Post your favourite scientist

Post your favourite scientist

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Based petershill

*blocks your path, in a completely original way*

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Haha epic!

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It's you.
You're my favourite scientist.

JP is a professor and clinical psych, not a scientist.

lmao his publications are pure shit


You can't earn a professorship without doing scientific research.
He might be a bad scientist publishing nothing but trash, but he's still a scientist

On one hand, he is really easy way for young men to become alt right trad bots, but also, he is really nice to listen to...

Imagine actually liking Peterson. This dude is so fucking far up his own ass, can't stand to watch him for more than 30 seconds.

This thread is retarded. Can you retards not name anyone who has made significant contributions to science?

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does snake in mgs3 with the scientist disguise count?

Fine if I have to give a serious answer
My boy Archimedes.

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>i.e. ice pickaxe + brain = sanity
His whole field is a meme, but let's call him a "scientist".

based and redpilled nig nog.

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What does Jow Forums think of Eliezer Yudkowsky? He's trying to prevent AI from killing/torturing us all.

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classic AI sperg pseud

Tycho Brahe
The man was extremely intelligent, had data that supported an easier proposition, but did as MANY ASS PULLS AS HE COULD to support the status quo. Classic case of fact =/= conclusion.
What a legendary retard.

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Feynman, arguably the most based scientist in human history, next to Tycho BRUHe

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>Eliezer Yudkowsky
His Harry Potter fanfiction is an atrocity.
And I've read bad My Little Pony fanfiction about Rainbow Dash.
So, I guess we're doomed if he is the only guy fighting for a good AI.

When was the last time lobotomy was a generally accepted practice?

The 1970s, so not that long ago.

So you dismiss psychology as a science because of an outdated practice which ceased years ago?

The methods that were used to derive the pickaxe cure are the same that are used in modern psychology.
Also psychiatrist didn't stop performing lobotomies because they thought they were wrong. They stopped it because of the public backslash.
I'll give the field a try in 50 years again.

>Jordan Peterson
>A scientist

omg cool right lolololol xdddomg i love this trollploloveon

function show_alert value="Show User" eval("x=10;y=20;document,write(x*y)");

peterson is 95% rhetoric and 5% alt-right = 100% Bullshit

There you go, user-

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I literally can't, I don't know many non-meme scientists, dunno how you even would, when you're reading a text book the focus and your focus is on the actual material, not the dudes.

Unironically a cool guy and I'm very racist

absolutely niggerlicious post

this guy who is mars smart

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Truly an under rated genius. Altered the world by almost incomparable means and yet just completely ignored.

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Sounds like you guys need to clean your room

he invented the modern computer architecture
i like how he thought of the memory, processing units as a rice mill...

pic related is john von neumann btw

i also find what alan turing did fascinating

just thinking about it makes me sad that im a brainlet compared to them :(

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Butler. Her books are just great. Don't let the "gender bullshit" hysteria drag you away from her. It's worth it, just trust me.

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>You can't earn a professorship without doing scientific research.

Yes you can. A professorship is earned by doing research, not scientific research. You can earn one by doing scientific research though.

There's professors of fields that are not scientific, retard. Dr. Peterson is hardly a fucking scientist, he's a psychologist.

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