ALL men want Stacy. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't
ALL men want Stacy. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't
wrong. they want the Asian equivalent of Stacy.
That is good. Now take a deep breath when I say so. Now!" She ordered him.
He did and she farted at the same time. He nearly choked on it and tried to cough. His mouth was kept close by her ass cheek so the little bit of air that came out was making fart noises. His stomach had settled down before that awful smell assailed him. He felt queasy again. He was fighting to keep it down.
Stacy is eyecandy, and also vapid and spoiled and obnoxious. Only a naive manchild would really want Stacy.
I can't. All women are Stacy
of course we do but we are willing to settle for much less
the difference is that women want chad exclusively
The beta males and beta females only look for people out of their league.
All men want Stacy. All women want Chad.
If the lack of a relationship is really troubling you, find someone comparatively 2/10 points uglier than the one you like.
Only for pump and dump.
I will be your boyfriend RIGHT NOW. All you have to do is say yes.
>the difference is that women want chad exclusively
will you suck on my nips to make me feel better afterwards? theyre warm and soft
All men want pussy. Stacy is likely to give it out or suggest that she just might, tee hee.
You might even be the more interesting smart or funny person, but that is simply of no relevancy if you do not spread your legs.
>fembot thread
I'm not getting into graduate school this year.
>really want to go
>honestly it was done to bad luck because my CV is amazing
>I already delayed school by two years to take care of my mom
>want to start a family and get married
>tfw no bf
>but also want to keep being a scientist
>scared of losing housing
I basically came home today after another miserable interview and masturbated three times. Now I'm studying, listening to Chet Baker and wishing I was dead.
How y'all ladies feeling tonight?
Which is Stacey.
I honestly feel that they get away with way more shit because at least the modern politic situation has reeled white women in with accusations of racism.
this but I'm certainly not proud of it
if you're cool with that, then yeah I'll do it
The question is: what makes a stacy? Every man knows in his heart-even when they don't agree. The boys will always put whatever pussy they find on a pedestal though.
>masturbated three times
How was it?
White Stacies get away with way more shit than any minority women ever. There are literally several cases of attractive white women having sex with their 16 year old hs students and getting a slap on the wrist as for legal punishment.
>I'm not getting into graduate school this year.
I m really really sorry
No. I want the degenerate female version of me.
I want someone that can understand.
Be it a relationship, friendship, dogshit, whatever you want.
But I actually want kind of shy, kind of awkward, average, plain looking, flat-chested girl more than a fucking annoying stacy
...You don't know a single Stacy, do you?
Not him, but Stacies are either really nice (due to positive reinforcement and living a privileged life) or theyre flat out stuck up bitches.
>theyre flat out stuck up bitches
That's not a Stacy. That's a bimbo.
Tfw had an artist gf that loved noise music and Anime and hated going outside unless it was on a hike through a secluded forest with me.
Tfw I fucked it up
I really should just kill myself
No I don't, they're dumb and indoctrinated to just follow whatever is """trendy""". I hate people who conform just for the sake of it.
>how was it
Honestly? Pretty good. Except I went running for batteries when I was still opening and I think I accidentally flashed my neighbours.
>"here is a bunch of white women doing a thing and I'm going to assume this wouldn't happen to minority women because my worldview says so and this is evidence of my worldview"
With that said, I do suspect that black femanons are the true fembots.
Thanks m8.
What pissed me off was that I fucking nailed the interview both times. I actually gave an answer so good the professor's jaw hung open. This one shook my hand and called me wonderful....
....then he told me some stuff about funding and another went on about another candidate that he already made promises to who was an extremely successful outlier.
Meanwhile I know for a fact that in the two previous years they both accepted morons with shittier grades than me, less research experience, and a worse employment history. I'm so fucking mad.
This. They can be your angle or you're devil....
It's like Chad. Some Chads are absolute sociopathic monsters beyond redemption coasting on their abs and daddy's money. Others are actually the best dudes and they make you sort of mad at how good and deserving they are of happiness.
There is no difference. A pretty person will always be a pretty person despite how treacherous their personalities may be.
I prefer Becky
I hope youre a Brad then.
I wasnt specifically taking about stacy's personality.
I was talking about all the superfluous shit included in being a stacy.
Hmm I would say I would bang stacy but definitely dont want stacy. And even that would go away if a very particular female where to come along.
tfw robot dating a Stacy :)))
Joan ordered as she was pushing her first stool in his mouth before pinching it. She felt his jaw moving. She knew he was getting the full flavor exploding in his mouth. Then she felt his tongue pushing on her asshole and she pushed another piece that she pinched also.
