Chaotic, gum chan, moon tan, the tomoko poster on r9k
Chaotic, gum chan, moon tan, the tomoko poster on r9k
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we get it, he's popular and actually 9/10, stop bullying meanie.
I want to fuck this insane lonely neet so bad
I want to chew his dick skin like gum
Begging for his doxxies harder than orbiters begging for his cummies desu
cute femboy stares at you from the catalog...
Stop trying to orbit / dox Chaotic.
He just wants another cute wholesome bf like him.
wtf rude toe hoe
How much would you pay for info on Chaotic?
I want to strap him down and dig into his self harm scabs then cum in them
wow chijo chill once again
Reminder only Dante knows what Chaotic looks like and Dante is dead
>tfw you will never get chaotic's attention even from killing yourself
says you retard *bangs myself with gun* **becomes chaotic meta forever** jealous?
if you're dead you'll never get to touch pp's with chaotic..
The only way you'd ever get to touch pp's with Chaotic is if you raped him which is why I've made it my life mission to do so.
so that's why you want to dox him hm?
All of your orbiting is so tiresome and pathetic. Chaotic might be attention-seeking but it helps no one to orbit or be orbited. Every single one of you faggots needs to stop this high-school drama bullshit for Chaotic's sake and your own.
damn, after all these years he actually was this cute.
I'd never want to publicly dox him because then some strong chad would rape him before I could
I bet he has a massive jew nose under that clothing. He has no other reason to cover his face.
what if chaotic is the strong chad?
>being a celeb on a place where people both love and hate him enough to attack him
>no reason to hide his identity
I've seen it, his nose isn't even half the size of Parsa's Bagger 288. What a beta.
absolutely basedborne
>mods still butthurt he made the jannies ragequit
>>mods still butthurt he made the jannies ragequit
tru but at the same time its illegal to call for dox
>illegal to call for dox
No it's not?
I want to cleave his skull
Pick up a hobby that won't get you arrested and that will let you vent your butthurt like lifting weights / boxing / martial arts
>hitting inanimate objects for no fucking reason instead of the person you hate the most who's caused you actual pain
Is this who OP is talking about?
Then I'd probably be the rapee instead of the rapist...
I want to make her cry and look up at me
all u can see is his eyes, anyone who says wow so cute is pulling it straight out of their ass
That's one of Cvnka's the 25+ MtF LARP's
He's clearly cute, you're just in denial.
that's not chaotic you newfag, and they AREN'T the same person either. they've interacted before in the past.
Almost 2019 and still no chaotic bf lads
chaotic is a boy retard
>tfw no cute mysterious flippy haired internet persona bf
Tomoki, Jack, tfw no [] bf, the tomoko poster on r9k
Nope. its a little delicate flower for me to defile.
I have a pic of the lower half, if you be nice little newfags maybe I'll post it.
chaotic has a big PENIS
not them but you should post it anyway, i'm currently growing my chaotic folder.
why do people circlejerk over this faggot so much? is it just the same 10 homos samfagging
Have you not learned how to see the poster count yet newfag
cute albeit famous and sociopath, just not my type
7.5/10 though
based AND redpilled
that's not jack fuck off
slut in my chaotic thread wtf
Where are the lewds of this literal qoot
damn the perfect hair and gorgeous eyes tho
I hope to someday be able to date him and he'll be mine and I'll be his and we'll be together forever
and the perfect skin and the enticing glare and the mysterious persona and the charmful personality and the alluring aesthetic and the wholesome cuteness........
You can do it, toga user, I believe in you!
Chaotic should do comfy twitch streams, I'd listen every night.
Actually he's wanted to for years, but he lives miles away from other people, cites/towns, so his internet is quite literally sinfully bad. He goes from 3 ping to 300 sometimes.
That's disappointing... Can't hear his beautiful voice because of bad internet
how the hell did you get him to play with you
Try asking nicely without being an insufferable sperg or orbiter
oof ok user
I miss old derikimi more than anyone else
Cute voice, Cute Tomoko
Normie slut, Ugly asian memelord
No one knows them outside of the steam threads so stop pushing it as if they were common names, you mentally ill faggots.
clearly you're wrong
stop making up newfag copes
fuck off, at least he has videos, meanwhile i'll probably never hear chaotic's voice again besides a faint glimmer in the only video left
Chaotic is my best friend, but these threads make me sick. Obsessively posting about him isn't healthy or attractive. I wish that it would just stop.
Based Max stop hogging Chaotic and share