Sloppy kisses edition
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Sloppy kisses edition
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yeesh ANOTHER unwholesome whore thread title and pic
for fucking shame
good night fellow eurofags
xth for being pure and saving yourself til marriage
>tfw no bf to hate trannies and their chasers with
How tall do they need to be user?
French kisses are gross.
Make it yourself next time then
nah no thanks i hate generals and normalfags
bye bye
truly, amon did nothing wrong
How do I know if my boi pucci is ovulating or if someone put glass shards in it without me knowing?
I was on the last thread and fucking hell, the cringe.
It's full of hormonized gays and manly jaw traps.
>tfw I'm a tranny and gays hate me for no reason
no one spells it pucci for starters, if youre trying to get a genuine reaction at least make it look real
based and wholesomepilledd
hey can someone bully me? preferably on discord so it can be deliberate.
There is absolutely a reason lmao, why do you think that people shouldn't hate you?
Calling a butt a pussy is just cringe in general fuck off
I'm gay and I have nothing against transsexuals
I don't think majority of LGB has anything againt Ts
I as an individual dindu nuffin
Can trap faggots please btfo? you'll never be a woman.
lolz I do.
Um, I've seen it spelled that way before. Are you a newfag?
Also, I'm schizo and I'm paranoid that I was drugged and commie niggers put glass in my butthole out of some sort of vengeance.
I'm a disgusting virgin lol
Yeah but do you represent the majority of people tho?
I could but I won't because you're not worth my time
Normie LGBT culture isn't inherently hateful of trans people, it's just the people who think they're a made up gender or don't think they need to pass to be acceptable in society that get bashed.
What exactly do you believe? That you're a woman, or that you just want to be a boy that has boobies and a girlcock. I'm asking for a reason that might give you insight.
Most of people really feel disgusted with mentally ill persons.
Half of the people in this thread should feel disgusted all the time then, most of you are depressed or have some sort of social anxiety/ineptitude
What tells you they don't feel like it? It's easy to pretend being nice and inclusive.
Majority of people have a family member or relative that has some form of mentall illness
I seriously doubt they feel disgusted by their loved ones
Not everyone is your family.
that deeply hurts :(
I'm a girl with the body of a boy, for now
There is 100% a reason
Nice burn, epic style!
LGBT in general is a fucking joke. Nobody ever had problems with lesbians, and bisexuals are irrelevant. Trannies are freaks of nature and should be treated like mentally ill which is exactly what they are.
Only the G matters.
Thank, that's basically a tl;dr for this whole inclusive joke
Alright then, if you personally believe you're a girl that unfortunately has the body of a boy you have honestly no reason to be in this thread, if you were asking why the people here in specific hate you that is.
You're not gay by your own standards, you're straight (an assumption but for sake of explanation) so there is honestly nothing to really relate to here aside from the "tfw no bf" or something. Almost all of /lgbt/ is kind of catered towards trans people, and they'd probably not really needlessly hate you unless you posted a picture of yourself and you get jealous hons coming after you.
Why gay guys in general hate transgirls, not sure. A bit of a reach would be that people are jealous of you for the attention you get from other guys, and that kind of carries over into the thread.
The other kind of "trans" people that are disliked in these threads are just boys who take hormones for the sake of taking them, not actually trans and they end up ruining their bodies for what is probably a passing phase since they'll only ever be on a small dosage and I don't think they completely go through with it just because past 30 the whole "cute boy" appeal is kind of gone since they're adults with visible aging at that point.
You really shouldn't be so hateful
We were once hated just as much as transgenders are now
You don't hear about lesbians because they aren't as flamboyant and annoying about their sexuality like gays, they're also almost always never taken seriously if they're conventionally attractive. Guys usually come up to them saying they just haven't taken the right dick yet.
Bisexuals kind of always get dismissed as being confused, or get shat on for being greedy. Gay guys get insecure with Bi guys because they think they'll never be a woman and they could always be left for one, and girls think that a guy who has been with a guy is icky.
Trans people aren't really freaks but dysphoria is a mental illness, and the treatment would be hormones. Not much different than like, depression and antidepressants.
People hate trannies because your mental illness is being shoehorned into society and 99% of you are very disgusting to look at.
As usual women creating nonproblems for themselves for attention but faggots don't care because they're faggots and it gives them more attention so it's fine. Saw two fags and a tranny on the train last night and it reminded me why I will never come out. God I hate you pride faggots and trannies so much.
Just fucking die.
>you have honestly no reason to be in this thread
my reason is that I like dick, gays like dick, and I have a dick
I just find it ironic when gays treat trans like straight people treat gays
I've been trying the whole not fapping thing but honest to god it gets a bit detrimental a couple of days in. I start frantically going on dating apps and shit to find sex. I think about paying for it as well. There's a certain threshold where it goes from wanting to fap to wanting to fuck. Then when I cant get it I am stupidly angry. I don't think this is normal.
