what things are you interested in that nobody else wants to talk about?
I like exotic animals.
What things are you interested in that nobody else wants to talk about?
Words (was hoping words was original)
Finland and Estonia and their languages and leatherworking.
Predatory birds.
Philosophy and Art. I am a real dork about that stuff and most people find it useless.
do you want the Finns and Estonians on Jow Forums and the international boards to take more time to talk about their countries?
people always want to talk about foreign countries on this site but not their own country, except to complain
You should start art threads. Those can be some of the rare good threads.
Philosophy and occasionally politics. Also, video games.
Aren't pangolins extinct now? Or just critically endangered?
American history. Barely gets taught in schools beyond Columbus
teratology, deformed babies and animals
Oneness. Im not even a hippie dippie type. But oneness with the universe and everything that comes along with it (the siddhis), absolutely fascinates me
Well I have a folder fill of art and some vague comments to go with them.
What kind of philosophy?
But muh 'oppression of minorities' needs to be taught about, it obviously needs to be 90% of the cirriculum
And it has to be mostly a guilt trip rather than a factual learning experience
Having interests is for normies
Zen and buddhism. Who is the one who wants? Who is the one that hears? Who is eating? I like talking about zen stuff and say hippie phrases .like things are. but people don t take me seriously. So I keep it to myself
>dream_caused_by_the_flight_of a_bee.jpg
I don't get it. unless the gun is the bee's stinger.
I spend hours studying skeletons of extinct mammals, working out their diet, behavior, habitat, and so on.
chin game on point
Fevered dream from an allergic reaction.
Or it could be heroin, and the 'bee' is a metaphor for whatever buzz you get.
Well the paintings full title is "Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening"
It's a mediation a dream logic and sexuality along with the "anxiety" of moment before awaking.
The life of Alexander Hamilton
thanks Lin
Transhumanism, cryonics, the Singularity, etc.
Where did you go to school?
thank you for posting that image user
this is now an art thread
I enjoy talking about trains.
i like the sea
I'm not going to lie I think it would be amazing to design a working cryo tank but I don't think I'd ever have it in me to start life over in the year 3000 life philip j. fry
It is nice to fly over the ocean but I wouldn't want to ride in a boat.
I like space a lot but nobody ever seems interested in that big nothing
The sea is pretty cool
I have a print of that painting on my wall. SD is one of the few painters I know by name. Sorry for not contributing much to the thread, I just thought I should share that. Anyways, I wish you luck on your search for good art discussion, user!
Mostly existentialist. It is interesting to see how people have coped with the death of meaning in the West, and it's consequences
FUCK words, I hate language and words and their limiting nature and I wish we had a better system. So much emotion and meaning is lost because we can't convey everything with what the dictionary gives us, it's even worse if you only know a single language or a couple. Words and language also teach us how to think and feel and that's fucked.
>how people have coped with the death of meaning in the West, and it's consequences
I am familiar with the idea and I am also interested with existentialism but I am interested as to what you mean and have researched.
I personally am incredibly interested in linguistic philosophy and semiotics but I am not as pessimistic in the idea of communication. Besides personal frustrations have you done any other research?
Reverse engineering 20-year-old games
Finnish strikes me as a pretty neat language that stands out from everything else around it, what's the deal with the leatherworking though?
me too, although it's not that obscure
>tfw no nintendogs friend to exchange packages with
>what you mean and have researched
>have you done any other research
you seem to think he has no original thoughts and some external influence has overpowered his feeble mind
The gba fire emblem games
I'm real interested in L.U.C.A. or the last universal common ancestor and how all life is supposedly derived from it. I live in the Bible belt tho and have nothing but retarded theists who can't even grasp the concept of evolution much less what a common ancestor actually is. I don't like to be a fedora tipper but it definitely takes less brain power to believe in a religion than it does to use reason and logic.
>You should start art threads. Those can be some of the rare good threads.
Sure just remember to start them with "fembot here" if you actually want any replies.
Japanese history and culture.
You'd think it would be incredibly easy to find people who are interested in that, but I haven't had much luck. The people I do find aren't very knowledgeable or interested; just """"ironic weebs"""" who only watch anime.
The theories I have regarding reality as we perceive it, the spiritual realm, and aliens/monster legends of every era. Even the more recent ones, like in 1978 some Aussie guy flew a plane, talked about an unidentified object above him, and disappeared. Or the lights above cities I see videos about and things I've seen before with my own eyes. I want to find an explaination using reasoning from my own beliefs (Christian) and what I can observe as facts of physical science. I feel a lot like pic related.
I grew up in Zimbabwe. I want to tell people about how nice Rhodesia was, but nobody knows what the hell I'm talking about and the ones that do decry me as some scary nazi racist purely because I'm proud of what my country once ways.
(I am very racist, just not outwardly.)
Why, my lord and saviour Jesus Christ of course.
beetles i used to have an ironclad beetle they're pretty cute
I like reading about WWII battles/campaigns and piecing together the sequence of events in my head
sometimes I daydream about what it would have been like to take part in said battles
WW1 is even more unreal to read about, so are engagements after WWII, but for me, it's WWII
It's very sad what is happening to the Boer people. Turn to God. I wish America could help the European descendants in Africa.
I enjoy Outlaw/Western country music (80's and older mostly), salt water fish, and Sailing. Guess how many people I can find that can even discuss one of these things. Still, appreciate having actual hobbies rather that stuttering and saying "v-v-videogames?" like I did three years ago.
>It's very sad what is happening to the Boer people
Yeah but no one gave a shit when THE EXACT SAME FUCKING THING happened to us in 2000.
