What do you do when your crush chooses REAL men (pic related) over you?

What do you do when your crush chooses REAL men (pic related) over you?

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fuck them all, obviously.

> real men
> no penis
nice joke OP

ngl female -> male passes a lot better than mtf

Yeah and they're here to steal yo girl. ;)

would trib 10/10
i'd gush and hold onto his arms while he massages and plays with my breasts as our lewds smash into eachother holy shit

That's cause Testosterone is designed to ravage and morph the body. It can't fix them being manlets though or womanlets, whatever.

Sorry but if you're a cis male you're unwanted here. TransMEN have taken the testosterone throne, AND they can reproduce. Men are no longer needed.

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Right can fuck me on with a strapon or something. Great face

am cisshit female fren
if we follow the course of chinese scientists with the mice experiment we can have a gaybabies/gaybies soon enough

Yes, transMEN have fortunately made it possible for women to reproduce without cisshits.

Uh no. They don't have sperm so that's not possible.


Can they defend themselves like men? Can they fight like men? Can they die like men?

Do they still need all the emotional crutches and social pity for women?

The answer with 99.9% of these mutants is a resounding no to the former and yes to the latter.

What the fuxk is even going on in that pic?

it's just the beginning lads

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>transmen don't have uteruses
unlike mtf tranny failures whose sperm gets less potent, ftms can reproduce just fine.

theyre not ftm if they still have a vagina, theyre just cosplayers who got breast reductions

Fool. They can have both a vagina AND a penis.
See: Besides, you can't remove a vagina. You can only plug the hole. FT*Men* are too intelligent to do such a thing.
Now women don't need you.
Ironically this would never have happened if men hadn't pumped tranny porn everywhere.

Jesus I fucking hate trannies
Why can't their suicide rate go from 40% to 100%

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Holy shit she's fucking hot

>tfw girls are more manly than me now


>t. woman
ok larper

Based atuist

Haha lmao WTF is going on!!!!

he still has a penis and still has a y chromosome

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DESU I think it's better when they live a long life a suffering wishing they could die but being too much of a bitch to follow through

I'm an actual ftm, AMA.

Is testosterone pussy tighter than regular pussy?

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Tighter? If you consider atrophy tighter maybe. Not everyone gets atrophy but I've been on testosterone for 5 and a half years. I guess I wouldn't know since I stopped using it.

Most FTMs are gay(straight) so this is pretty inaccurate.

could you make a chart or something this is confusing

oh okay did some research, that looks like a real pain. also obviously the dysphoria of having it. did you always masturbate with clit only? or did transition change that

Yeah it's painful, but I never enjoyed sticking shit up there anyway so I just don't bother. I didn't really masterbate pre-testosterone because of dysphoria and general lack of a sex drive and also kind of just being terrified of that part of my body because it seemed like my genitals were an alien monster. Testosterone amped up my sex drive and I eventually started jerking off with my clit (I call it my dick though, mentally at least). Best orgasms I've ever had were using smaller fleshlights where I can actually penetrate. Best fucking feeling in the world.

Blatantly false by the way, HRT has a possibility of turning you infertile.

What is dysphoria to you? What does dysphoria feel like?

Oof that's a pandora's box. I struggle to answer that because I don't know how to translate what I'm feeling into words. I used to be a tomboy, and a relatively happy one at that. Puberty destroyed me, the rush of hormones made me obsessively think about how something felt horribly wrong but I had no understanding of it and no way to vocalize what I was going through. I used to think about how I'd probably grow up to have a short/curvy body like my mother and that I had no idea how to cope with it. (Thankfully that didn't happen, I stayed thin and I'm taller than my grandfather) There was this sort of back and forth pattern going off in my head about how I could never possibly be a "real" woman either, whatever that meant. I never saw myself living past high school. This was all before I had any concept of what the word "transgender" was and I was violently transphobic for a few years when I eventually did find out.
As I mentioned in my previous post I saw my genitals as a cruel alien monster. People always told me I'd get used to periods and shit, and I never did. Every time it happened it was just as bad as the first time, and I'd find myself in a deep dark depression where I felt weak and inhuman. Breasts never really grew past A cup size, but I still felt shame for them even existing and for a while when I was maybe 13 or so I used to go to bed with a scarf constricting my chest as tight as I could make it because people told me that you grow while you sleep. I was an isolated loner and I felt like a freak who didn't deserve to have friends. As puberty progressed I became spiteful towards males, my father, the kids at school, even our male dogs. Eventually I got over it after this girl got me connected with this friend group in highschool that was pretty evenly male/female, and by my senior year all my friends were male.

Okay you know what before I go off on an incoherent ramble you can ask me to clarify more specific things and I'll try my best.

hahaha "before I go off on an incoherent ramble" AFTER I went on an incoherent ramble

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trannies were a mistake

it's true, my existence is a mistake

did you stop taking HRT? how did you mind and perception of things change when you started it?

the more i transition (3 yrs on t, post-masec) and fall out of queer groups (moved) and into more ordinary friends who never knew i was trans, the more i realize how much pressure there is on guys socially and emotionally, on so many levels. holy shit :/

you don't notice when you're in queer groups because they see you as EXTRA manly from having come from having a vagina and do everything in their power to be woke and affirming, but people and institutions and laws are not like this towards men on the regular until i tell them. but then they want to fuck me. there's so much bullshit that's impossible to explain to someone who hasn't gone through this...

I've had a few mishaps with the pharmacy/insurance/switching doctors that resulted in me not getting a new prescription in time. Also because one time I switched from injectable test to a topical patch that I had to stop using because it irritated my skin really badly. When I'm off test for too long I fall back into the same pit of depression from before I started HRT. Because of this I do my best to stockpile my testosterone supply, and ration out smaller and more spread out doses if I know that I won't get my new script for a while.

No offense you kinda sound like a fag. Then again you said you hang out with "queer groups". I don't really care about expressing emotions, my default state is deadpan.

wow who'da thunk that men are treated differently than women and people will treat you like a man when you look like one

thank you for proving my point in earnest

Are you post op? Would you get fake penis?

imo they all seem a bit frankensteiny and they always have that uncanny valley freaky look of never looking quite real although coming really close at times.

Also are you into boys or girls? Is it just me or are there way more MtF and MtF 'lesbians' than FtM and FtM 'homos'?

I didn't really finish answering, my bad. One of the things that really changed everything when I started testosterone and was a few months in, that the realization that I somehow felt normal for the first time in my life. Everything wasn't perfect and I was having a big falling out with my family, but for the first time in my life I had this peace where I finally just felt human. The magic weared off sort of when I got used to it and became more conscious about how I still had female parts and I still have dysphoria today, it's just milder and doesn't affect my ability to be a regular shmuck. A lot of the mental problems I was having went away too.

Sorry, what point? I'm not completely sober right now.

Post top surgery and hysterectomy. The hysterectomy was one of the best decisions in my life.

>Would you get fake penis?
Fake? No, I'm not planning on phalloplasty. I plan to get metoidioplasty.

>Also are you into boys or girls?
I'm bi

Knowing my crush, it probably already has. I dont expect anything different from her.

Plenty of FtM homos. Transbians just get more flak because its easier to make fun of them and most are really fucking obnoxious about looking for someone to fuck them

T. MtF dickmuncher

Thanks 4channel for randomly dying when I'm in the middle of an active thread
fuck gookmoot