What is the most unoriginal thing you can post without getting muted?
What is the most unoriginal thing you can post without getting muted?
clap your hands
fuck boob
ur super gay
fuck nigs
Almost original
What is the most unoriginaI thing you can post without getting muted?
duck duck
never got pussy
haha dumb cunt
This really is not an original comment.
My parents love and care about me.
Sugma balls
The pusy was tight
Lol ur a fagget
fuck bitchs
>mfw no bf
I live a very happy life.
my peepee hard
women are dogshit
Well, how about, "OP is a faggot"?
jews need some gassings
fuck wh*te people and fuck trump
I am legit happy
Why am I still breathing?
I like pewdiepie
>You have been muted for 2 seconds because your comment was not original
I'm a little surprised about this
Pewdiepie is a good YouTuber
fuck yids
l like pewdiepie
Iurk moar nigger
i fuck nigges
Did you hurt my dick?