/self harm/

>how often do you do it
>does anyone know
>do you do it because bored or because you like the pain

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bumping cuz curious

I emotionally harm myself and my bf all the time
Well my bf i dont harm but i just will get really distant randomly and not talk and push him away from touching me and stuff
Its rough

Kill yourself already you miserable cunt

Go cut yourself some more i dont care

used to do it years ago now. started when i was an early teenager and it got progressively worse
starts without even breaking the skin but then you do small cuts and they get a little larger, and they get so frequent and fill up your skin
you have to stop for a bit and let the patch of cuts go through the healing process.. depending on the depth and length i could accurately guess if it was a permanent scar (most of course were) and how long it would need to heal.. was interesting to passively watch how they healed
eventually you realize the extent of how unhealthy it is, not even just the act of physically wounding yourself repeatedly but all the after effects. you have the scars forever and as you walk through life later, you may have to explain them, how many do you want to explain? what sort of image of yourself do you want to portray to others?

went on a bit of a tangent... but yeah there's plenty of short term pleasure in the pain.. theres so many more negatives to the 'after' though.

>how often do you do it
once in a while, it's been weeks since i last did it.
>does anyone know
>do you do it because bored or because you like the pain
>like the pain
kek, this is just being edgy. i do it for stress relief.

i sometimes bang my head on walls. i whip myself with my crop or belts. I punch myself in the head pretty hard too. I also like to burn myself with cigarettes, and ive on occasion cut myself.

I harm myself frequently, and more people know than i would like. I really do just like the pain, but it stems from having been sexually abused as a child and from not having a strong father figure growing up. I needed more punishment as a kid.

>my face realizing how fucked up i am as i write this

>stress relief
>any different from liking the pain

Though if i had to edit my postid say that stress relief is a good description of why i like the pain.

I used to. My favorite spot was my left arm. Sometimes I'd cut my chest too. When my family found out they hid all the sharp objects away from me and sent me to therapy.
I did it because it felt good and it took my mind off things. I've been clean for a year now but I still crave it sometimes when I'm really upset about something.

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yea, it's a good way to calm yourself down.
i tend to do it more often on my job. i go to the bathroom and slash myself on parts that nobody will see. belly, chest, upper arm, legs
sometimes i imagine what they would think of me if there was a hidden camera on the bathroom, kek.

that's hot af. if i caught you i'd let you fuck me desu

bumping because page 10 wants replies

i do it out of complete boredom. i tend to cut pretty deep.
it doesn't provide any stress relief, im just bored out of my mind and have nothing better to do

i also cut for fun.
it is exciting new venture for me.

Does substance abuse count?
If so then every day for most of the day.

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Got any recommendations for sleeping medication?

bumping because whys not

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unless you live in some sort of weird police state like in the UK, you should be able to go to the local drug store and buy some melatonin. Doesn't work at all for me though, so if the same for you, just take 100mgs of benadryl. I find coricidin can help you get cozy if you take a fuck ton of it (like at least a dozen tablets). The benadryl will make you pretty drowsy and help you stay asleep. The coricidin will make your body feel sort of fuzzy, like you're wearing fleece. Apparently, some people get minor hallucinations too from taking a fuck ton of coricidin, but I never have, might be bullshit. If you like alcohol, a hard yet tasty drink might help you wind down too, it does for me.

>100mg of benadryl (if melatonin doesn't work for you)
>about 300 to 450mg of coricidin
>a nice stiff drink, you want to be at least a bit tipsy (i find spiced rum wit hot apple cider is pretty nice before bed)
>lights off
>find some chill music to daydream to while you wait for everything to knock you out (depending on your musical tastes, I can recommend some nice shit, like youtube.com/watch?v=sV5BjXgaFvI )
Do all these things. Maybe skip the booze if you really don't like drinking, but it's a process. I've told several people throughout the years with problems sleeping to do just this, and it's worked wonders. The booze & music will help "train" your mind to relax over time, so eventually you probably won't need anything more than just 25-50mg of benadryl for every now and then when you can't pass out naturally.

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I mean, i starved myself? I guess thats self harm. But it worked out for me, because now im back to normal eating and i ended up losing 15 kilos in 2 months or less, i dont really remember. Now i can wear cuter clothes

Interesting, I can sleep fine on tramadol but can't sleep when withdrawals kick in.

ive been fasting myself.

