Mumkey Jones

>high blood pressure that puts him at extreme health risks
>lost his job and struggles to make income
>best friend goes to jail after 1 night of getting drunk
I really feel bad for the guy. How do we save him?

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He honestly deserves the help, poor bastard has been through wayyy too much over the past few years

He called the cops on his friend. Fuck that guy

Imagine getting your livlyhood taken away because you helped a girl in need. She would have died if he didn't do anything and you know how she repays him? She fucks up his life. He should have let that bitch bite the dust. Just further proof not to help white women in need.

No, no he actually didn't

As far as we know that girl has nothing to do with his channel being taken down

Im glad, I fuckin hate this normalfag

I mean look. Who else would do such things? It's just the way I see it,considering what she has done to him prior to this even happening. If she is willing to slander him the way she did I don't doubt that she'd be willing to do this.

>large following
>$2,454 in Patreon
>Has Gf
>well connected
He's doesn't need nor deserve or help, he think the same thing about the people here as the faggots over at Reddit or other norman tier site. Fuck him.

Hey I'm just fucking pissed that his audiobook of My Twisted World got taken down for "hate speech" it's the only one that's read well and passionately.

Fuck off. He's an edgy normalfag and has a massive following of underage zoomer meme/edgelords.

His channel will be back, same thing happened to me and plenty other small YouTubers, but JewTube only cares about people who make them money and zoomers only care about what's popular.

It's fucking automated you knobhead, it has to do with Eliot Rodgers. The last strike was on a private video with no views that had his name in the title

Quit samefagging. Or at least stop being fucking gay.

>Siding with the female
What a whiteknight faggot you are.

> Butthurt people don't like the shitty youtuber he orbits
> Accuses samefagging
Kill yourself

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Only is me don't know who the other cunt his so fuck off, yeah.
Have you even seen the last video he put he? He littealy proves that is the algorithm.

He'll get his channel back. If metokur can get his back then this guy can.

I don't orbit him asswhipe. I am just saying that it is a possibility and not just let epic coincidence.
Do you really think it is just algorithm though?

>browsing this thread with the power to financially help people
>in a giving mood
>no one gives a decent background of him or what happened or why he's a good person
On to the next.

yeah, big fan, really hopes it gets figured out soon somehow. just another reason to think youtubes botting system is just shit

Yes. At first I would have gone with assburgers GF but with the how he got his last strike, how YouTube is starting to quarantine edgy YouTubers and the search result for Eliot Rodger seem to be stacked in favour of new reports now with any other video about him being pushed to the second page or beyond I think that's the saver bet

Nice nice lemme borrow 20 bucks

I just want more Elliot Rodger content and he seems like the only guy who is willing to make it.

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>elliot rodger videos are now considered hate speech
fucking hillarious

Atleast he still has Sheepover.

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>How did his ass score her?
Propably with his elliot rodger videos

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I think it does. He was forced to defend himself in a youtube video. It attracted huge attention, most of whom didn't know about Mumkey previously (There were a lot of "I don't know this ") By virtue of the algorithm, it found a mismatch between the userbase and the channel; so treating it differently now, it got striken down.

I mean, just think about it. If your content has edgy humor, you'll probably be fine if your userbase are edgelords who also enjoy edgy humor.
Now if you were to suddenly suffer a large influx of 12 year olds, you'll be treated as a channel for 12 year olds which will obviously not sit with Youtube.

His friend's girlfriend called the cops retard

Fuck jewtube for pandering to the prissy fags who were on the rewind and their fans. He is one of the few people left who make quality content

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Incorrect, his friends girlfriend did not want him to call the cops
Mumkey called her because she was being abused and wanted to stop assburger from hurting his gf

Tbh, assburger always seemed like the guy who would do this kind of thing
He was always picked on by his friends, so his drunken alter-ego was probably his only way of him seeing himself as strong

Watch his latest video and you'll know it was a bot and that there is no possible way it could've been a real person.

only found this guy recently because of Elliot Rodhers videos. What's the story about that arrest

Damn isn't there like a place that saves these videos fuck

Elliot Rodger, killed nobody. It was just another hoax in the ocean of fabricated events, the media/government do.

I really hope everything turns out alright for him.

>Doesn't call police
>Assburger beats his GF to death
>Gets a worse charge than just abuse

Shut up retard, I'm no white knight but if it hadnt been done he could be spending life in prison

Thank god this faggot is getting his just desserts. Another egotistical autistic "ironic" weeb put down.

Imagine being as retarded as this motherfucker.

"I'm a motherfucking motherfucker, motherfucker"

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I think you're projecting user




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Yes, allowing him to murder his wife is a better idea than calling the cops, that wouldn't have fucked him up worse.

Not burger's gf you retard, mumkey's gf did it

This. I cant stand people that need to put their face in every video and turn it into blogs. How does only Metokur do it right?