come chat and tell me about yourself
>why you browse R9K
>how often do you cry
>any mental issues?
Free (you)'s
Fuck off back to shitcord you failed normalfag / wannabe robot and tranny orbiter.
Don't you own multiple discord servers and have literally hundreds of people to talk with every day from them? Why do you still make these threads? What do you hope to get out of them, that's any different from your discord friends?
I hate myself because i'm just so pathetic
>literally hundreds of people to talk with
He's a boring literal who that has to pay people just to talk to him
He has few friends and messaged them 24/7 because he's a desperate retard
why so mean?
I like talking to anons, I only like 2 people
>discord friends?
2 people...
>I hate myself because i'm just so pathetic
me too, also everyone seems to hate me even here..oh well.
I hate myself the most
>He has few friends and messaged them 24/7
this is true.
but you are wrong about everything else, I get obsessed with people I like...because I dont connect with anyone.
I actually get a lot of people trying to talk to me all the time but im just rude trash to them or ignore them.
No you don't, you're a literal who that orbits trannies. Everyone hates you and thinks you're pathetic except newfags that haven't heard how much of a degenerate you are. Hurry up and kill yourself, bitch.
>why you browse R9K
i like to learn about other people, maybe help them
>how often do you cry
not as often as i probably ought to
>any mental issues?
honestly none that aren't self inflicted. i had a good family life, im confident and not shy. i'm just way too proud and stubborn to bother finding irl friend groups. also i need a driver's license.
i'll hang out here and supply free (you)s as well
even his waifu told him to kill himself. He says he will, but won't because he's just an attentionwhore.
I'm depressed. I just watched NGE. Don't know if I want to play some re5 or watch old horror movie right now
he said he will kill himself by the end of the year
He should live-stream his suicide then maybe he won't be a LITERAL WHO anymore
i come here to see fellow losers and find odd memes or photos or to lose time
i cry multiple times a day
i have 5 medically diagnosed
>why you browse R9K
because it's either this or my native imageboard from which i'm still banned for another week.
>how often do you cry
never. i've been lobotomized as a kid.
>any mental issues?
got locked up in a mental hospital but they weren't able to diagnoze me with anything.
I come here in waves. Sometimes I'll lose interest for a month or two and sometimes I browse here everyday, which is what I'm currently doing.
I haven't genuinely cried in years if you dont count tearing up at videos or whatever.
Not been diagnosed with anything, which makes me wonder why I end up browsing here so much.
>why you browse R9K
just here to leech off the secret santa, but i do hate women so i belong here anyway
>how often do you cry
i stopped earlier this year actually... but i began to cry like every day once i was forced to get a job.
>any mental issues?
maybe a little socio. i am very detached from reality but i also dont care to assimilate. normalfags ruined everything and anything once worth struggling for
Browse r9k just for gits n shiggles.
Cry once every 4 or 5 years
No mental issues diagnosed
>No you don't,
I had some girl in love with me for months lel, who are you as you hardly know me.
I killed my discord server and ditched everyone I knew.
I dont need to pay people to talk to me.
I need to learn to be a better person though
thanks for helping nice poster
my waifu did but I never said I would KMS at the end of the year.
at least you can watch stuff man.
thats the plan when I do it
I cry all day also man....
you actually had a lobtomy?
>Not been diagnosed with anything, which makes me wonder why I end up browsing here so much.
yeah this is weird, I like to browse here to surround myself with darkness.
working makes people cry even if they dont know tehy are, tehy are inside
>why you browse R9K
I like arguing and this is often a perfect place for it, because everyone in person tires too quickly. And people here are fucking funny.
>how often do you cry
I don't.
>any mental issues?
No health issues at all, physical nor mental.
>you actually had a lobtomy?
yeah. probably two or three times. people have hard time dealing with intelligent children who can't help but to laugh at them.
>why you browse R9K
It's fun to lurk around the threads
>how often do you cry
Pretty often really
>any mental issues?
Nothing officially diagnosed
>>why you browse R9K
I don't know, I just do
>>how often do you cry
I don't, It's been well over a year, around this time last year I came close to it, but ultimately nothing happened
>>any mental issues?
none that I know of. maybe paranoia and depersonalization, though I don't really know if many would consider those major
Gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I browse Jow Forums because I'm dangerously close to becoming a NEET. I'm still a College student (almost 3 years) like %50 of the bots here, and can't get a job. The only woman that are attracted to me are corpulent, and the one chance I had at a relationship with someone I can say I truly loved, I fucked up back in highschool by not saying anything to her (she was really into me, and I was nervous about getting into the dating realm as a sophomore). I browse to mainly keep my mind off of life, an escapism if it were. I appreciate the few friends I have (currently 6 friends, family does not count). I have constant doubts about myself, and feel like ending it, but never come around to it because I think of the people I might hurt if I did, and I wouldn't want them to suffer emotionally. It seems that adopting a life in Jow Forums has been rather, poetic (?). It feels like I'm at home, away from home, yet in my house. I can truly relate to many stories that I come across, and they are tragic sometimes. I would just hope, like any of us, that we garner the same respect that we give to others in a genuine sense.