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If you're going to cut yourself, cut yourself on your shoulders! It's easy to hide and and you can cut super deep! There's lot's of muscle and fat there to cut into! You can wear t-shirts to hide your scars even! You don't fuck and you don't go swimming so you have all your cases covered you stupid fags!


Oof, tramadol. That shit's pretty much morphine.
Nice, yeah, but those withdrawals are killer. As much as I do it anyway, I wouldn't recommend mixing liquor and painkillers, it'll tear your liver a new asshole if it won't just outright trigger your Off Switch and delete you from your mortal coil.
However, if you want to sleep and literally never wake up, have at it, drink all the liquor and eat all the pills.
Don't know about you, but the music and dark are as important for me as the meds to sleep. I can recommend some stuff I often fall asleep to, if you care to give them a listen.


youtube.com/watch?v=1FnAMzXMAM0&list=PLW-JWXSyw84Y_UxZUtij0fLgZi8ux8WK1 (album playlist)


Grats user. I guess in some form of irony, your self neglect managed to help you improve your body a bit.

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>Oof, tramadol. That shit's pretty much morphine.
FUCKING retard. You're an absolute moron. Tramadol is a different mechanism altogether. You absolute shithead you shouldn't post about things you don't know about. Trams are WORSE because you can get seizures due to it basically being a slurry by itself (different enantiomers have different mechanisms) so it's like you're always mixing drugs you FUCK. IT DOESN'T EVEN AFFECT THE KAPPA OPIOID RECEPTOR, IT'S THE MU RECEPTOR YOU ABSOLUTE WETCHINNED NIGGER

Jesus my dude, sounds like you could fucking use one right now yourself to chill out a bit.
I only compared the two due to how they're both addictive and can both fuck you up if you're not careful.
And as much as I want to say you're correct, you seem like you only just did a quick skim through wikipedia or something. Yeah, seizures are known side effects, you got that one correct.
Tramadol interacts mostly with the mor through desmetramadol, but also with the dor and kor as well because of course they fucking do, just to a significantly lesser extent.
If you're going to correct someone on the internet, at least do it thoroughly.

This coming from the NIGGER who compared tramadol to morphine. I wasn't correcting you, i was calling you a fucking moron. If I wanted to correct you I could have been more succinct but that's not the point you DROOLCHILD.

[x] compares morphine to tramadol
[x] compares being called a nigger to being corrected


You came back to this dead thread after almost an hour just for me? You're too sweet, thanks for the (You).

>he thinks opening the thread after getting something to eat is hard
You interact with the ability to think critically but to a significantly lesser extent

Oof, you sure showed me again. Really putting me in my place here.
Give me more attention, I'm starting to get hard now.

i don't know if you're still around, but do you have anyone to talk to about issues that you have?
i considered self harm for a bit, but i felt better when i vented on r9k to a meguposter that replied to everyone. talking with people, even on r9k, might help you ease yourself.

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hello gf nice meeting you here. i'm breaking up btw

If you're going to get btfo at least do it gracefully lmao

This is just sad

Ok now post thighs you sexy whore, and keep the (You)s coming.

Can redditniggers please leave and stop having your autistic spergfests on my board

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Go yeet yourself off a bridge, old man, the future is now.

>How often do you do it
>>Once a week
>Does anyone know
>>No, i simply say i was in a fight or my cat scratched me
>Do you do it because bored or because you are in pain
>>Yes, also to relief my anger

and i do it specifically on my face

>Me in the pic

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I personally don't understand self harm, I figure what's the point? Just kill yourself if you really want to die, self harm is mainly for attention seekers

>do something in secret by yourself
>for attention

my friend

Most people don't do it secret for example there is this one girl at my highschool who is a sophomore I think and whenever she wears skirts you can see on the middle to upper part of her thigh and it looks like someone has used them as a fucking cutting board

bumping for my sad friends

I cut and punch myself sometimes. I don't think anyone knows since I'm pretty boring. I just feel like I deserve the pain or something. Like if I was a good person, I wouldn't deserve it. It's dumb but I still do it when I'm angry or sad.

I cut myself for stress relief, also I like how they look on me.. When they all heal up I feel like Im missing something

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Where do you get those comfy gifs from, user? Can you post more?