Every libertarian I've met has been an arrogant...

>every libertarian I've met has been an arrogant, abusive piece of shit who has broken sex laws and changes his identity to "conservative" whenever they're feeling oppressed
Why are libertarians always scumbags?

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what do you think her bootyhole smells like?

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wrong board cunt

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If you mean the dudeweed lolbertarians, they're basically just stoners.
The actual libertarians are hiding it because they know of the ATF's buttfuckery.

Fuck off. This is my territory, bitch.

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you're an annoying asian manlet avatarfag

why hasnt he been banned for it? its against the rules

Libertarian scumbag here
I'm INTJ So I literally just don't have empathy
if you don't benefit me or my close close friends/family, you're literally worthless to me
it's a shitty outlook on life but its all I know lol

who knows. jannies are lazy

they should be exterminated, honestly

wholeheartedly agree
just absolute narcissists
>t. survivor of relationshit w a libby

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This guy knows top much.

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Did you go on adventures with that libby?

a-all kinds of adventures user
even went to his party's meetings to infiltrate the system

he really is unstable tho, i hope he doesn't kill his next gf

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Was he a hungry skeleton?

w-why do you ask
will neither confirm nor deny due to muh safeties

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Is there an overlap between the groups? I'd be indebted if you'd draw me a venn diagram.

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Because libertarianism is a pro degeneracy materialistic jewish ideology

also they're thinly veiled pedos

i am intj as well and this is pretty much it word for word.

Kill all libertarians

Is it possible to be a Libertarian Fascist?

I'm also a Libertarian but am an INFP, so we're quite the opposite with how we view other people.

Reeeee I just want to be left alone

they pretty much all are when put in the right circumstances. if they had a higher social status and weren't complete societal rejects they'd just be conservatives with authoritarian tendencies

Because we are usually right.

Except you are nothing but an edgy kid with no life experience who thinks his viewpoints make him cool and unique.

What you don't know is you're not special in the slightest and everybody knows a cringy fucking moron like you

I don't think that's a totally fair assessment. A lot of Libertarians are extremely left-leaning on social issues and want to abolish borders so millions of brown people can come in and vote them into Communism.

thinly veiled fascist ethno-state is amerikkka's version of it for the most part

sucks 'cause i'm and was kind of into libertarianism, more so libertarian socialism. desu i prefer a weird mix of green soc/com anarchy maybe.

The 5 year old post you just linked.

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oop i did not mean to do that, meant in this thread

>libertarian socialism
Get out commie

>thinly veiled fascist
Please explain how limiting government is in any way fascist

In a democracy, there is always the possibility that the people will vote away their freedom and yours. Mechanisms could be put into place through fascistic means to prevent this from happening. It's a bit of a paradox but it makes sense and may be the only way to establish a permanently libertarian state. In a way our constitutional republic set out to do something similar to this but it was more diluted and malleable.

see thx

i mostly advocate for universal healthcare/education because it's better for the species. i want people to grow their own foods etc and share if they care, it's a voluntary setting

>libertarian socialism

My man.

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>I think I'm way smarter than I actually am
ouch, the edge

INTJ here. I am like Libertarianism but I am a registered Republican since the GOP is well funded here and they have lots of events and social shit for people under 40.

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I'm an INTJ and radical leftist authoritarianism is the only way. If the government were libertarian then it would easily be overturned by literally any other political movement. Humans are a cattle with few people leading them, this has been the case for at least 12,000 years. My IQ is 160. Prove me wrong, protip; you can't.

My mind works so quickly I can comb through ideas on the atomic level. Imagine a government made entirely of authoritarian INTJs. That is peak effeciency and evolution.

>what do you think her bootyhole smells like?

>Because libertarianism is a pro degeneracy materialistic jewish ideology
Libertarians believe in individual liberty. How is that materialistic, degenerate or beneficial to jews?

>goes to GOP social events for people under 40

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Because I lack empathy

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They don't believe in individualism. Nazis and commies alike think the farmer 250 miles from civilization needs to give up his property and his sheckels for whatever demented cause they believe in because they want people to be automatons to the state, not individuals with thoughts.