What is worse, hanging out with the worst of people, or hanging out with nobody at all and live isolated?

What is worse, hanging out with the worst of people, or hanging out with nobody at all and live isolated?

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the latter; at least when you hang out with terrible people you can be terrible with them

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What qualities or actions makes them the worst?

But what if you pick up the bad habits from the terrible people you hang out with? Is it better to be with bad people than to be alone?

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>Is it better to be with bad people than to be alone?
yes. next

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The problem is when you believe that those two are your only options forevermore.

You mean the former?
The former. Everything you need is inside of you. And the meatbag propelling it of course.

>You mean the former?
OP is asking which is worse.

Double 00 indicates hanging out alone is cooler. What the fuck are you, a normalfag that you would rather hang out with niggers?

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Also, being a namefag is pretty low..

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based and intellectual. namefags should euthanize themselves and fuck off back to plebbit

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Dubs smart friend.

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I live kind of isolated and the thing that's nice is I don't have anxiety attacks anymore when a bunch of people come in my dorm room because my roommates invited them. I live by myself now.

But then again, it's comfy for me, maybe not for other people.

*clink* *clink* Attention. It is getting ebil in here.

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I'd rather be fucking alone.
Fuck boring people.

All the friends I had were the worst of people. I'm the worst of people. Where the fuck do you think you are?

isolation, definitely


More numbers.

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I meant isolation is worse. I like my piece of shit frens coz I'm a piece of shit.

The second one. No company really is better than bad company, and you'll be a happier person when you realize it.

Bad people just drag you into their shit, whatever it is, and you're worse off for it.

Wut? Esfores indicates ur MBTI is extroverted.

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When you say "the worst people," who, exactly, are you talking about? Do you mean like crack addicts and meth heads? Because it's far better being alone than being in the same county as those kinds of people. Or are you talking about normie Chad and Stacy-tier faggots? Because I've hung out with them, they aren't having nearly as much fun as they seem to be having, and if they are, then it's because they're stupid enough to have convinced themselves that they're having fun.

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