Why can't people admit men have it harder than women?
Why can't people admit men have it harder than women?
Other urls found in this thread:
>my pain is greater than yours!!!!!!!11!!!
begone female whore
>muh completely valid wage gap theory!!11!1!
>muh completely valid rape culture theory!!1!!111
>other theories and no empirical data!1!!1!!
Though most of these statistics are true, reddit charts are shitty and meaningless
Post stuff from reliable sources and properly cited
Because power is consolidated in the hands of a small minority of people who happen to almost entirely be men - CEOs, Billionaires, Congressmen and Senators. Rather than hating on this specific elite the "old boys network", who are powerful and thus out of reach, they use regular men - especially fathers and minor authority figures - as a proxy for this hatred.
Men at least have a choice. Women are on a god-given quest for the human race. By natural law and biology, they have to do everything they can to find the right mate to fill her womb before she starts losing her looks by the age of 30.
Because part of women having it easier is that everyone strokes their ego about how they have it harder. (even though they don't)
And part of men having it harder is how they're constantly attacked over how easy they supposedly have it. (even though they don't)
I don't know what age or country you live in but women today absolutely have a choice.
For women it is a false choice, going without children they are losing a part of their soul and giving up on humanity and the spiritual battle. They will end up atheist and mentally ill.
>everyone strokes their ego about how they have it harder. (even though they don't)
Sounds like another demographic I know
>constantly attacked over how easy they supposedly have it. (even though they don't
Also sounds like another demographic I know.
Imagine actually poisoning your son's mind to make him believe he is an eternal victim for all of his days to come.
I mean, you know. If you're actually around for your son to grow up.
t.incel redditor
It depends on which kind of stats you analyse.
Neither men or women "have it harder". In different areas, men or women have things a little easier, on average, than the other gender.
>Combat deaths
Wars are started by men for the interests of men.
>Suicide victims
Men shame depressed men more than women shame depressed women. Men and boys bully men and boys more than women and girls. Men and boys physically hurt men and boys more than women and girls.
>Winner of custody
Women are more likely to be the primary caregiver of the child and more likely to have a stronger bond with the child.
95% of homicide perpetrators are male. Almost all women and all men are killed by men. If 100 women were killed, each by a different perpetrator, ~95 of those perpetrators are likely to be men.
>Average sentence
Violent offenders get longer sentences, men are vastly more likely to be violent offenders.
>Men shame depressed men more than women shame depressed women.
Amazing. You actually believe this? God I hate you, but I also love you. How much time do you spend per day posting dumb feminist shit on this board? Why don't you go get "raped" by your gynecologist again, honey.
>it's all men's fault
kys whore
It's true, men will verbally abuse you or insult you for showing signs of depression more than women will. Women are more likely to be therapists and psychologists because they're more likely than men to be sympathetic towards the mentally ill.
>Show that the statistics are more complicated than is presented
>That means I'm saying everything is men's fault
>because certain men cause other men to suffer it means men don't suffer more, because they deserve it, because all mens' interests are the same
That makes so much sense, thank you for enlightening me.
Dying off quicker, even beyond the somewhat lower bodily life expectancy isn't just a muh pain matter though.
It's mainly sex though, a gril goes out and is guaranteed sex all she gotta say is "how bout it?". Guys gotta bring they A game each abd every time and still no guarantee
Assuming such a thing exists for any gender, they sure work hard at shedding it off by 16-ish
Absolute kek
>because they deserve it,
This is partly true. The leading demographic of male homicide victims is 15-29, with 30-44 year old male homicide victims trailing behind. While the age of female homicide victims is more evenly distributed. The reason for this and the aforementioned stats is because males are more likely to be apart of organized crime, gangs and other miscellaneous acts of violence. Violent people are much more likely to become victims of homicide/death by cop than non-violent people.
Not all types of men are the primary victims of all of these male deaths, the violent ones kill and die a lot more.
>for the interests of men.
the interest of man is getting more pussy, you reward those that warmonger.
>Men shame depressed men more than women shame depressed women
Women do not even see any depressed man as a man anymore, men shaming eachother is mostly an abortive try at 'Brohelp' For a female a depressed male becomes a defective non-entity.
