Good morning from Luxembourg, r9k

Good morning from Luxembourg, r9k..

It's a lovely chilly morning today. Tons of fresh air to enjoy. 9:42AM.
What's your morning like and how have you been?

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9:51 in Beer land OP.
Pleasantly cold and fresh, just like my Kozel beer.

12:56 in Southwestern Burger Province.
Air is strangely not fucking hot.
I have to go work soon.
My life is very unforefilling.

Hello Luxembourg. It's 17:59 here in Japan.

Guess who :D

8:18 here down under
Way too hot but there is some rain expected for tonight

Are you having a beer in the morning? Isn't it a bit early for that?
I wouldn't be able to do that..

Night shift? Why is it unfulfilling, friend?

Hello! What an odd place. Are you the Swiss bank user again? I can never be truly sure anymore.

Aaah, rain after a hot day is one of the best feelings imaginable. Make the most of it while it lasts!

Correct, I am on the road again. Arrived in Tokyo today.

How was your trip so far? I'd really like to visit Japan some day, along with the US and some Eastern European countries I've yet to go to. You're lucky for getting such a long vacation.

Hey, it's not luck, I earned this. Well, I suppose I lucked out in getting a good position in a good company. As soon as I landed I had an excellent tuna sushi plate for lunch. Going out soon to have dinner at an izakaya.

I have been very good. Earlier today a girl friend said "thanks you're the best" and that made my day. Little things feel good.

good morning Luxembourgian. its 8:38 here in australia. it is much too hot here honestly.

3:44 in Texas,
Its cold
I have a final tomorrow
I feel horrible

Woah I have a friend from Luxembourg. I've been friends with her for a few years now but I've never seen anyone else from there.

Also, shit morning

Its still 3am here in the States and I need to sleep now because a technician is coming to my house in 6 hours

I don't make enough money, it feels like a dead end job and I graduated trade school to fix air conditioners but that's no in season right now so I throw boxes in a building for peanuts.
I gamble to boost my money but I've been on a bad losing streak.
Nothing is turning out the way I want to.
Oh well.

Hey hey hey its 3:48 here in Tennessee. Finished my last final yesterday and I know for certain that I passed all my classes.

Got up 15 minutes ago to start packing for an early drive back home for the winter. Got my nephews birthday party today that I'm going to be storytelling at and honestly I feel great.

What's the final in? Mine were pretty hard since I'm in my senior year for comp Sci but I got through them. You can do it too!

Luxembourg? I've heard a couple of things about that place. Is it true that it's increadibly easy for anyone speaking Jap to get a job there?

I suppose you're right, I hope you have a nice stay in Japan then and thoroughly enjoy it. You should, Japan sounds nice.

It's Summer there right now, isn't it? I can't imagine celebrating Christmas without snow.

You can do it, go over your notes again and take a little break. A nap if you must, get some energy back into you.

You have a friend from here? That's pretty cool, I feel quite lonely here and haven't made a friend yet apart from some really old ones I can't relate to all that well.
What's so bad about your morning?

Oh get some sleep quick! Otherwise you'll feel bad tomorrow..

You are an HVAC tech? I think that's a profession that pays better in cities. I'd suggest moving, but considering I wouldn't be able to make such a drastic change myself I'm not sure what advice to give other than to try and get through the bad. You'll get more work soon enough.
Try and steer your life towards what you want. It's a slow process but each little step counts.

Oooh, Tennessee.. I never met anyone from there. What's it like?
This sounds lovely, I'm glad you feel that way. Keep it up, nothing's gonna stop you now.

I'm not sure, I'd think so. It's easy for anyone to get a job here considering we're so fast growing.
What did you hear about Luxembourg?

I love Japan. I've been here many times.

yeah its summer here. and yeah no snow at christmas. and I'm torn between if christmas is better with snow or not. tried it with both, and they both have something nice to offer.

I kind of tend to stick to places I know. I've been to Normandy 12 times for example.. It's nicer when you're able to just drive there and rent a place for a short while without any scheduling or really much planning, plus you know the language and all that..

What do you like more about the Christmas in Summer?


Bonjour, il n'est pas trop froid aujourd'hui.. You just need a bit of hot chocolate to warm up your insides and some warm gloves.
I do hope you have a nice day.

well for someone thats more used to hot weather I can actually go outside and do stuff. going to the beach at christmas is nice as well. plus, there's nothing like smashing a 6 pack of cold beers at christmas dinner. when its a snowy christmas i just want to stay inside all day.

Tennessee is nice. It's split into 3 sections (west middle east) and I spend college in middle and home in east and it's about 3 hours of a drive either way. Means I don't get to go home much since it costs so much in gas. All of Tennessee is beautiful, and we have some really great nature reserves and parks. I volunteer during breaks to clean up a couple of them and there is always so much wildlife running around even in the winter. If you ever come to the states I would highly recommend stopping in and hiking or fishing somewher e here.


