I genuinely think my dad is plotting to kill me. What's should I do? I have no money to leave or go anywhere.
I genuinely think my dad is plotting to kill me. What's should I do? I have no money to leave or go anywhere
What make you think that, user?
gives us a little backstory op.
why do you think your father wants to kill you?
You're right in thinking that money is your biggest issue. Fix that and move out.
kill him first
He wants to take me on a camping trip, just us. Said it will be a good time to go hunting... It's fucking December and I've never held a gun before
overheard him talking on the phone while getting a snack one night:
>this is his last chance to get his shit together
>I won't let him do this to his mother anymore
>If he isn't working in 6 weeks, I'll make sure he's gone one way or another.
ok,yeah, that would worry me.
should I confront him, or tell my mom or something?
I don't want to call the police, but maybe if i hear more.
Refuse to go to the trip and tell him you want to find a job. Since he wants you to work so badly he is ready to kill for it I bet he will be eager to help you.
i can't really work, i had a bad back injury a few years ago and now no one will hire me. I've told him this and asked for his help, but the physical therapy doesn't work and is too often.
>>If he isn't working in 6 weeks, I'll make sure he's gone one way or another.
Holy shit.
You'll find work eventually. Just apply to every job you can possibly find. Also, don't be a little bitch and use your injury as an excuse every time. Even people in wheelchairs find work.
>If he isn't working in 6 weeks, I'll make sure he's gone one way or another.
your dad is a fucking savage beast, wtf
Fucking relax, jesus.
You're letting your imagination run away with you.
He's getting you *outside* of the house to kickstart you. Fresh air, a little hardship-- and a place where he can talk to you without you getting distracted or simply dismissing him. The trip has a purpose, and it's to take you out to talk to you, man-to-man. If you refuse the trip, you're most certainly getting the boot. At least this way you can reconcile with him and let him express your emotions.
You think this hasn't been hard on your dad? maybe don't be a chickenshit, and weather his feelings and frustrations. Your dad has feelings too, you know. If it's been hard on your mother, than it's been hard on him.
>>If he isn't working in 6 weeks, I'll make sure he's gone one way or another.
lmao, imagine having such a shit parent. I wish my mom would say some shit like that to me, I'd squash that shit quick. I didn't ask to be born.
This, op stop being a paranoid faggot, NEETDOM has ruined your mind.
I'd run homie.
Furthermore- really think this through man.
He could call the cops and have you kicked out this VERY NIGHT. There's no need to murder you -- That would absolutely break your moms heart.
But he's not going to just turn you out in the middle of the night. You're getting some attempted guidance, tough love, and a luxurious time window. Don't waste them.
>He could call the cops and have you kicked out this VERY NIGHT. There's no need to murder you -- That would absolutely break your moms heart.
depending on how smothering his mother is, him getting kicked out is worse than him dying in a "freak hunting accident".
she could very well move on with death, not with knowing her son is homeless.
Could could could.
One of our theories has a exponentially larger chance of being true-- and it's not yours. Even then, you're completely incorrect. Nothing can ever match the grief of losing of loved one-- grief is a gift that keeps on giving.
Run far away and never return
wrong. I've known people who've had more grief with a missing family member than a dead one.
Well I've lived it. So fuck what you know.
you also post on Jow Forums, so I'm going to assume you're as maladjusted as any other retard here.
Assume whatever you want.
OP has been mysteriously silent throughout all of this.
He mentioned a back injury, and I bet there's an painkiller addiction in there. Morphine has a way of increasing the ache, and interfering with a persons ability to gauge how well something is healed. Sometimes the best thing for a back injury is exercise, believe it or not. Lugging a buck/moose through the bush is a good way to get things loosened up.
>OP has been mysteriously silent throughout all of this.
he's probably being shoved into a suitcase by his father and thrown into a lake somewhere. good riddance imo
OP go to some runaway shelter for kids and get a job. If anyone asks then just say your dad tried to kill you or your grades were so bad that you can never go home. Or both
R.I.P. huntanon.
He took one shot in this life-- and that was enough.
But seriously OP, don't let your fear get the best of you-- at the very worst leave a sealed letter with a friend in case. Or you could just get a fucking job-- 'companies won't hire me because I have a back injury' is a big fat lie. There's a billion things jobs you can still do, even with a back injury.
Paranoid fuck. Just get your shit together for your mom. Old man is handing you the final straw.
No one should plot your death without your input, what the fuck. Confront him, and in confirmed, give your own perspective on what
s a fun way to die vs a cheap way. When you've both compromised and met in the middle, arrange a date and time, then shake on it.
If he can't even keep to that and he kills you prematurely, no one will ever want to do business with him again
Trips of truth confirm. Your path is set, OP.
>t. user's dad
>implying it isn't just a ploy
>implying he didn't say it intentionally so you could hear it and be scared enough to go get a job
Who gives a shit if you have a bad back, only a pussy would let an "injury" stop him from working. Most jobs it wouldnt even matter. You obviously are just too lazy to do anything.
t. dad
RIP in Pieces OP. At least it's your dad and not a stranger. I assume he's only killing you out of love and pity
Take the firing pin out of your dad's rifle, and keep your gun loaded
>OP's back is turned
aside from reedit spacing
you have my applause