First week on lexapro. My sexual drive is completely gone. I can't reach climax...

First week on lexapro. My sexual drive is completely gone. I can't reach climax. Whats the point in being happy if I can't enjoy sex...

Anyone in here have experience with this?

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Be aware it.can permanently damage your penis to the point of never being able to cum or get hard

Fucking hell they didn't warn me of this

Google agrees with you. I'm on this stuff until late January

I took it for 2 weeks and it literally made my penis useless and feminine the doctor took me off of it so I wouldn't damage my penis

Ask for another antipsychotic. Sadly I cannot remember the name of the one I took, very small tablets, 100 per pack. Lowers the libido as usual, but it makes you super motivated and creative. Also does not do any permanent damage.

Wtf they didn't tell you as soon as I had problems they took me off it they can give you a dif medication not worth having a limp dick for the rest of your life if you are experiencing side effects already

I mean, from my own research, it seems that this will be the case early on with most antidepressants and that it may eventually get better

It's normal. Benzos do that.

Take seroquel or abilify

The lucid nightmares man...the nightmares...

Could be but it's your penis at stake not mine

I take clonazepam and it gives me erections for no reason can be quite annoying they last 30 mins I also have a large penis 8.5x7 so when this happens in public not good

I take 4 dif meds at high doses I can get hard but that's it I'm a zombie at this point and if do cum I feel nothing

get the fuck off that shit seriously. If anyone here is on medication that fucks with your dick, it's not worth it in the long run. Get a new doctor if you have to, because there are always other options

I can still get hard and such. Just can't orgasm. Maybe its a temporary side effect?

If it makes his dick feminine he could always be a sissy bottom

My psychiatrist said to me that if I have any problems with my penis then come to him asap

I wouldn't worry it's not like you will use it anyway

He did say delayed orgasm could be a side effect. Should I really be worried? Bc I am now

I would be how much do you value your dick? I didn't take any chance and went back

Why wouldn't you be worried your penis could suffer permanent damage get off that shit and go back to your doctor

You could always be that 1% who's dick will never work again I mean it does happen you could be the lucky one I dont know if they can reverse the damage either

Unfortunately I'm a bit of a normie besides the depression

I'm already scheduled on my psychs next opening, in late January

I'm pretty sure this is just a normal side effect

Many sufferers fail to recover to any significant degree, with some having had the problem for over 20 years without any sign of improvement.

For some people, PSSD may be permanent

I've been on that before and it did that to me for a couple of weeks, but then everything went back to normal, user. It's a blessing in disguise. It'll make you last in bed longer though. You will be known as a sex machine amongst all Stacies. Eventually you will become every Chad's bull and their worst nightmare. They will never get depressed and never be on Lexapro, and even if they do, they will be known as the Chad who's prbably gay because he didn't want to bang Stacy. You can only win in this scenario.

Pic unrelated.

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my doctor tried to put me on these fucking antidepressants and when i asked him about a natural way he just shrugged and said st johns wort

i was seeing him about anxiety too not depression, but then you quickly learn the only good anxiety meds are on the same tier as heroin(benzos). just lol at modern medicine

I took it for around 4 to 5 months before moving to something else. My sex drive which is forever redlining at 900k RPMS and counting could not be slowed. However when I were to fap it was extremely hard. I got mentally turned on but it didn't translate into my dick. Didn't stop me though and I pushed through till fulfilment every time. No one has ever told me it does perma damage and as of December 12th I'm not in anything and my dick seems to be alright

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My bad

This is what happened to me. I was on 5 mg once a day and it fucked my shit up. I was more depressed because of my lack of sexual performance with my gf. I called the doctor and said I'd refuse any more medication and went to a therapist instead. It helped a lot but it's one of those things you really have to commit to. Just do CBT user

be my guinea pig and try ketamine treatment

lexapro isn't a benzo, it's an SSRI
some of the most pleasurable dreams I've had in my life were on lexapro

it made me hornier, I stopped taking it because it stopped working and dick still works the same

lmao weak faggot, just kill yourself now.

CBT only works for baby ass shit, people that have anxiety due to traumas aren't going to feel shit from behind told to think differently.

ive been taking lexapro for a few months now, i had a few weeks where i would try and jerk off but i couldnt cum but that passed relatively quickly

nowadays i get hard, jerk off and cum without issues and the only side effect is reduced libido which for me is really a plus since i was way too horny and i wasnt going to get laid anyway
i jerk off once a day now and the rest of the time im not horny at all

>Whats the point in being happy if I can't enjoy sex

sex is but a hollowing darkness of hopeless discomfort on a metaphysical level. Your happiness has nothing to do with it.

Well we really don't know his predicament do we? I also bet the majority of mental health issues is "baby shit" anyway. Those severe traumas happen but it's not every tom, dick, and harry

That sounds interesting, do any of these drugs ring a bell?
Aripiprazole (Abilify)
Brexpiprazole (Rexulti)
Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
Quetiapine (Seroquel)
Lurasidone (Latuda)
I've been on mirtazapine for about 2 months, kinda works for depression, not so much for anxiety, might ask about antipsychotics next time I see my doctor.