>Women are more likely to be the primary caregiver of the child and more likely to have a stronger bond with the child.
and they so they decide depriving the kid of the male rolemodel and fuck their life up that way is a good thing
>95% of homicide perpetrators are male.
And I would bet nearly 95% of male suicides are caused by female actions. You can kill without even laying a physical hand on us nowadays, pat yourself on the back. Beats the old fem-habit of poison by a mile.
>Violent offenders get longer sentences
And females yet get 75% punishment tops for the same crime, check statistics.
>>the interest of man is getting more pussy, you reward those that warmonger.
Warmongers rape and take women. Women who resist are killed or broken effortlessly.
>Women do not even see any depressed man as a man anymore, men shaming eachother is mostly an abortive try at 'Brohelp' For a female a depressed male becomes a defective non-entity.
The female example entails a lack of help, the male example entails actively harming and increasing suicide rates. Even then, women are more likely to become therapists who help men out with depression.
>and they so they decide depriving the kid of the male rolemodel and fuck their life up that way is a good thing
66% of US judges are male.
>And I would bet nearly 95% of male suicides are caused by female actions.
You don't support this claim well.
>And females yet get 75% punishment tops for the same crime,
Male inmates are more likely to be or become repeat offenders.
>Warmongers rape and take women.
Yes and you are enjoy those males and want them in your life. Nowadays even pretty openly so.
>The female example entails a lack of help
Exactly, you do not give any shit. Males try to help or if that fails weed out, the failure endangers us.Therapists who help are a dichotomy, they gain more by keeping someone medicated and you just admitted they will not care
>66% of US judges are male.
and 70%+ of divorces are female driven
>You don't support this claim well
where was your statistic for the 95% violent crime?
>Male inmates are more likely to be or become repeat offenders.
Also an unsupported claim and of no relevance for the punishment of a first offense. Btw. females live roughly 1.2 times as long as males, do they not? So any truly equal punishment would need to be 120% of the time for a female to spend as as much of her lifetime incarcerated. Funny how TRUE equality works, hm?
>Males were convicted of the vast majority of homicides in the United States, representing 89.5% of the total number of offenders
and the number already dropped, see?
Besides, simply pasting that was not giving any source but only another empty claim.
I'll let you off that one, number sounds close enough.
But if you want to prove something, at least try and do it right, sheesh.
I'm not the user you were talking to, just someone with google.
source: bjs.gov
As of reasons for suicide: 70% of the suicide notes mention the desire to escape physical or psychological illnesses. 23% of suicide notes mention unrequited love, lost love.
22% of suicides happen close to a break up or a financial crisis.
So the main reason why men kill themselves is because they can't ask for help.
>they can't ask for help.
Non-entity to women, remember?
I don't agree with you, but even if that was the case: they can talk to a doctor or one of the plenty healthcare and social workers out there to help people in need, they can talk to male friends, or even to a priest, or to someone in a charity for mental support.
Blaming women for men suicide is a bit idiotic.
>Yes and you are enjoy those males and want them in your life. Nowadays even pretty openly so.
I can't comment on that either way.
>Therapists who help are a dichotomy, they gain more by keeping someone medicated
I've been to therapy and they will suggest that you cut off or switch the meds if they aren't helping and to only use them in the first place so you can reach a point where you won't need them. Before it gets to that point talk therapy, CBT and "homework" are all used.
> you just admitted they will not care
I didn't say this, I didn't even agree to what you said about women but even if it were true that females in general are less likely to care, psychologists score higher on tests of empathy and agreeableness than the average person. These women are those who do care, whatever the case.
>murder rate and victimhood rates
>repeat offenders
not how it works. women have no souls
>Wars are started by men for the interests of men.
What a retarded meme.
Post disregarded
No one has souls, souls don't exist.
We do not TALK about problems, doing so does not end well for us, one way or the other.
Women plain do not get this, I think.
They can't imagine not getting supported and babied from all sides for doing so, but made a laughing stock and perpetual victim for it, even when they are often the ones to join or initiate that sort of 'fun'.
