Guys... I can't believe it...they told me Santa Claus doesn't exist. There is nothing to live for anymore

Guys... I can't believe it...they told me Santa Claus doesn't exist. There is nothing to live for anymore

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I'm 23 and still think he exists, I run many tests throughout the years and nothing tells me he is fake yet. No, I'm not joking.

He does exist user, you just have to belive it

>Wait what, I haven't heard anything about this, is this true?

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They're trying to get you on his naughty list, user. Don't listen to (((them))).

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Tim Allen has definitively answered this for us. Santa is real.

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This, I have this theory that if you don't get presents it's because you stopped believing and Santa stopped bothering with you. If you believe and leave cookies and milk, plus writing the letter beforehand then he'll keep coming.

What? He doesn't shop at macy's? But all my presents came in macy's bags. What's he doing there then?

Santa Claus here, AMA

Santa never existed. He's an idea, the "spirit" of Christmas, he represents giving and being generous to your fellow man. The best way for parents to get that idea across is to represent him physically, but learning that he's real shouldn't discourage you from giving out of the good and kindness of your own heart. You're Santa Claus now.

Of course, imo he also represents a glaring issue with the greedy and inefficient nature of capitalism, but that kinda undercuts my previous message

Where's my Battlebots for the Gameboy Advanced? I know its been a few years but if anyone can get it you can.

Tell me about these tests, and why do you not receive any gifts/coal from him?

What's your name and what year was it? I'll seek through good boy care and see what happened

oh yeah then who's reindeer was jingling on my roof when i woke up years ago


This. One night I put put cookies and milk. I woke up and half a cookie had been eaten. You can't tell me a parent would be cruel enough to go that far. That was Santa mothercucker


All I want to do is BE Santa Claus. I want to embody the generosity and humanity that is the Christmas spirit...
I look forward to this holiday every year, and every time it's ruined and I disappoint myself.

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Genorosity like that, it's enough that you want to do it in this case. You don't actually have to give.

It's not really giving gifts or anything like that, but I was thinking about volunteering at my local food bank/soup kitchen/etc. On Christmas Eve and Christmas day because I live by myself and don't really have any Christmas plans.

But I want to see the faces of good people light up when I give to them.
I'm only left with sadness and Christmas feels ruined from my lack of money.

They're full of shit man. I know for a fact that there's a Santa Claus. Last Christmas there was a big fat man with a big bushy beard sneaking up to my mom's room with a sack full of funny looking toys. I didn't get any presents because he said there had been a mix up with the delivery list but he promised to get me something this year when he comes back.

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If you give all year you won't feel as guilty. Personally my problem is I donate what charity or Drives I can donate to unless it's placed in front of me and I can sign up for texts from them.

> Christmas last year
> Come up with an idea to steal all of the presents Santa is delivering for myself
> Make cookies laced with a shit ton of Xanex
> Put them on a plate and eagerly await the moment when Santa eats them and passes the fuck out
> After a while hear a loud THUMP
> Run downstairs to tie up Santa
> It's just dad lying on the floor passed out
> Stupid bastard probably got shit faced on egg nog
> Notice all of the cookies are gone
> Fucking should have known that magical fat fuck wouldn't be affected by Xanex.

My god damn dad still hasn't woken up yet and he seriously needs a shower because he looks and smells like fucking shit.

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You should just put him outside, in some bushes maybe, until he comes to. Santa might skip your house altogether because of it and that'll be two years in a row you get boned.

I do receive gifts. Anyhow
>First time wasn't even a test
>Was 7
>Everytime I went to the supermarket I'd play with the same bear plushie
>Recognized it apart from the others because of an odd stitch it had plus some other spots
>Mom too poor to buy it
>Country goes to hell
>There's theft, people breaking into stores, stealing everything, fire, chaos, shots
>Literally see "Toby" get grabbed right in front of my eyes by some hobo while mom drags me to escape from there
>Two weeks later
>On the 24th go to mom's bf house to celebrate with his family
>It's an hour away from our home
>Mom had cut ties with what little family members we had because reasons and she didn't have a single friend
>She only had me and her bf, which were all together
>25 comes, we toast, eat a bit and by 2am go back home
>It's all dark
>I noticed something on my sock
>Immediately grab it and open it
>It's motherfucking Toby
>I checked every spot and it was definitely him
>Even mom goes "what the fuck, how"
>No one could have acquired him, and even so, mom had no "accomplice" to tell to bring it home
>Was sure the stolen one was mine because I had been playing with him minutes before the burglars broke in
>Also mom suffered from BPD, anxiety and panic attacks so it's not like she would loosely leave the key to some neighbor
>Yet Toby was there

