>tfw born in India
Is there anything worse than this?
>tfw born in India
Is there anything worse than this?
being indian i assume is worse
Why are you Indians such fucking nuisance. The more annoying race I've ever encountered. Dirty, Unhygienic, Superior complex issues.
you and the guy you are pretending to be are pathetic
Stop stop stop occupying Kashmir user.
Being born in Mexico
Honestly Indians are worse than blacks
so do you poo in the loo, pajeet?
How are they exactly worse than black? Blacks commit more crime
I'd rather be born in Mexico desu
Pakistani here. Can't wait till we nuke you fuckers.
Being born in Somalia?
If you stopped looking at whiteness as an ideal to be achieved you would unironically be 1000% happier. I think that all nonwhites should spend their first 17 years without direct access to white people, we'd be better off.
>t. Nigga
>we'd be better off
You wouldn't be on the internet right now and you'd lack many great things in your life but go ahead, i won't stop you if you want to detach yourself from whitey and all his inventions
Move to the US. There's so many successful Indians in stem here.
>I think that all nonwhites should spend their first 17 years without direct access to white people, we'd be better off.
lmao what happened in your life to make you feel this way?
>Pakistani here
Shouldn't you be fucking little boys in a bus right now?
Blacks are unintelligent but can be funny which makes them tolerable to be around if they're not chimping out. I've known a lot of Indians and the intelligent ones are complete cunts, and they have no idea what white social norms are.
I never said anything about inventions or objects, I was saying that we need to grow up among our own kind in order to be mentally healthy.
>is there anything worse than this?
Way, way worse.
I'm from Zimbabwe.
>lmao what happened in your life to make you feel this way?
Just personal experience and lurking around here. I feel like most nonwhite robots would be at least normalfag-tier if they grew up around their own, the insecurities about their facial features and skin tone wouldn't exist, or would be a lot smaller. A "loser" indian living in the west could just as well live a happy and fulfilling life in his own land. Even
is just the extreme example of being surrounded by a culture hostile to you.
>being born in Mexico as a white men
>everyone sees you as a high class guy so they can treat you like shit.
Also if you are white in Mexico you can't acces a lot of neighborhoods because you will get robbed
"pretending" i don't pretend nigga, i'm from the streets of compton. Ill pull out my gat and splat any nigga's brain out.
All the Indians at my school seem to be friends with each other seems kind of nice
>be me
>Be born in India
>Be very rich
>In a very well developed city living in a posh area
>Be really good in English
>Argue with people when they say India is bad
>Learn about poo in the loo from Jow Forums
>Never seen it happen here
>17 years later have to go to college
>Decide not to go to outside for it
>Go to a normal college here
>Get in a good college
>Everyone thinks I'm a dumbass because I act sophisticated and display a level of class a person should.
>I treat people with dignity.
>I see why people talk about poo in the loo
>I can now smell that aweful smell you guys talk about.
>Everyone has a superiority complex
>People laugh when I have trouble speaking Hindi, because I've always conversed in English.
>Have no friends.
I need to get the fuck out.
Would you move to America if you could?
Being born in the Congo as a pigmy
Sure. I'm actually working and studying so that when I finish the university I go to America.
>the extreme example of being surrounded by a culture hostile to you.
Understatement of the century
don't come here pajeet, fuck off we're full.
Why do you guys say "Sir" all the time? Where does this worm like subservience come from?
I'm Somalian user it gets worse.
Help a fellow currynigger kill some time.
At a wedding.
Will the real Internet pirate please stand up?
>If you stopped looking at whiteness as an ideal to be achieved you would unironically be 1000% happier
I don't know how true this is of all races, but it's completely true of asians, especially asian (including indians but not arabs). They're so desperate to emulate us that they have no identity beyond what their white friends find acceptable. Moreover, they fuck themselves over on the dating scene because they have nothing unique to offer any woman, much less a woman of their own race. Why date whiteaboo Raj when you could just date the real deal? Nonwhites need their own identity.
Of course, they can't really have that unless they're not in a white country, so I'd imagine being Indian in India is miles better than being Indian in fuckin California.
So your saying you would rather a nigger who would rob and rape you over a pajeet that is rude and stinky?
i feel you user
just an advice
>nobody will help you whites will be hostile to you and refugee friendly country really are not.
>everyone will think you're a subhuman and won't care which race or ethnicity are you from and just see your country as a whole.
>you'll slowly become either crazy or broken if you need to leave your country
>it will be extremely difficult since you're a subhuman to every one else.
try to escape, I'll probably apply as a refugee myself.
Are Somalian and Ethiopians even black?
i mean aren't they supposed to be the very first true Caucasians?
Indians are such a mixed bag of people. I've met some who are dirty, smell bad and think their better then everyone else.
But then I've met some that are legit good people, humble and will give you the shirt off their sweaty brown backs.
its not about being white its about NOT living off $1 a day
eeehhhh. if you have internet it cant be so bad. im a chicano who has been unemployed for years. the u.s. isnt as rich as it used to be. the american boomers literally sent all jobs to asia and left us youngsters with nothing but mcjobs. no one even talks about working hard anymore... you literally get told that coming up with a million dollar invention is your only hope nowadays