Comfy night thread for nightlids edition
NO bullying!
Comfy night thread for nightlids edition
NO bullying!
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fucking dilema lads
can't decide between continuing to learn Soulcalibur 6, going back to Tekken 7 or picking up Street Fighter V while it's free for a week
What do you want for Christmas lids?
Didn't get to watch BBC Midlands Today at 6.30PM because my dad put ITV news on. I was watching it thinking isn't it usually red not blue and I don't know who this woman is where is the office why is she outside westminster. VERY disappointed.
is the plagues waifu the psychiatrist from the sopranos? a lass kept banging on about how she preferred her in something else every time we watched hackers. theres an actors name in common between the two, lorraine bracco or something. i'm not sure who else it could be
Got pain in where I think my kidneys are
I'm dying lads
look how unhappy the men are behind her in the rain
they weren't anticipating the precipitation, unlike her
not more muskals i av enuf
where do you think they are?
basically nothing, not expecting owt, so I bought myself presents instead lol
but what did you get yourself?
originally 6 books
tell us books 2 and 4 in your list pls
Cops & Thugs
From Beyond
The Beyond
City of the Living Dead
The Crazies (Romero version)
Count Yorga Collection
People under the Stairs
the mutilator
house 4
king of new york
Zombie (Lucio Fulci)
Pulse (80's one not the internet ghost one)
Phantasm collection
Dead End Drive-In
Slaughter High
Future Shock
Buckaroo Bonzai
the exterminator
Happiness of the Katakuris
The Thing
In the Mouth of Madness
Silent Night Deadly Night 1 & 2
Brain Damage
Rawhead Rex
Killer Workout/Aerobicide
Gravity's Rainbow and Blood Red Snow
/our girl/ has got the insider information. when she's my wife we're going to make a fortune betting on meteorological events. then we'll continue the british and american efforts in weather modification technology and take over the world.
those fuckers in africa are always begging on my tv for water, let's see how they like never ending monsoon.
sorry lads just posted my bluray wishlist from crimbo
. have a nice night
... Sundae sckool with Shopoer Bear today ... Hey kid ... Rent man been knocking you up ... Bin there kid ... Picture by and of me Timothy James Byrne in my rented flat in High Wycombe Buckinghamshire England
nightwalked out and got a frozen pizza, back on the cider now. Hows the nightwatch been?
have this feel(you)
thats a lot, have you been a gud boy?
I just had that exact pizza lad, it was pretty good
comfy stealing some cows with my uncle hbu?
Fighting war on three sides lads, Austria and Sweden to the east, the Aztecs to the west, and a fucking massive fleet of English ships attacking my coast. All for my mate Genghis.
Have any lads successfully slid into a DM before? Whenever I try I end up just skittering back out lol, the life of a creep
I dunno lad. Gonna buy my dad a model tank for christmas. might watch blood rage after this OSW video
cola is unironicallly beautiful
t. not cola
Fell for the frozen bread meme
>Put the defrost option on the toaster
>Put my beans in the microwave
>Pops and sets the fire alarm off for 1 minute, probably waking up everyone in the building
>3 Pieces of toast burnt
>Put another two in for my beans
>Beans go cold in the meanwhile
>Toast ends up burnt around the outside and gooey and half cooked in the middle
did I fall for a meme in freezing bread? There's no way this will toast correctly
T. Cola
Fixed it for you.
I always pop for your posts, ebin.
Haven't made any new friends at uni yet lads, would have got an early night but Ive spent hours trying to dry clothes because this place won't provide a working dryer.
Does life get better? I thought I would once I was doing what I enjoy, but it's just the same old shit.
t. definitely not cola
>bought a scarf
>walk outside and unravel it ready to pop on my comfy new scarf because it's freezing outside
>it's actually fucking massive
>looks more like a huge poncho
how the fuck do i wear this thing lads
i've tried twisting it up and folding it every way but whenever i put it on my face is always buried under it. I'm using it as a chair cover right now and it nearly touches the floor
Drape it round your shoulders like the shawl of a mystic shaman
telekenisis pls
what do you want?
