Your thoughts on women?
Your thoughts on women?
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roasties aII of them
What are "women"? Are they human?
they smell nice sometimes
l love them
i hate to disappoint you
sigh.... let's go boys
(im unemployed)
2 or 18 kudasai
1, 5 and 17 are damn fine.
rolling for 11 cause that bitch is miiighty fine
Unless one of them is sporting massive 38HHH tits under their blouse, these bitches are all below my standards
rest can fuck off
Subhumans that are deserving of genocide
cheerleader effect has no effect on me. theyre all useless cunts. fire hydrants are more interesting than bitches
absolutely based and redpilled, my enlightened friends
fuck women. killing off every single last one of them would make the world a better place
Weak, evil fucks. No sympathy for any of them since they are more often then not born nation-wreckers that need the whip.
I feel like this is one of those "all asians look the same comments", but honestly a lot of those chicks look the same. Lot of the noses and neanderthal foreheads are the same.
It's fucking weird. It looks like a bunch of them are inbred.
I am water and they're oil.
18, 7 are the only options that looks above 80 iq, though I may be wrong about 7, she could just be a slut trying to look shy and mysterious
Checked. Fuck. True...
Giving them any right was mankind's biggest mistake.
I roll 00.. What does this mean?
>Are they human?
Why do I do this when I don't even like any one of them.
Oof. Sorry user. You rolled gang weed.
17 gives me the creeps but I bet she's an animal in bed
Right? 17 is super interesting.
8 and 12 are shit. 8 > 12
I can't even imagine being with so many people. Like how many friends do normies have? Christ, when I go to social gatherings, it's with 3-4 people MAX.
[s4s] on ur board edit ur maymays.
I want to fucking strangle most (99.99%) of them
rolling for 1 or 7
rolling in a rollable roll
roasties are legitimately not humans
also fuck the cucks that humor them
They are all the fucking same, I just recently broke up with my ex because she was doing the same bullshit that all the other girls in my life have done and she was from a different fucking continent
they get less terrible as they get older. culture makes the younger ones act bad, not biology.
They suck because they don't have penises all the time
Welcome brother, you took the final redpill on women, they're all the same. Most people will never accept this.
Thats some epic carrot juice
Poopy doop roll
I hate them except for their boobies
They're herd animals with no empathy and no shred of personality whatsoever, incapable of thinking for themselves or abstractly.
But I guess it's my personality (looks) that's the problem, I should improve it, am I right gyuze?
they make my pp hard soooooooooooo i don't hate them
7 looks like a Russian escort wife
2 in a heartbeat. 11 would work too
They're mostly horrible, selfish, shallow people and I don't really enjoy being around them. I don't outright hate or resent them like some, but I generally have zero interest in talking to most of them.
fuck them
and fuck niggers and kikes
A woman gave birth to you, so doesn't that make you non-human too?
Something along the lines of "meh".
Women are the best. Sure they cause a lot of problems in life, but they sure as fuck are great at fixing them.
They vary. Some are good, some are evil, most are meh, just like men.
They are weaker physically and mentally but damn useful if properly trained.
Hoping to get an absolutely original 0.
give me that roll
When I was a kid I viewed them with indifference, but they, even then, looked at me with contempt.
My adult experience is not much different. They only care about surface level, things like the heart or soul of a man they could give two shits about as long as he's what society considers hot.
the kikes of gender,
belong in ovens.
Roll roll im rolling for a gf
they're the only thing i genuinely enjoy
dating is my only hobby
18 > 12 > 17 > 1 > 5
Everyone else gets gassed.
You're not a man until your eyes are opened to the true nature of women and how shallow/manipulative/cold they can be.
they are useful for procreating user
Their personalities have hardly any variation and they all want the same thing they are truly drones with no soul. But if youre a good looking guy who gets worship by women you won't complain because why would you? Everyone knows this but if your an ugly guy and say this everybody blames you
go on then i want a good one
Women are wonderful in the beggining, when you're in love with one the world will feel like its perfect but they are also emotionally greedy. They need validation constantly and if you marry one eventually whatever attention you give her will not be worth anything and she will seek it from somewhere else.