It was Santa, my dude, I 100% believe it in my heart till today. Other tests I did was literally locking her in her room when she went to sleep and unlocking before she woke up so she wouldn't scream at me, and yet the gifts were already under the tree by the time I did (we live alone just the two of us). I did this twice, one time with me sleeping in my room and the other I slept with her to check she wouldn't wake up and use a spare key. I did some other tests but forgot now.

Santa Claus exists, I have met him. Outside of Christmas you can find him at Korvatunturi, Finland.

>not helping your dad and calling him a piece of crap
This is why your on the naughty list and why Santa isn't coming you idiot.

Santa Claus is real, you can visit his relics in Bari and there's a church in Myra built over his tomb. Though he definitely got conflated with some other figures along the way.

That he built for all the elves and non believers he had to bury I assume?

How has your mom not been consistently concerned about the mysterious gifts that she didn't get you appearing in your living room?

He's real, my mom used to show me live footage of plane tailing him

That's just what ((((they)))) want you to think. Don't believe everything you hear. The grinch's lies are everywhere.

She unironically believes in Santa too. She gets seriously pissed off when she sees someone claiming otherwise and believes like I do. Her childhood home was by the river and she along my uncle and grandpa went sailing often. One time they went out on the night of the 24th to stargaze, and when coming back she saw weird lights hoovering over her house, when they arrived and went inside (also almost dawn) there were gifts there and she's convinced it was Santa. My uncle saw it too but says there must be some other explanation. I mean, maybe it's not Santa as a literal fat man in red robes, but maybe since we two always believed in fairies and mythical stuff and shit there's some being gifting us stuff? Also I just remembered another thing, one year the family business crashed hard and we were literally penniless, for a whole year we ate nothing but rice with those little ketchup packages they give at McDonald's for free, it was an awful year and yet on Xmas I got a gift I had shown interest mere months prior (so already dirt poor) and it was something really expensive my mom, no, actually no one in my family could have afforded (and she was still friendless.. well, she still is nowadays, but still).

I just wanted something boys. Something to hold on to and have faith in. But if it turns out that there is no Santa... I just don't know man... I just don't know

No the tomb is for Mrs. Claus God rest her soul. He doesn't need tombs or graves for the elves because the freezing temperatures and snow at the North Pole is perfectly adequate for preserving the elves' bodies

I'm almost 25 and I never believed in santa, am I evil?

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> literally locking her in her room
*adds you to my naughty list*

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Same. I'm 20. Never did. Not sure why, just no matter how far back I remember I never did.
I did have a phase when I was 10 where I really, really wanted to believe. Like some Polar Express shit. I felt way too old for it, but I had a lot of embarrassing stuff like that that I kept to myself.
I put out cookies and a note then prepared to go to bed, but I remembered that my mom would probably wake up before me and I'd be embarrassed if she saw it, so I got up and threw it away.
Sad times.

Please tell me why he wants the dead elves' bodies preserved.

Where else would he get materials for toys?

That's scary

They're just bitter because they got put down as naughty when they were kids. Don't listen to them OP.

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Santa Claus is a derivative of Sinterklaas, aka Saint Nicholas, who actually did exist.

Also the modern day incarnation of Santa was designed by Coca Cola to sell more bottles of liquid sugar around Christmas time.

Yea yea yea and Christmas is a pagan holiday blah blah blah. You've ruined Winter for me. How will I ever enjoy the holidays again.

>Also the modern day incarnation of Santa was designed by Coca Cola to sell more bottles of liquid sugar around Christmas time.
Oh you silly goose, I can't believe you still believe in that jaded, pseudo-clever rumor.
There are plenty of depictions of Santa that look similar to the modern interpretation dated hundreds of years before the founding of Coca-Cola, and many of him wearing red in the 19th century. This one here is from 1885, and Coke was founded in 1892.

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