You know what i meant. Women feel no empathy, they only see "useful" or "useless", everything is an object for them to further their biological needs. The non-thinking gender
Reminder that WW1 was just a male desire centered testosterone fueled territorial dispute that would've resolved much quicker with FAR less damages if America didn't enter in the war and storm through Europe asking "Fuck this relatively stable "kingdom" shit, where's the DEMOCRACY? Where's the CHEESEBURGERS????"
You will never get it through their skull. If you showed a woman this picture, she wouldn't get what's wrong with it. They don't "think"
Absolute brainlet post. First of all, World War 1 already killed millions before America joined, and second, Germany would've likely still lost had America not sent troops (they were starving), and finally, America didn't "Storm through Europe", no region in Germany faced fighting. They only went through France to Belgium to make Germany sign an armstice. Germany at this point was facing a socialist revolution, nothing America did could've changed that, in fact the allies supported the non-socialists
Austria was completely fucked because of the US intervention. Austria and Germany would've came out of the war far better off than they would've without the democracy high the burgers were on.
>We do not TALK about problems
And that's your personal choice. You can't blame women for it.
If you're afraid of people's judgement, go to a doctor.
Absolutely no proof that women feel no empathy, there's no scientific or objective measurement that proves this.
Just angry incel memes.
The reason why I hate other social media is because people really stand to lose something(or at least feel that way) when they sincerely defend their positions at all(so you'll never change that woman's mind, reveal a truth or find out more about the situation to maybe learn something). While here, you can express yourself with abandon and that means if you say something and people take you up on it there are no stakes for losing or entering the race to begin with, in other social media it's best for your ego and your image if you just wave people off as creeps or haters.
Moot's a faggot but he was right to emphasize the importance of anonymity.
I agreed with everything except
>Women are more likely to be the primary caregiver of the child and more likely to have a stronger bond with the child
That shouldn't be the reason they're allowed to be winners of custody. Children of single mothers turn out to be shit adults.
Austria got fucked because of their own missmanagment. By 1917, there were revolts in Bohemia, by 1918, Prague was already taken by rebels. Austria-Hungary would either die on it's own, or it would be really bad for everyone else in there.
USA actually prevented Britain, France and Belgium from harsher terms
It's not that women feel no empathy, they don't feel anything at all. They are non-thinking
Prove it. I can say the only interest men have is fucking underage girls and goats. It doesn't mean it's true.
Yes they will insult you so you get mad and do something about it instead of talking about your feefees and feel worse.
>he unironically thinks ignoring problems is a good way to deal with problems
Reading comprehension is so nice.I encourage you to try it.
Distracting yourself from the problems you have without seriously addressing them isn't addressing them and doesn't help self growth.
It just promotes repeating shit patters over and over because at some point you'll stop being mad and you'll get back at being depressed because you haven't changed at all.
>Male inmates are more likely to be or become repeat offenders.
The prison system is horseshit and the male prison system is a thousand times worse than the female one. Constant threats of rape and murder and assault and a terrible unsympathetic atmosphere in both staff and other inmates will do the opposite of rehabilitate and create repeat offenders, period.
Verbal abuse increases the chances of getting depression as well as the severity of it. Talking in a productive ways and having a social support network has been shown to reduce depression symptoms and is considered to be up there with diet, therapy, exercise and medication in terms of treating/managing depression.
You should be talking to someone/multiple people, but you don't have to vent incessantly (and you probably shouldn't), the key is opening up in ways that are conducive to you feeling as if you have the support of the other person and that person acting in ways that are conducive to those feelings, obviously. but just settling for getting shat on isn't going to help anything.
Even the tall, fat feminist admits men have it harder.
>dating is the only thing that matters in life
Great arguments today.
>Industrial deaths and accidents
Men are more willing to work high-paying, more dangerous jobs then women are. So it's no wonder that they have the vast majority in this category.
>Average sentence by gender
Men commit more violent crimes which carry bigger sentences. It's very deceiving to portray that as if both genders typically commit the same level of crimes.
What is even the basis for the idea of "rape culture"?
>Wars are started by men for the interests of men.
