I want to take a naive robots first time

I want to take a naive robots first time.

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I've always wondered what its like to kiss a girl.

is this the /ss/ thred?

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I did that once, it was great! Though now we're together and really happy

Please me my first time fembot

My Discord is cheesyfingers#9668 I want to get to know you

he got a graphics card though

Yea, until it dies on him.

I was talking to a girl who likes to do that, but I think she thinks Im to young.

I wish I know how to talk to girls. Please take me! :)

One day..one day is what I keep telling myself in vain.

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whats your discord? I could talk to you

how do I bait virgin chasers this into being my sugar mommy
I want to be pampered and withhold sex

It's this:

you may conduct such an action on me, on the notion that you're considered a biological female, my lady

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dont, tell yourself straight up that noone will love you in this world, embrace the pain and overall it'll hurt less

Endless teasing and giving them attention, it's app they want anyway.

can you talk to me femanon


Pls be a cute trap Sommer#6902

>ever wanting to be intimate with robot

I'm a cute guy that never dares to make a move on girls and thus is still virgin. Also not fat and girls have told me I'm handsome before.
But you're probably not from Holland as always


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