How many drugs is she on, we know you are a step down
>With that said, I do suspect that black femanons are the true fembots.
Only if you're a fat cow that can't dress, skinny women with a decent sense of style of any race can snag a decent guy.
I broke off another small chunk of meat, along with another part of the maggot mass and pushed it inside me. This one had more maggots on it, and I stopped for a moment to see if I could feel them inside me. I wasn't sure I could, but it didn't matter. I wanted them all. I needed to take them all inside me. With that thought, I went sort of wild. I started pushing bigger chunks of meat and maggots, and even handfuls of just maggots into me, over and over. I was practically hyperventilating, too. I wasn't thinking at all about the noise I must have been making. But now I could definitely feel the maggots squirming inside my vagina. Just the idea of it made me cum again.
>what are OKCupid stats about how often black women are ignored
>implying men care about fashion
Also fat women popularised the muumuu, so clearly you know nothing of fashion.
As soon that she felt his mouth under her she pushed hard. The first stool move in his mouth fast. He had relaxed his throat but she was shitting faster than any other of his previous users. He was a little scared that he would spill some or worse that he would choke on it. Either way he would be punished. He had to avoid the whip his ass was still too sore. She fed him two long stools.
''Lick me clean.'' She ordered before turning around and pushing on his shoulders so that he would be sitting on his heels.
She straddled him without touching his mouth and peed in him. She wiped herself and fed him the paper before getting back to the table
I want a big titty weirdo gf
>All men want Stacy
Correct, probably.
>All that men want IS Stacy
Just because I really like Strawberries doesn't mean all I will eat is Strawberries and no other kind of fruit. It doesn't even mean Strawberries are my favorite fruit, or favorite food in general.
>No men want me
If you're a mopey bitch, maybe. If that's how you are, you're only going to attract men beneath your league who are 'dating up' (if you believe in 'leagues').
Proud or not, it is what it is.
Gets much easier to accept when you remember that all women want you for what you can provide.
Money, entertainment, excitement, status, protection, sex, a damn car or a home.
It isn't about YOU as person either.
They want mainly your stuff, we mainly want their pussy.
Exceptions are rare af on both sides, count yourself lucky if you ever find one.
Iless drugs than me for sure
What's it like being a soulless monster pretending to be intelligent and reasonable?
>Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't
I know I'm gonna catch shit for this. but sure, I'll prove you wrong. My gf is pretty fucking far from being a "Stacy".
It gets you through the day.
How is it to wear blinders willfully and get disappointed all day?
True robots are too nervous and uncool to do drugs, of course you got a Stacy, you are a failed normie, not a robot
you think I'm cool? Thank
If you are too nervous just do drugs BRO
yeah you're fat, no wonder you're alone.
Lol, enjoy femceldom
The mantle
The thing about being disappointed is that at least I am capable of recognising two distinct states, whereas you're so confident in how horrible people are that your confirmation bias blinds you to the best possible aspects of humanity. It's honestly sounds way more horrible than having one's hopes dashed, because at least I have hope.
Everyone knows "Stacy's mom has got it going on"...
Get it together Anonobot9k ;)
You'll get steady bad surprises and disappointment in your life, shit must be hell on the stomach lining.
I assume the worst, almost any surprise I ever get will be a pleasant thing.
And since you already start with unasked for counseling of other peoples lifes:
Calling people horrible for their simple nature is frankly only showing your frustrations and imo a hidden wish to manipulate everyone into 'better' people, with you being the judge of what is better.
I abhor people with that attitude, they are tyrants in hiding with a "Only I know what is best!" mindset.
yeah i want stacy. that doesn't mean i won't settle.
I want a job that pays me a billion dollars to masturbate but im not gonna get one.
>you're a tyrant for not being some passive moral relativist
Or just a person with human feeling who finds cynics sad.
>unasked for
>says the dude who was literally just giving unrequested advice to someone else and posted his opinion voluntarily on a public forum
But this is all derailment, my point is that if you honestly think people care about is money or pussy, you haven't talked to a human in awhile.
Oh, I do talk with them if I can't avoid it.
I just do not care a whit about what they SAY they want, since that is simply conversational hot air for social purpose, unless you are close af to someone. I'll judge them by their actions taken, and that gives me lots of polishing material for my cynicism.
Rather sad evasion to now try and whine about derailments and unwanted advice when you started with whining about mending my horrid soulless ways out first and had to push your sweet disney-dreams into the thread.