Time machine pls
Pulling an all-nighter lods, silly client wants me to turn this garbage into a "3D logo"
Designing garbage like this hurts
It honestly looks best like this but I'm scared people will take notice of me walking around looking like a Japanese RPG character
A pair of comfy boots to keep my feet warm this winter would be nice
What do you want friend?
They might be impressed lad. I would be.
Would love some new drawing supplies lad
Just woke up. AIready bored
cola deserves true love
t. actually not cola
Mental hours lod, what makes you wake up at 1:30am?
a Astolfo dakimakura pillow and a fleshlight
do you think you'll get yours. i hope i get mine desu, think this years the year
>up at 8am
>sleep at 2pm
>up at 6pm
>sleep at 10pm
>now up at 1am
just tired all the time desu
is it easy to do?
who /hibernate/ during winter?
The 2D part is, but Illustrator's 3D functionality is beyond terrible. Can't make it in 3DS max either.
The suffering is real.
>t. actually not cola
I'm sure you will find it soon enough.
Damn lad, sounds harsh. Hope you find something to keep you happy and get into a consistent pattern soon.
not sure what my favourite band is because i have to be in a certain mood for a lot of the bands i love. I can't casually stick a smiths album on because half of their songs on them are depressing. good amount of songs on beatles albums are filler. just dont know lads, i just dont know.
What would you change?
You need some slippers and i just want a nice Christmassy Christmas
Sounds like a productive hobby
I don't think mummy will approve
Nothing it's for a mate
might watch toxic avenger 4 after my youtube video
If you were chronically unpopular at school you'll be unpopular at university
>'fresh start' is a cruel meme
Join societies that reflect your interests. You'll never be the life n' soul of the party but you'll find a few people you can be sociable with.
>t. fell for the 'wait for college' meme
I must be a really boring bastard because I can listen to the same albums/songs countless times, I really don't listen to much at all.
Anyone got any Aldi/Lidl cereal recommendations?
Highly reccomend the tropical fruit granola from Aldi, actually makes me feel good in the morning.
Did you ever realize that everything going on in your mind -- every thought, feeling, sensation, everything you are aware of -- is in fact happening only in your private internal world? Your thoughts appear only to you, and are not being heard by anyone else whatsoever. There is one physical world here on earth, but billions of different internal worlds. We are all in our own separate theaters, witnessing entirely different shows, and yet we behave as it we are in the same audience, watching the very same event we call life.
Why is it important to contemplate this truth? To meditate on this is liberating, because it implies that what we are personally living inside our heads is not real. We are aware of our thoughts, so in that sense they are real. And yet, our thoughts do not exist outside of our awareness. There is nowhere else where the thought that is appearing to you at this moment is actually occurring. Unlike the way we imagine it, our thoughts are not solid, like trees or rocks that exist outside of us in some tangible way. Certainly I have never seen a thought walk by me on the street. Where, how and if thoughts even exist within the body is not clear. That thoughts appear to our awareness, on a giant projection screen (to which we are the audience), is all we know.
Let's say that at this moment you are having a thought about a friend and something specific that she did, and what you want to say to her in response. That friend who you are thinking about is not experiencing your thought (about her) at this moment. If you don't engage with, or entertain that thought, it will literally not exist. The thought appears only within you. Your friend knows nothing of it. And making it even stranger, you did not even have the thought that you are calling "yours." Rather, it appeared to and within your awareness, without your ever choosing it or asking it to show up! If that thought is not fueled with your attention or interest, it will already have disappeared.
What makes a thought feel real is the attention we bring to it. We make a thought into a solid object by focusing on it and relating to it as if it is an event happening in the world somewhere. Usually in the world of the person or thing that we are thinking about. We link the two -- the thought and the object that the thought is about -- when in fact, the two are not actually connected. Our thought does not affect the object of that thought unless we believe it does. How freeing it is to know that if we do not attend to a thought, answer it, change it, identify with it and all the rest, it literally ceases to exist. If we let a thought be nothing, then that's what it will be... nothing.