Right, but you also don't think you're a guy and you want to be treated both literally and socially like a woman. A dick isn't what makes someone a guy, it's why genuinely passing traps aren't gay because most guys like the body and the dick is just an afterthought. Most gay guys like other men, masculine features. Sometimes femininity is sought after with twinks but it's still a flat square body, no curves and all that.
Question time
Why should I feel pride just because I like other men penetrate me and push in my shitloads?
Well I think if it's the penis they're attracted to, that's what makes them gay. People have a lot of different tastes than just masc
Forgot pic related, LGBT is just a joke.
You want to feel included and normalized into society but you keep saying you're different and unique.
What should I do if I like pic related, but I'm not gay.
Pride parades started off as protests, evolved into celebration for having rights. It's not a parade for you being gay it's a parade for being allowed to be gay.
If it's the penis that's appealing to them, then yeah they're gay but there's also the thing attached to the penis you have to take into account. Just because I like dicks doesn't mean I'll get with an old man purely based on the fact that he has that set of genitalia.
Most people are actually against children transitioning, at least with hormones. Kids are still kids and they can make decisions they're going to regret into their teens or honestly in just a few weeks. Parents who let it happen are pretty stupid, but again to even get hormones you have to go through a therapist so it's not just like they're being given pills because they asked for it.
Any manic depressive gays here? I have been trying to get my shit together and do /self-improvement/. It has been going well until yesterday when I can start to feel myself go on a downward trend.
Yeah man I've got bipolar 2. I was pretty ok when I first started treatment this year but now I'm struggling to even get to work. I feel like the meds aren't helping enough. I guess I don't want to kill myself as much.
Nowadays being gay it's really normalized
I don't feel like I have less rights compared to a hetero couple, you're just playing victims
>Pic related
Fucking degenerates, imagine doing this in public while kids and elders watches the "pride", last time I saw a fucking guy getting fisted on a carriage.
how can i find friends to talk to with similiar interests? it seems impossible at this point
i'd be able to jerk off to videos like this if everyone there didn't talk with a lisp
Alternate solutions to hormones should be sought after because clearly hrt isn't the end all solution. Trannies will never be the opposite sex no matter how many pills or surgeries they have.
The only people who like trannies are degenerate bisexuals. No straight or gay man would ever have sex with a pre-op tranny. Same would go for women. Maybe some post-op stand a chance but even then it's questionable.
Like I said, the only group in the lgbt "community" that aren't insane freaks are gays, but even then there's a large amount of gays who are degenerate sluts who have more partners in a year than most people do in a lifetime.
At least when gay monogamy does work it works much better than lesbian couples and I think somewhat better than straight couples.
>get call yesterday night
>one of my security guard friend and his co-worker get a flat tire in there way to work
>offer to pick them up so they aren't late and another friend of ours to fix the tire later
>Pick them up off the side of the highway
>Friend is a lardass but his co-worker was pretty cute, ex-army too.
>Said co-worker pulls out his phone with route to the work site
>Friend's co-worker "he bro just don't go through my phone, I got lots if dick picks"
>I say, me too, he thinks I'm playing along
>"Yeah, I like Asians myself" I say.
>He goes along with it, "haha yeah gotta love some rice balls"
>Dumbass friend (I can't believe I told my friends I was gay and a virgin on the way to the Renaissance festival) interrupts and almost tells him I'm gay, but I cut him off in time to say I was just joking.
>Rest of the car ride is a little awkward but we change the conversation to guns and before we know it we're there.
>Damnit I would have loved to shampooed with him if he was serious about the cock pics on his phone
That "gay" accent
"oh my goood" "ggggiirrrrrlll" "can u evennn" "my wiggg"
>Nowadays being gay it's really normalized
I don't feel like I have less rights compared to a hetero couple, you're just playing victims
I mean I don't think anyone's saying you have less rights but socially it's not acceptable everywhere in America. You can still be bashed for holding hands, the fact that legal action will be taken and you'll be taken seriously isn't the issue it's the fact that people still think they can do that just for being gay that would be the issue in that instance.
That being said sex crazed public displays are not what pride parades usually advertise themselves as, nor do they have that intent behind them. Completely sexual parades do exist but they're usually at night or somewhere public that is explicitly said isn't for children to be at. People are still capable of ruining things in that manner, but it's not what they're for or what people go to do there.
What alternate solutions are there? Hormones make the body change into what they feel is what their body should be. Same with surgeries, obviously they'll never have the same functioning organs like a womb or a penis but it's better than nothing to them.
Gays can be insane freaks too though, hookup culture aside there's a large amount of gay people who are into pissing, leather, furries, pozz chasers, the daddy thing, etc.
I've always thought Lesbians had the most success rate with their relationships, and I mean straight people are straight.
Lesbians have the highest rate of domestic abuse of all couples. Straight couples follow after, and then gays with the least.
