Hikikomori General Thread

This thread is for people who are withdrawn from society and don't leave their bedrooms or one room apartments for very long periods at a time.


>The term hikikomori is a Japanese word that when translated into English means pulling inward being confined acute social withdrawal in context of a person the term refers to a shut-in who does not leave their bedroom inside their parents house for very long periods often for months or years at a time however contrary to popular belief some hikikomori go outside but only for necessities or emergencies

>Most hikikomori are neets and are supported by their parents or get money from the government however if you work or take classes online at home while still not going outside you are still a hikikomori but not a neet

>The Hikikomori Criteria and Diagnosis

>1. Spending most of the day and nearly everyday confined to home
>2. A marked and and persistent avoidance of social situations and social relationships
>3. Social withdrawal symptoms causing significant functional impairment
>4. A duration of at least six months
>5. No apparent physical or mental etiology to account for the social withdrawal symptoms

People who go to work school or have a social life are not hikikomori.

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>tfw no bedroom that's actually just a room with a bed
That must be so nice to have a room that's so empty where you can go and be free of all distraction.

What is he doing all day in a empty room? Why always asian guys are hikkis?

I would guess that's not the only room in his house. Hikikomoris are an east Asian phenomenon because of the particular social pressures placed on people there; other places aren't quite so uptight.

>That must be so nice to have a room that's so empty where you can go and be free of all distraction.

So comfy.

>Hikikomoris are an east Asian phenomenon because of the particular social pressures placed on people there; other places aren't quite so uptight.

This is true hikikomori does exist in other countries but it is not as common like it is in Japan.

>What is he doing all day in a empty room?

He probably only has a cell phone for entertainment or maybe it is a separate room attached to the other part of his bedroom.

Am I Hikiko if I go out only to work out night entirely alone?

thought about cleaning my room today. seems like a lot of effort, i don't know where to start

>Am I Hikiko if I go out only to work out night entirely alone?

You mean like work out at the gym?

I think that makes you a shut-in, or a quasi-hikki I guess.

>i don't know where to start
Literally anywhere. One step at a time. Here's a protip: the first step to getting anything done is breaking it down into as many bite-sized steps as possible in your head.

No, you're the average introverted normalfag.

Before I broke my streak in August, I didn't go outside for 2 years.

Oh no, I meant work AT night all by myself.

>Oh no, I meant work AT night all by myself.

No it doesn't hikikomori don't leave to go to school or work but you are still a recluse.

Last sentence in OP.

>Last sentence in OP.


>Before I broke my streak in August, I didn't go outside for 2 years.

How did you get out?

>thought about cleaning my room today. seems like a lot of effort, i don't know where to start

Post a pic of your room

I always start with my desk and then procrastinate the rest of the room forever. Then I scoop the laundry off the floor whenever I run out of clothes.

Im gonna hazard a guess to say that asian males are the smartest, and with that intelligence comes the realisation that nothing is worth it - and since suicide takes such a huge effort, the only thing left to do is stay inside exerting the least amount of effort and risk.

why havent you kill yourself yet?
what are you waiting for?

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i have given up hope to such an extent that i no longer hope for death

I have one childhood friend that it would absolutely devastate. We basically only have each other.

> seeing the good in yourself
> enough so that you project it and see it in others
> wanting to save yourself and others from suffering
> wanting to prolong life of any kind
> prolonging life even at the extent of your own suffering

you haven't gone deep enough - or you are a masochist

i suspect you are just stupid and optimistic

stupid yes, optimistic not at all

>why havent you kill yourself yet?
>what are you waiting for?

Escapism and entertainment keep me alive.

That's one way to put it i guess. user lol