. Everybody is.

just don't* originaldesu

Insecure guys on Jow Forums are not indicative of guys in general.

beta cuck chad here, gotta think of it this way
women use it for emotion
men use it for a release of desire
the only way men make love is they actually love you

>Men think love is not important for a marriage or relationship.

>Gets angry when a woman chooses a career over a loveless relationship.

I do care but when I show it normie girls thinks it's a fucking weakness, not to mention the fear of commitment they usually have.
When I talk about the future, plans, dates, dreams, it feels like I'm exposing a weak point instead.

Shit is annoying and why I avoid relationships that tend to be mostly over lust since that burns out so fast.

user, 6 is still a lot...

For me personally, I've given up on love because I don't think there is any woman out there who would be happy spending the rest of her life with me. Nor do I think that I would be happy spending the rest of my life with any woman out there.

Sex still feels good though, and fulfills and burning craving within me.

>you can't get cucked or hurt if you don't give anyone the power to do it to you.

They already have that power to hurt you, sadly. Blame being a human, and (afaik) it is worse for female with your social-centric minds

You will catch yourself angry and hurt at their happiness on the socmedia accounts you stare at, at the closeness between the couple you see before you in the cash-out lane, at the baby pics your bff shove into your face.
You will regret the chances to be hurt not taken, and you won't even be able to blame that shitty cheating guy you fell for, or the whore that seduced him away from you.
Just yourself.

>he just tells me he wants to get rid of it asap which makes me kinda sad because I want love and romance and it seems like most men just want sex and that's it

I want love, but women do not like virgin men.
It's not that they just want sex, it's that their virginity is an obstacle to them ever getting a gf at all.


If you aim for that "best guy ever", who can have girls more interesting than you with one tinder glance, what do you expect? And do not claim that some of those 6 were not just that.

And love, well. Many guys tend to forget about that once the one girl we fell deeply for turned out to either "just want to be friends" or be busy with raising that bodycount.
Sex is all that is left at that point.

being emotionally attached to women is dumb as shit. Get a dog and bros for companionship, fuck women because it's usually better than jerking off.

yes, closeted fags value it much
I simply want to find someone to give him everything I can
I would be fine with being platonic lover, were he straight

I don't date crazy people and christians are just wacked

That's why I stopped looking for women and try my best not to fall in love.I don't want to stop being human.

>most men just want sex
Yes but they also want a maid, cook, ass wiper, you know, their mommie they fuck and get to boss around and treat like a dog.

They want to play games all day, yell for you to bring them something to eat and while they eat they play their game and you have to give them a bj.

And we get nothing in return from them but promises to raise the seat when they take a pee or not act like a baby in public or embarrass you in front of your parents by belching and picking their nose at the dinner table.

Everyone is different my sweet prince, some males are like that others just say to slide easier into your dms.

With males it's different sex is seen as a right of passage in some male groups. Like Chad for instance brags about this chick he fucked, whilst our robot friend holds out for years "waiting" for that special someone as he slowly masturbates his sexual drive away.

So everyone is different, it's a fact young people are having sex earlier now, partially due to porn.
This idea that sex is special has for the most part faded, it was a thing of the 40s.

That's my ten cents fem user.

This. Virginity among men, especially as you grow older, is a sign of low social standing. To a guy, being a virgin is really the only sort of insult that can sting. For a girl, the incentives are inverse, but those incentives aren't as strong as they used to be. Guys would love to have love, but in the current environment, most men are fairly desperate for anything from girls, and so will gladly settle for sex, and then maybe hope something develops. Look up the pareto distribution of sex, itll give you a pretty good idea of why things are the way they are.

Wowee found the feminist who think the only thing relationships consist of is man who is a literal dog.