Huh, I'll definitely keep that in mind. I'm going to have to look up more about that State. It flew under my radar pretty much completely until you mentioned you were from there, it does seem interesting from what you've told me. I love nature.

YOU CAN DO IT! Try and get a coffee then. Anything warm.

My morning was shit because I had a dream about surviving through the Cambodian genocide and i woke up with a raging hard on and I don't know what that means. Also, about the friends thing, she took a while to meet friends there too so I understand that. Seems to be enjoying life a lot more now there

That's a weird dream. I wish I had dreams, I kind of always just wake up from nothing. Feels like skipping time honestly. I tried keeping a diary but apart from the odd reoccurring nightmare every now and then there's nothing.
Did you meet her on r9k too? I met one other person from Luxembourg here but we didn't end up being friends because I got a bit spooked and ended up not talking to that person anymore. It was a dumb mistake but I hope I can fix it by messaging them again...

What are banks like in you guys' countries?

There's a lot of them, like a big lot. Luxembourg is a tax haven so it's really built partly on giving them a cheap place to stay I guess. No hard feelings against banks.

Oh btw Luxembourg, our company is setting up an office there. So I might drop by there for business next year. Let's go for beers if I do.

Hey sure thing! I'd love to. There's already a French girl and her boyfriend who will visit me. I met them on here too.
Thanks for being my friend. I could really use it.

I'll find you on these threads if I am dropping by. You might have guessed it but our company is setting up an office there because of brexit and no longer being able to handle EU stuff from a London office.

>What did you hear about Luxembourg?
Well, from my uncle working there (living in Neufchateau but comutting there everday)
I've heard that Luxembourg severly lacks workforce with linguistic abilities
Those that speak asian languages are especially welcome, or so I've heard
almost 21:00 in Japan by the way

Sure thing! I'm on here roughly every second week.. I heard about all these companies moving here, I bet Luxembourg is the only other place they've got unless they want to pay loads of taxes unfortunately.

Yeah, we probably do. Would you move here if you could?

>Would you move here if you could?
Of course! The salary is way more attractive than anywhere else, plus I have my grandparent's house nearby in Belgium, about an hour away by car

Ah well, with how bad the traffic here can get you might want to invest in property inside the country.. Not to mention you'd pay less taxes. It's expensive buying a home here though!

I've heard that Luxemburg is crazy expensive with houses yeah, that's why I probably won't be able to afford one anytime soon
How about renting, how expensive is renting a house in Luxembourg?

It's pricey, but still somewhat in check. You'd have to get something small or commute for a while though. There's a good train network around here though so commuting is fine.
I still only take the car, haven't taken a bus or train ever since I got my bike license 5 years ago. Now I just drive around all the time. I don't like being in a place with other people and a fixed schedule.

Considering how shitty european train services are all around, I don't blame you
Wish I had a licence as well but money is a scarce ressource for university students

I just like driving around. I do it a lot, even just for fun.
The public transport service here is great actually, but I just don't like using it.

Driving for fun huh? Where do you drive to usually? Germany? France? Belgium? Or do you stay in Luxembourg?

Luxembourg has some of the best roads in Europe, smooth sweet pavement.. It's just a joy to drive here, especially because it's mostly dead unless you're in rush hour. Very scenic routes too.

Sounds nice, sounds really nice, you're almost making me look forward to the somewhat far future when I come back to Europe
What kind of car are you driving? Since you're driving for fun I'm assuming it's a pretty good one

You're in Japan too? Are you Japanese?

I drive a very old BMW 1502 in the summer, during winter I drive what I can get. Usually it's my mom's Volvo. I've been looking for a good winter car for a while now, I might go for a 1995 Chevrolet Blazer.. It's tough choosing another one when you've set your standards so high by driving this machine that really connects you to the road. You want that again, but I really need something more utilitarian that won't mind a few dings and scratches or a bit of mud and grime.
I saved the car from an old guy who couldn't take care of it anymore and it had been neglected for a while. That's how I could afford it. I put a lot of work into it and she's looking good now, just needs a bit more work on the interior.

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in the same time zone as you, op. afternoon.

Have a nice afternoon! Did you wake up late?

well, i stayed up all night until like 8am, then went to sleep, then woke up just a few hours later
do you often stay up?

I didn't sleep tonight. I sometimes do, sometimes don't. It really depends. I like to sleep a lot sometimes, and very little other times.
I do try and keep a daily schedule to have some rhythm in it all and it keeps my sleeping schedule straightened out. I can skip or add a few hours here and there but I wouldn't want to stray too far from what's healthy. What about you?

Nope, Belgian
I'm just there studying because I chased my dreams early on. Big mistake but oh well.
Looking good! Has that old school feeling to it which is commendable. But do you really need utility when you drive for fun mostly?