With body dysmorphia but that's considered a mental illness but trannydom isn't? Convincing schizophrenics, depressed people and people with body dysmorphia that the way they see themselves isn't right is seen as the right approach but when it comes to trannies their delusions are enabled? I don't understand that. There's a whole field in cognitive behavioral therapy that is focused on that. Why are trannies the exception?
woah, that looks pretty intense
How do I lose weight so I'm not hated?
count calories.
that's how i did it.
Did you have loose skin? I'm scared I'll be deformed forever.
don't eat more than you burn in a day, it's simple math
oh, i wasn't an omega fat, i just lost 10 pounds
Its okay guys I figured out if the commie niggers put glass in my bumhole id just poop the shards out so it's no buggy.
Reading through the last thread, I was interested to find how big of an issue age is for you guys. I'm only 19 and haven't had any gay experience, but from what I've seen of the gay "community" like at pride parades and in the gay neighbourhood of my city, they mostly seem to be middle aged or at least late 20s/early 30s. Are those just the degenerate ones who's whole lives revolve around sex?
Depends on your genetics, but even if you do get loose skin there's surgery for that.
RIP me I guess. This medication I was on made me gain so much weight that I'm a bit fucked now. I'm so mad I got put on it.
yes I'm diagnosed bipolar 1 but I'm not currently in-episode. I almost never get full mania anymore thanks to weed mostly just depression. have been eating tons of greens and exercising daily and I've felt my mood boost. I still have these moments where I really want to die but I've been doing so much better. hang in there user, hope is real!(I know we all hate hearing that phrase but try to believe me.)
I'm 25 and want a very wholesome relationship and I like younger dudes. You just need to find the right one.
not him, but I did/do have loose skin which looks a bit like there's still fat to lose. it's annoying, but do not use that as an excuse to not even try
>tfw no schizo bf
>tfw that wasn't original
i'm 19 too, there's a bunch of gay guys into "younger" you better steer clear of them.
Domestic abuse is a pretty random chunk of information to look at, it's startling but it's also probably disproportionate just because of how rare couples are openly couples. Is there statistics on how long these relationships last, without abuse?
Also the job of a gender therapist isn't to appease people who think they're dysphoric. A lot of the times people go to a therapist and find out through counseling that transitioning isn't something they need or want or the therapist finds why the person feels that type of way and helps them through it and the person doesn't have those thoughts anymore. I said earlier, it's not that easy to get put on hormones. It's usually how people who are just turned on by the idea of being a girl are weeded out from people who just want to be women without the fetish behind it. I remember reading something about it also being an imbalance of chemicals as well, like I said it's the same thing as giving a depressed person antidepressants.
You don't want me user. Sometimes I feel so useless it's easy to see why the Nazis wanted to exterminate us.
it depends on the people, im 19 and i wouldn't feel comfortable dating someone more than 5 years older than me just because it'd just be weird because i could easily pass for younger.
Have you guys tried eating your vitamin D to lower depression? Like 10000 to 15000 iu a day
You have to be really fat to get loose skin. Whats your bmi?
i put my desk in front of a window to get more sunlight, does that count?
>they mostly seem to be middle aged or at least late 20s/early 30s
dunno user there's plenty of 18 year olds that pass for late 20s or early 30s, either way it's kind of impossible for there not to be gay guys closer to your age you just probably aren't looking in the right spots i think a lot of people dont really do gay bars because thats more of an older people thing, everyone born past 95 is on grindr or something
Slightly, but also remember a bit of vitamin C, you could maybe do with 5000 D. If you felling depressed.
>you could maybe do with 5000 D. If you felling depressed
you sound like you've tried. have you?
Maybe I have
Maybe I haven't
Who's to say
geez, what a coy fish
I don't really think vitamins could be comparable to antidepressants, you kind of sound like the people who claim essential oils cure cancer.
I think most people who celebrate gay pride are older because they were so repressed when they were younger that they just become full faggotmode now that it's "acceptable"
40 something. I will have loose skin
High dosage of vitamin D has been tested before. And some o th her test have also shown a possible link between not getting a good amount of sunlight, and depression.
Then again, test also show placebo is an effective medicine.
I'm 20. I think I'll probably off myself if I'm still single in five years.
Tfw no Caesar Zeppeli bf
I said that too, got into a few relationships and then they went to shit and now I want to kill myself even more.
Loose skin is better than being a hamplanet. Count your calories, try to cut 200-500 a day, the results are incredible and once you start it only gets easier.
Good luck.
Age talk in these threads is partially weird prison gay types who only want hairless twinks, partially hairless twinks terrified of aging hello, and partially just people trying to fuck with each other.
let me guess, you're 28?
22 actually, why? originally
>tfw ugliness makes you look twice your age
usually only ugly farts or people who are afraid of becoming old who say that
>tfw look 18 even thought i'm 25 but it doesn't matter because I'm ugly