I'm curious, meguposter. Why is it that you make threads like these? I'm not trying to be derisive, but I'm genuinely curious as to why you do them.
Do you feel for your fellow robots and try to make them feel a bit better by listening to them?
Do you just like talking to people?
Do you get off on making other people feel better?
What's up?
Dude, this genuinely moved me, I read this as a dramatic monologue and am impressed at the theatrics. In a good way.
>why you browse R9K
I relate to the people here, sadly
>how often do you cry
hardly ever, I havent fully cried in over a year since my doggie died
>any mental issues?
my psychologist says "General Anxiety Disorder" and Aspergers.
>why you browse R9K
I don't know. sometimes I hope I could meet someone who's gone through the same traumas I have so I wouldn't feel so alone.
>how often do you cry
not often. but it feels good to cry when I do.
>any mental issues?
I was raped by my cousin when I was young and I haven't felt the same since. I lost my happiness that day. I also have a lot of deep rooted trust issues.
im really sorry about your dog. do you still miss him/her? what did you like most about doggie?
jesus christ, that's fucking awful. i haven't ever had that sort of trauma and i can't even begin to imagine how horrible it was, so i don't think that i can make you feel less alone, but my heart goes out to you if that means anything.
what sort of things do you cry to? usually sad anime shows/movies do it for me.
>>why you browse R9K
You guys are the closest thing I have to friends.
>>how often do you cry
Not often, last time was when a friend from highschool killed himself
>>any mental issues?
Depresion, GID, anxiety, nothing unusual
why not cry user? It lets off steam
>me too, also everyone seems to hate me even here..oh well.
I don't hate you! You seem nice.
i just cry in my room in the dark under the covers.
i havent seen you do anything that makes you a bad person. remember what board you're on, lots of people take out their problems on other people here because it hurts to carry it all on their own. you're kind.
why do you hate yourself the most?
i'm so sorry user.
have you gone to therapy for your traumatic childhood experience or got some good help for it? if not, why?
>why browse?
I browse this board because I dont have anybody to talk to.
>how often do I cry?
Basically every day, I get panic attacks quite frequently and have a hard time dealing with them.
>mental issues?
Not really sure. I've had the suspicion for years that I'm just autistic and my family is trying to hide it from me.
I havent ever told anyone and I dont want to tell my parents I need therapy. They don't understand and I don't want to ruin any lives by saying so.
its okay to be uncomfortable about telling other people things like that. if you don't feel like saying it, you don't have to. just remember, though, if your parents truly love you, they won't feel burdened by your wanting help. if you had a really close friend, you'd probably feel better about them telling you their personal issues because it shows that they trust you.
who's lives are you concerned about not ruining?
My cousin now has a full family with 2 daughters. I wouldn't want to expose what happened to cause issues for his wife/children.
here a you
you have more chances man dont give up, you have one life.
for entertainment, nothing give me joy anymore so I just like to chat to anons to distract myself from my life.
if i can make someone feel better I am happy as im trying become nice person.
I relate to people here also and that is why I chat to them.
sorry about your dog
man that is really fucked up.
want to chat to me ever?
I only have online friends also.
that is messed up about your friend.
what did you mean by this, I am not a sociopath
im a nice person who has done bad things...
>why do you hate yourself the most?
I always have, its not even situational.
I hate how I failed life and my brother disowned me and my sister is afraid of me.
you can keep matters private if you really wanted to. are your parents the type to respect that of you?
user, you sound like you're in the absolute darkest of places. your happiness stripped away and unable to find closure to a traumatic event in your past. you shouldn't feel like you're being selfish by asking for help. you need this.
i hope this user the best.......
>y browse
im waiting for stuff to download and i have nothing to do
> crying?
> mental issues?
rapid oscilliations between belief and rejection of fantasies i set up for myself due to detachment from actions/consequences in post-industrial society, severely discomforted with people now being aware of how fruitless and utterly diminished every aspect of a possible interaction is, years spent in relative mental isolation leading to an unhealthy and "complete" deconstruction of my subconscious, turning away my thought from practicality and utility and towards fulfilling abstract needs by any potential ideological means possible, the result of this being that all belief i have is a complete fabrication and that i am a listless nobody acting randomly in response to rare happenstance with the hopes that continually harmful bureaucratic structures can grant me the means to somehow control my life while still contained in a depersonalized and controlled society
idk man
>why you browse R9K
When I feel pathetic and unproductive I want to see that I'm not the only one
>how often do you cry
I can't recall the last time I cried. I rage and get violent against inanimate objects way more than I cry, it's way more shameless I think.
>any mental issues?
The autismo. Chosing to live in Japan may be classified as hardcore masochism too. I hate it, but there's no turning back. I'm guessing the injections of back medication making me tired consistantly don't help neither.
I don't like crying.
Been years since I cried. Its okay for women and children but not me.