I miss chaotic so much it hurts
I miss chaotic so much it hurts
Sorry, user, but unless youre Dante he doesn't care. He can't he never will.
if you miss him just talk to him
He won't talk to me user I can't stop crying
Who are you, and why do you care about him? Don't tell me you're just another pathetic orbiter.
I talked to Chaotic today op are you jealous?
Have you ever loved someone that didn't love you back? He doesn't even care I've never felt so alone and I can't sleep meanwhile he's probably sleeping just fine right now. My stomach hurts so bad and it's hard to imagine a future. After everything I tried and gave he just doesn't care. I am pathetic just make it stop
another orbiter b8'd into giving a fuck about a random internet guy
that's gonna be a yikes from me
Who is Chaotic again? Sorry, I can't remember. I've been here a long time. I've seen so many people come and go off here.
Chaotic is r9k Chad to be honest
How long have you talked to him user?
Almost 3 months now user
Please someone help me please one of his friends or anything
Sounds like you're boring to talk to tbqh
I'm one of his close friends but how could I help you
Just please try and get him to talk to me again just please give me another chance or tell me what I did wrong I don't want him to go like this
This is quite hilarious. I love seeing people in agony
Post your discord contact and I'll add you and talk to you about the situation and see if it's a valid enough reason to help you. I'd prefer if you didn't have to hurt like this honestly I can relate a bit.
It's Bumbo#2999 please just let me speak to him please
>about to filter chaotic
stfu about him
holy fuck. just because he stopped posting doesn't mean he's gone forever
Thank you thank you thank you user
Just join safe space Reddit gang and filter already then you faggot
>newfag doesn't know filters
>instantly calls it reddit
lurk more fag
Idk if you're OP, but I added you.
Who added filters? moot.
The man's logic is spot on
>It's another literally who discord clique episode
Couldn't find you on discord.
Safe spacing is absolute plebbit tier you tard
Lurk more normaljak
>everyone who posts on this board should know about autistic namefags and attentionwhores
>if you don't go on our /r9gay/ or /sissy/ generals or hang out in our discord where we try make you take HRT you're a normalfag
>Degenerate faggots who took lust, the defining trait of normality, to the extreme, calling others normal
Good luck opiieie
Stop trying to strawman you pathetic faggot
Either shut the fuck up and safe space or just shut the fuck up
literally none of this is relevant to chaotic
newfags get off my board
Still there OP? I'll talk to you for a bit if you accept my request.
good luck even though you aren't dante OR nudante
it's literally what you said though
>gets shut down on strawman attempt
>tries it again
Absolute p l e b b i t
but it literally is, you're the same fucking faggot hat makes this thread every day, you're obviously a gay dude obsessing over another gay dude, and feel the need to tell the entire board about it. Nobody fucking cares, I like the red haired milf at my job, you don't see me making a fucking thread about it every day, and there's actually a real possibility of me fucking her one day, for you though? You'll keep making your little thread, people will keep telling you they don't want to hear about it, and you'll keep calling them a newfag because in your deluded degenerate fucking mind, everyone should know about some random namefag who posted here for a few months. You're a pathetic fucking joke and should kill yourself already. Chaotic, whoever the fuck he is, clearly doesn't give half a shit about you, and nor does anyone else.
big yikes buddy take your fucking meds, I'm not even op and clearly people care if there's so many threads about Chaotic that get attention
>posted here for a few months
>for a few months
Guess it's just a coincidence that he has the exact same response to anyone who says they don't care about this faggot right? How about you go take your meds, your fucking pink pills, hit up grindr, get aids and fucking die.
Excuse me if I'm wrong, I tend to ignore shit threads that focus on nothing but your absolute normalfag obsession with sex. Speaking of, I'm fucking out.
>being this asshurt
>being this new
Yeah just kill yourself buddy
Shut the fuck up and eat a dick you faggot you're OP pretending to be someone else. Fags like you should be gunned down
This thread is about sex now? Fucking butthurt keked
yeah 17 posters and I'm the op
eat shit you wojak posting newfag and stay mad
Fuck, you fagboys are really insecure about people insulting your literally who crush. Nobody cares about namefags, nobody cares about tripfags. You're giving them what they want and making them think they're special, you're literally the definition of a newfag. But keep it up with your delusion. Maybe one day he'll come back! But probably not, considering the fucking retards that won't stop obsessing over him here. Imagine being so pathetic you obsess over some random Jow Forums poster you'll never meet, fucking hysterical.
To be fair all wojaks and frogs are instant newfaggots
Chaoticfags have it too easy in here
>its a newfag calling other anons newfags to not seem like a newfag
Fuck off faggot. Go back >>>/reddit/
You're absolutely fucking braindead. End your life because the only thing you're worth is exhaling carbon dioxide and nothing else.
>insert wall of text
Literally seething newfag lmao
Take your pink pills you faggot. Your namefag oneitis doesn't give a shit about you
>no u
>responds to everyone like a soichild
>calls others Reddit after the fact
Reddit spotted
>Wall of text
HAHAHAHAHA i'd hate to imagine you trying to read a book. Guess those aids have already started degenerating your brain.
The absolute level of SEETHING
No wonder you betacucks don't get laid.