Not a fucking soul
At least there's paleo threads on /an/, but those are mostly featherfag vs. antifeatherfag dinosaur shitposting
>the virgin Thylacosmilus
>the normie Smilodon
>the contrarian Barbaurofelis
>the CHAD Inostrancevia
That's a freaking digimon
Do you have a discord?
I unironically want to talk to you about this.
>Not the Tellius games
human evolution, and racial evolution
rocks and minerals.
what are your thoughts on corvids?
>people always want to talk about foreign countries on this site but not their own country, except to complain
Not the guy you replied to, but I went to school in Oregon, around Portland, and 90% of the curriculum was 'muh oppression'.
>evil white men steal land, kill natives
>evil white men continue to kill natives
>white men fight war for independence
>evil white men whip slaves and torture them
>good boys in the north fight evil white men in the south to end slavery
>poor niggas are free
>American good boys help them and stop Nazi menace
>Evil white men continue oppressing blacks, no allowed in restuarant, no allowed in bathroom
>wonderful bus woman and moustache black freedom fighters get the blacks their rights
And that's American history. Exactly that way, and not much left out.
Rhetoric, hypnosis, new religious movements, persuasion, advertising, behavioral science, social engineering, political intrigue, some psychology, sociology and history. I don't have much to say about these things, just wish there was someone out there who would like to read nonfiction books on or research these topics with me.
I like writing design documents of videogames I wish I could make.
Oof. Wow.. just wow. Sweetie, that's called being a toxic bigot. There's no place for you here, fascist. Oof, literally can't even with you people.
The most obvious bait post I've ever read and I still got mad.
Fuck you.
Ive actually been dissecting phantasy star online blue burst, extracting and re-sculpting the original models in zbrush, rigging them in autodesk, and then exporting them out trying to rebuild the game in unity, using enviroments and enemy asssests as well from the original. I have begun to do this with other older games as well, modern vidya seems such a drag to me though sadly.
Folklore (mostly Brothers Grimm stuff), history/historical cultures, mythology (Norse/Greek mostly), world building, storytelling, writing fiction.
I wish I was born in the 18th century so i could have travelled Europe, writing down all the local stories and folklore, theorizing their meanings and origins. That would be the dream.
I'm sorry. I get carried away sometimes
I like erotic animals.
who the fuck cares about american history? It's so linear and only goes back a little over 200 years.
t. american
Music theory
Emotional transmutation/hermetic ideology obfuscated to confuse normies and send them on a wild goose chase trying to make "gold"
Chinese History.
Asian history in general. I even read romance of the three Kingdoms.
Of course not many have that interest.
The beta max/vhs wars.
Ancient civilizations and pre-human civilizations.
Our ancestors were evolving for millions of years, there has to be a group that developed technology, clothes, language etc before we came along. There's evidence of things like sandaled footprints frozen in the earth that's millions of years old. There has got to be something to it, scientifically.
At my school, we started with slavery, MLK, and the 1960s protests. My nephew is 8 and has already learned about Hitler and the Jews.
That's what I was taught as well. They told us whites patrolled the shores of Africa and captured black Africans with nets. I think it's irresponsible and terrorizing to teach young children these things without also providing more context about slavery; i.e., every group has been enslaved, and participated in the enslavement of others.
In 5th grade, we had to rip the chapter about evolution out of our science books because our teacher and/or influential parents were huge christfags.
Yeah, thats how they fucking taught us.
incel culture, Jow Forums culture, internet culture, social media. abnormal psychology, particularly narcissism and how capitalism breeds narcissism and psychopathy, and how autists and incels fit into the whole social structure.
seriously i think this whole board is a gold mine for sociological research. ive been lurking here for as long as i can remember n its fascinating to see the demographic changes throughout the lifetime of the board
anyone interested in Jow Forums sociology?
I really like prehistoric sea creatures. Like badass ones like megaladon and letviyan (however you say leviathan in hebrew)
Microbiology + pathophysiology and Genetics + adaptation. Dunno whats worse, poo doctors giving hundreds of millions of other poos non-indicative antibiotics or chinks playing with the human genome. Its sublime how the plague pathogen replicates or malaria pathogen enters red blood cells.
They're cool lads.
What kind of space stuff?
futurism/projecting future economies, lifestyles, living conditions etc. No bread & circuses plebs want to even approach this, it makes them nervous since it includes their future and agency all at once. It also makes a lot of other people depressed (including me, but I can't stop myself).
lmao i kno this feel
who r ur fav authors or books
Interested in microbiology but not doctor
>tfw ywn have a pangolin as a pet and name it Sandslash
Are their belly's armored as well? I just want to rub it's little belly.
None, they're all basic bitch book peddling utopianists, Kurzweil being the worst of them. I only see idiocracy slipping into planned extinction.
I'm really into jellyfish and various cephalopods.
History in general
The ocean, just in general. Its so big and vast, and its home to the biggest, weirdest, and scariest animals on earth. Watching deep sea documentaries is rad as fuck
Practical medieval stuff, so not counting in ''in year x King x pillaged city x'' but more stuff regarding what they ate, how castles looked and how they were built, fighting manuals, historically accurate clothes and shit like that
Hollywood and Co. just spread so much misinfo about it that nobody wants to talk about the actually real facts
Me too user. I am a huge history nut but nobody really knows about it accept my cousin.
I fully agree with this, I'm also spending my time on learning another language but I don't feel like it's worth it.
Nah, keep learning, learning other languages is crucial for getting out of the dark, even if it's not the ideal, I don't know if the ideal is even possible.
history, classical music, grand war plans and grand strategy games
>American history. Barely gets taught in schools
that's because it's a meme and most americans are retarded and don't understand or care about history
we write our own history, manifest destiny :DDDDDDDDDDD
Reconstructive plastic surgery
Geopolitics. Economic and technological development