A relationship like the one described would not last something or someone would have to give.

i've dated guys who were religious before, catholic now that i think. i'm personally leaning on being a secular humanist myself. but for all i know maybe god is just some guy with CERN from the future that went back in time to create all these religions. the oldest socially accepted age for me is 34 but idk how i feel about wading into those waters.
>tfw he says he loves u
>get pressured to let him cum in me so we can be ""special""
>"femanon i don't want anyone else to have this with you" "i love you"
>physically hurts me he luvs me so much when i try to leave him for bein a narcissist sociopath
feels bad man
;__; i know but all were longer term relationships except two where one was rapey and the other was complicated
picrel ya dingus
my judgement of guys isn't the best, not 10/10 chads, some maybe 8/9. i go for shared interests more. but all the hypersex expectation now a days makes me shy to date again and connect

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we're not allowed to say that we want love and affection and romantic things, so we just call it "sex" and get lumped in with all the abusive dudes who actually only care about sex
but women choose abusers anyway so it doesn't matter. men think they can turn a hoe into a housewife. women think they can turn chad into a provider

Yeah and you expect the girl to give and give and give and then she cannot give anymore with nothing in return and then she stops. Then all of a sudden the manboy wakes up and begs and slobbers and cries don't leave and then the threats come and the intimidation and waving a handgun around or a ballbat, saying if you can't have me no other man will have me and then you murder and you defense is she didn't love me and tried to leave for no reason.

That or he just beats his wife, to describe the man in this relationship I see a red neck/farmer.

you all only care about sex, sex, sex, sex. even those of you that dress like girls and beg men to play with your boipussy or feminine penis blame it on women that won't have SEX with you.

are you kidding. a redneck farmer knows his redneck wife will kill him in his sleep with a hoe if he smacks her.

It's not that men don't want love. It's just that if we're known to not have had sex it's a huge avenue for being mocked. Hope you find what you're looking for.

i mean that's a different kettle of fish right there
>narcissist sociopath
not really anyone are they

I keep trying to lose mine and I think I'm gonna stop. It just feels stupid, and plus when I think about sex for the first time and how awkward and weird it would be it seems to me like I'd only be able to go through that with someone I love and have it be a good time.

But that's not gonna happen so uwu

I had this girl I was hanging out with, liked her a lot, wanted to have a long term relationship. She didn't take things seriously so I purposely made sure to not have sex with her. I'd rather have a relationship with no sex than sex with no relationship. As long as there is cuddling. That's all I really need.

>value love
I've been hurt too many times user

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R9k seems to have more thirsty wannabe manwhore types with the influx of normies.

I felt that user. I felt that.

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If virginity would be an obstacle for men to get laid, everyone would die a virgin. The lack of basic logic is what keeps you from getting laid, you literal retarded waste of space.

normies come from /b/ and reddit, because R9K use to be what /b/ was like when i first started browsing it minus all the normies

>my body count of 6 people
Underrated bait

Most guys swallowed the redpill and realized that love doesn't actually exist

>If virginity would be an obstacle for men to get laid, everyone would die a virgin.

>all obstacles are insurmountable

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Reality is that we are all so scared to love, you know. A lot of people have seen things that traumatized them so badly that "sex" is the only thing that can make them intimate with someone without all these too risky repercussions.

I actually didn't use to give a fuck about sex when I was younger and I fell in love with girls... One of them I even waited like a year to have sex with the first time with no complaining at all... But in the modern world you get stabbed in the back everytime and everytime all your efforts just go invain to the point you just want sex with protection and no more.

I'd like ti actually fall in love again with someone, but I got so fucking paranoid that I ended up only manipulating women to have sex and that's it.

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Was with my virgin gf for 7 years, both of us never had our first. Saved it. She broke things off a few months ago. Some other guy is going to woo her and take her virginity in no time at all. I should of worked on me and just fucked her within the first month. Regret it for life.

That said, I loved her for so much more than sex so it was never a do or die thing at the time. Hindsight though, god dam.

Most men are aware modern women are incapable of love and leave/cuck you eventually by now

Go for a Jow Forumstard. The ones that aren't edgy teens know their facts.

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Assuming everything else about me was a 10/10, would me being a male virgin at 24 actually be attractive to some women?

actually he's ((an elected official that goes to conventions to vote on representatives)) a wolf in sheep's clothing. he tries not to shit where he sleeps, so behind closed doors is where it happens. crying over anime(i like anime btw), made up jealousy and raging, alcohol sippy cups because he broke too many glasses before while playing vidja, then outside is a pseudo-chad. he called me mom more than a couple of times so i kinda feel that

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im not even going to lie i did this shit in my last relationship
never again honest to god i want an equal not my mum