Stop comparing your jumbled autism text wall of newfaggotry to a book retard
That's what could really rot a brain as showcased by you
Now go cool off your ass it got blasted pretty hard newfag
>Literally the most normalfag response possible
hahaha, sure thing kiddo. Your namefag crush will never love you though ;)
Chaotic makes people rage like I've never fucking seen and you think it would have died down after year 2 but nah it's still going
Why do you think everyone who disagrees with you is the same person as if you actually aren't as retarded as you really are
We both know you're crying behind the monitor when you realize that you'll never have someone love you. Newfags like you should stay in plebbit
Disagrees with me? What the fuck is there to disagree on? That chaotic is a homosexual? That these /soc/ tier obsession threads are a cancer on this board? There's no fucking debate here, no disagreement, this is a fucking roast. You god damn aids ridden degenerate.
That you're a seething newfag who got here post tranny drama and probably came from pol and clearly has no idea what he's talking about lmao
>Seething newfag every post
You're projecting pretty hard there buddy, i've been in tears of laughter this entire thread. But ok, whatever helps you sleep better. Because it sure as fuck isn't gonna be your namefag boyfriend cuddling you to sleep.
>I've been in tears of laughter
Are you sure about that newfag?
Please retard it's pretty fucking obvious you've been fuming
and there it is again. One day you'll come up with a new response, not today. But one day. I guess when aids are eating away at your cerebellum it can be hard to think of original retorts.
Keep crying about your namefag degenerate you retard. You're not gonna make me angry at all. This is fucking hilarious
Rage some more for us newfag
If you say so! No need for language like that, shouldn't you be off getting laid you massive stud? Man I wish I was a chad like y- oh wait that's right, faggots will literally stick their dicks in anything because they're sex obsessed normies with no control over their lust.
Is the seething newfag samefagging to make it seem like he has friends? Fucking hell KEK
And newfags clearly have no control over their butthurt or their brain lmfaooo
you don't deserve to post lain if you're this new in a chaotic thread it's insulting
>The delusional degenerate thinks his obsession with some no name Jow Forums poster is such an amazing topic no more then one person could ever call him out for being the fucking retard he is
Holy shit this thread is a gold mine
I guess when you're delusional enough to think you can find true love on Jow Forums, lain must seem like a good anime worthy of defending. God you're as tasteless in media as you are in life.
>newfag calling anyone delusional
yikes from me
>The seething newfag is butthurt because chaotic rejected him
Stay mad betacuck
>posts lain
>calls lain trash
Nigger we know you're retarded but at least try to hide it
>Seething newfag again
C'mon faggot, I know you can do better, put down the pink pills and take the dick out of your mouth. Now REALLY think hard, think past the fact you'll be dead by 40, think past the fact your entire family is disgusted by you, and try for one moment, to think of an original insult. I believe in you.
Discarded, too newfag.
>You must be a fan of something to use it as a reaction image
HAHAHAHAHA, god just when I think you faggots have reached peak retard you take one step further.
>Oh no he called me out for being a newfag what I do
>Change the topic and tell him he's a failure
>Absolute normalfag insults
Stay mad as always betacuck
This is unironically normalcore logic, faggot I bet you orbit """gamirgrils"""
you chaotic orbiters are the losers of r9k
newfags are worse than orbiters which are 2nd to fem"bots"
>Sex obsessed degenerates who took lust, the defining trait of normality and based their entire identity around it, calling others normal, when earlier in the thread they literally said "at least i can get sex"
>I bet you orbit x as an insult
>In an orbiting thread about a namefag
Please tell me you're just pretending to be a retard at this point.
stop the sperg storm we've had these threads for almost a decade its board culture
Go orbit some more roast flaps seething newfag lmfao
I won't stop until every sissy boy orbiting beta cuck is eliminated.
Sure, never watched a girl streamer but hey, at least you can interact with them in some way. Unlike you and your namefag crush who will never even talk to you again ;)
you're just yet another obese keyboard warrior newfag in yet another chaotic thread and it's pretty obvious you take things too seriously and are butthurt over nothing
But I've never talked to Chaotic? You've been asshurt over nothing this entire time and this is going in my Reddit cringe compilation *snap*
I'm actually pretty skinny and am in the middle of eating a protein bar before I head to gym, but keep on projecting user! It's clearly a coping mechanism that works for you. You've called me a newfag so many times you must be starting to believe you aren't one! It's just too bad that giving namefags attention is the defining trait of newfaggotry. But hey, seems like you've got some of them convinced.
oh so you're "that guy" at the gym
Enjoy your ban btw newfaggot
6'5 lanket ;)
Fuck I might actually have to spend 10 seconds to get around the ban, pls no. Oh but I guess a newfag like you wouldn't realize how easy ban evading is.
Imagining what you look like unironically made me laugh fyi
Tall dudes must be funny when you're 5 foot, we must seem like giants. But it's ok, most manlets turn to homosexuality once they realize they will never have a chance with women.
The seething beta lanklet and newfag you simply cannot make this up lmfaoo
Yeah fuck, I'm so angry why did you have to make me tall god! Why do I have to be in the top 10% of men! Curse my life.
LOL I wonder why you're on r9k and a virgin with such good genetics newfaggot
Because I'm not some normalfaggot like you who's simply content getting fucked. I know right, hard to comprehend? It's almost as if people can have bigger problems than inability to get laid.
Nice cope you disgusting skelly lanklet gymfag lloooollll go call chad a normalfag and see what happens beta