It can be a bit frightening to realize that we are the only ones living the experience that we are living, that what we are calling our experience doesn't exist in any real sense, except for an instant inside our minds. So, too, it can be unsettling to consider that there really is no shared experience going on whatsoever. Furthermore, we do not choose the thoughts and feelings that appear before us -- they simply appear to our awareness and then disappear, like fireflies in the night. From what thoughts are made and from where do they come, we simply cannot know.
oh god please no pIease
But the question then begs, if each one of us is hearing different thoughts (living an entirely different circus, if you will), none of which we actually script ourselves, then to whom or what are all these separate and individual performances appearing? Who or what is the larger audience -- the collective awareness within which all these individual events occur? This is a question to ponder rather than answer.
And so the next time that a thought appears before you, within your awareness, remember that it is not real in the sense that it has some solid form or exists somewhere outside of you. The contents of what you are thinking about are in no way affected by the fact that this thought is appearing within you, nor is he/she/it aware that such an event is happening in your internal world. The thought appears in front of and within only you. Without the juice of your attention, it simply disappears without a trace.
Got some dry as fuck lips right now
just had a look at that, looks good but 12g sugar per serving is concerning, could be natural sugar from the banana and shit though
The raisin and nut version is good too and probably has lower sugars, the tropical one has crystallised fruit in it so the sugars will be high.
Grease them up then lad
oh wow more europeans to post more gay tranny threads, great.
yer mum loves gay tranny threads
hey tranny go post some more tranny threads, I think some robots aren't gay trannies yet
the fuck are you on about. think somebody has trannies on the brain eh
and not just yer mum
u wot m9 I'll duff u I swer on me nan
Where lad? Link to thread please x
Downloaded a bunch of random recent movies without reading anything about them. I'll keep you updated
Decided to try a bit of secret santa this year lads, bit of an anime nonce myself.
It feels nice being able to turn what I enjoy into something others will smile about
Is Monster energy addiction lid here?
If so do you have anymore BO4 codes?
Speak to me and my lads like that again and we will lay you out
>Comfy Chistmas
I'm actually retarded desu
Never taken part in one of these, looks nice though, wouldn't mind sending a fellow anime nonce one of my figs or something.
Aw you're a good lad, user.
No he's in bed because he has work in the morning.
This first one is about a couple that spend a weekend in an isolated house and it gets spooky. They should legally stop people making movies with this premise tbqh
if i received something like this from one of my britfeel lads i would treasure it
Did I scare you?
I'm going to watch a potentially scarey anime. but first a spliff then go find a big cushion to hide behind
So how many of you are lazy. I bet the percentage must be pretty high
I know i am, despite my other problems
yep Iazy af
What scary anime lad?
Sounds top, lod.
Wish I had a few lagers to enjoy some anime to right now.
What anime? I love a good horror
Lazy to the point of autism sometimes. Don't take my recycling out one week since there's not that much. Then feel embarrassed the next week about how much I have and don't take it out for being judged by how much I drank.
it's a series. Junj Ito collection
not seen loads of anime so just picking stuff off crunchyroll
not good with scarey stuff so may have to BTFO at some point
my pepsiman figures have left japan
I don't think I've ever had any sort of real connection with another human being in my lifetime.
> don't take it out for being judged by
>being so insecure you dont take the rubbish out
bit pathetic mate
Also imagine a lot of us are kind of mummys boys and bullshitters, people who ride our luck
Like cartman but not necessarily with the nastiness, just the selfishness and irreverence
Has anyone else noticed that there hasn't been an Islamist terror attack in Europe for a while now? Considering the threat, intelligence agencies must be getting really good at foiling potential plots
There was one in France last night lad
Oh I like that series and the mangas a lot lid, but they're more unsettling than scary :^) let us know what you think
cough cough
was one yesterday
I know lad. Just one of those silly things in my head.
Not embarrassed by anything else, but don't want to upset mum. Losing family members to alcohol is common in my family