all i want is to talk to one semi interesting robot but making threads about it is roastie behavior
Fembot thread
Are you interesting enough?
Originally original
>are you interesting enough?
>all I want is to talk to a semi interesting robot
Well I already failed.
probably not im just an dumb woman
awesome i saved this and you deserve your (You)
Appreciate the honesty. thank you and goodbye
>Are you interesting enough?
It's the mans job to be interesting.
>probably not im just an dumb woman
So why why do you think you deserve someone interesting?
i said semi interesting
im not interesting but can i play with your butthole anyway?
Girls don't go on this board.
>avoids question
Which is still interesting...
I like to consider myself interesting. I have no proof you're an actual female, however.
how fucked up and lonely are you to be on this board?
Can you prove you're a girl?
>all i want is to talk to one semi interesting robot but making threads about it is roastie behavior
No, what's roastie behavior is:
>Encouraging orbiting
>Having sex with lots of different men you meet online
>Sending nudes to people you meet online
>Having Borderline Personality Disorder
>Watching porn regularly
>Having a strained relationship with a largely absent (physically or otherwise) father
>Talking about your sexual fantasies/fetishes on discord servers
>Wanting all sex to basically be an affirmation of how worthless and trashy you think you are (degradation)
>Posting on lolcow
>Obsession with drugs
Case in point: Meilleure, Eliza, Sunny etc.
Do any of you "fembots" seriously deny this? Look at your peers on this board.
im only probably uninteresting (as opposed to certainly) and im only asking for a semi interesting robot
i also never even implied deserving this
sure, but not here
Hit me up on Discord.
Tacitus Kilgore#2502
How would you rate yourself?
>wah im a fembot im not a roatie i just want someone to talk to because i'm pathetic
Honestly I love a pathetic lady, but the men on the chan prefer traps or "totally legal" lolis. Just own the roast, roast.
Most of those "fembots" threads, usually are caused by those who want to
A: Create chaos and distortions
B: Destroy the trust between the sexes even further
C: Dig at people's insecurities to invoke a negative reaction from them and/or show the world how desperate bots can be (sorry guys, but control the thirst)
This thread for example, exemplifies point A and C; mainly to show the desperation in, already, desperate, sulking, pathetic simps. I honestly don't know your true intentions, but, statistically, they are probably baleful.
Also, add more points if you. Fembot and non-fembot.
Hello. I'm You can add me at: pretender#4258
okay, i agree with you
maybe you should say this to them instead, i only check one of those boxes
in terms of what? looks?
why didnt you add that before
Body and face
6/10 originally i GUESS
the types of people who you will end up talking to from making threads like this arent the ones youre looking for, they arent robots. the ones throwing around their discords are just thirsty /soc/ cross-boarders who will give you a bad impression.
Getting into contact with a real robot isnt an easy task because we are very pessimistic when it comes to contact-fagging. We arent the guys who just keep swinging frantically until we land a hit.
>someone entertain me
>oh btw I have a vagina
check ur vagina privilege
Got a pic to share?
Robots gatekeeping robots. Wew. Discord and contact-fagging is pretty fucking shit t b h
No hes actually right but it doesnt even matter at this point
ok then whats even your discord or whatever?
You know, I find this interesting.
Assuming you are female and what you say is
Even on here, where you are anonymous and there is no way to get judged as desperate or odd by it, and you have full control of how much you'll give out, you are not willing to read threads and think "Fuck, now that guy wrote something funny or interesting or totally blew someone off. I will just say Hi and throw him a tempmail. Maybe he bites, maybe not"
Instead you still make an extra thread, proclaim the existence of your vagina in bored state, sit back and wait for the guys to approach you.
It is odd as hell, as if you girls have a psychological block against even considering doing it any other way.
You sir have made my night with this.
But if you don't make a thread, how else can you be an attention whore anonymously? That's why Hiro should add usernames and a voting system. Bring image-boards to the 21st century