28 khv here who never ever had a date

28 khv here who never ever had a date

I managed to get a 6/10 girl for a date tomorrow through tinder
What to do?

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help robots
I am thinking about not showing up

My gf says no one wants a 28 khv, get off Jow Forums.

why though, better to try than to not try

What? why?
We matched and I took a deep breath if she wants to meet. She said for tomorrow in a bar.

I have zero clues what to do. What clothes should I get on, if I should shave or not, and what to do on a date..

You're already doing really well, just make sure to actually show up and not stress yourself out to hell and back about it.
Pat yourself on the back, you've done more than I or many others here have in years.

Dude, I know it sounds cliche but honestly just be confident and be yourself. I only get myself nervous if I think of it as a date, simply think of it as "getting to know someone". That way I don't have the pressure in my mind that I have to impress someone. You will do fine, keep us updated :)

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shower, shave, deodorant, neat hair, button up shirt, pants, no shitty tennis shoes, ask questions about the things she says, pay the bill. not that hard retard.

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If I am myself I can literally talk about movies or video games. Nothing else. I have zero clues what are normies talking about.

>no shitty tennis shoes
I have only nike tennis shoes. Is that really bad? Should I buy shoes from a store before the date?
Also how should I ask it, what should we do when we sit down and make our orders.


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literally anything that doesnt look like this.

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How did you get a date OP? I have like 50 girls on Tinder I haven't spoken to yet because I dunno what to say what do you say to make them go out with you?

If you are nervous about what to talk about then, simply ask and listen. People love to talk about themselves and really appreciate when people simply listen. Maybe you might learn that you guys have some things in common. Or you could also talk about basic things such as your classes, weather, etc. Its just like any conversation, DO NOT feel the need to impress her.

I have this. What do you think about it?

As I said. We matched, I took a deep breath, said hi. She wrote me back hi. And I told her as I see she is not very far away, and asked if she wants to meet up. She told me time and place and I said ok.

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okay but she won't start to talk by herself when we sit down.

Take her to Mcucks

>As I said. We matched, I took a deep breath, said hi. She wrote me back hi. And I told her as I see she is not very far away, and asked if she wants to meet up. She told me time and place and I said ok.

That is gangster as fuck OP. I don't think I could pull that off.

When I asked her if she wants to meet up I had a feeling like I rather want to destroy my phone than read the message.


Just matched with some new girl and she's just messaged me first fuuuuck what do

Please don't ever use the word gangster as a compliment ever again, it makes you sound like a retard who worships mumble rappers and criminals.

>he is not worshipping gangsters and criminals

Tell her all about your Pokemon collection user
Bitches love Pokemon

should I take my switch too?

shower shave your face make sure you dont look like a greaseball overall man

go to the date i will kill you if you don't
i hope oyu make it op

Wind your neck in m8 you're boring