Female rulers have been ~35% more warmongering than male ones.
>Men shame depressed men more than women shame depressed women. Men and boys bully men and boys more than women and girls. Men and boys physically hurt men and boys more than women and girls.
Where would you even get data like that from? Besides, men are obviously more likely to kill themselves over rejection by women than by men, and they're more likely to be rejected by women than men at large.
>Women are more likely to be the primary caregiver of the child and more likely to have a stronger bond with the child.
Single fathers are statistically better parents than moms.
>95% of homicide perpetrators are male. Almost all women and all men are killed by men. If 100 women were killed, each by a different perpetrator, ~95 of those perpetrators are likely to be men.
Impossible to tell, as being female is a get out of jail free card. They're half as likely to be jailed for the same crimes, and half as likely to be convicted.
>Violent offenders get longer sentences, men are vastly more likely to be violent offenders.
Nope, there are stats that show that men receive ~50% longer sentences for the same crimes.
I'm going to assume it's based on the premise that if a population(in this case, women) is made to be seen a certain way by culture, then that culture therefore facilitates and possibly breaks down inhibitions to the type of behaviors(in this case sexual assault) that people are more likely to carry out upon a population who is made to be seen that certain way.
Consent. It's definition is being warped.
It's the idea that rape is more normalised than it should ever be due to societal attitudes towards sexuality and gender. Things that are byproducts of it are, for example:
>slut shaming
>victim blaming
>minimisation of rape
>denial of how common rape is
>refusing to acknowledging the damage rape does on victims
Most of these things are super common on Jow Forums.
> men are obviously more likely to kill themselves over rejection by women than by men
Rejection is not the main cause why people kill themselves.
>Impossible to tell
Not really. 90% of murderers are men. Even if "half of female murderers got out of jail free", the vast majority of murderers would still be males.
>~50% longer sentences for the same crimes
Different context grants different sentences, even for the same crime.
For example, women are far more likely to talk to authorities, etc.
No benefit to society.
Men are genetically predisposed to protect the pussy.
Women are genetically predisposed to protect themselves above all else except offspring.
Literally no one cares about men, including men.
It's nature my dude, except it.
>>It's nature my dude, except it.
>dating doesn't matter at all in life
in reality, dating struggles are much more relevant to a far far far larger percentage of all people than being murdered is.
so yes, dating is more important.
Admitting so means admitting the truth.
The truth is not tolerated in a society that's built on lies and compromise.
They'll shrug it off as, "that's just the way it is".
There is absolutely nothing to gain from improving a man's life, chad and tyrone are enough to make the new gen of men and women.
Men have always been disposable, current elite has an abundance mentality.
The top tier human society will be a working class dominated like cattle, likely short, dumb and unable to fight back, while the top tier men in power get all the pussy and luxury.
We are on that path already, actual robots will start replacing most easy jobs, the smartest men will still be given some privilege and possibly a wife to keep his smart genes going, but they still will be pawns.
People will start to care about men when there will be a shortage of them, which is unlikely considering the mass import of 3rd world scum who are mostly men.
Meanwhile men have no choice at all and end up an hero at 20, or divorce then an hero at 50 after being used as replaceable power source.
Some of them freak out, go on crime spree killing and destroying the same things he wanted to be a part of.
Do you realise that the very vast majority of people doesn't struggle to date almost at all, right? Men and women alike.
Why would you choose to be on this board and defend women? Is it trolling or something?
Do you realize this is completely false?
>homocide victims
It isn't false.
Most people have relationships and sex while they're still in high school, the rest manages to before they can legally drink.
Most people don't struggle with dating. Very few people do to any serious degree.
God damn it, I was wondering why I wrote "homocide" when I made my first reply to this thread. Is there a word for that phenomenon? Where something you see immediately influences what you do?
E.g. I wrote "I honestly" in a reply to an user a bit ago and he started his reply with "I honestly".
male are also 95% of all sexual assault perpetrators
Because then the game is up for women.
99% actually.
90% of murderers.
all violent crimes are committed, by far, by men.
Nowadays just talking to a woman about something non-sexual can be considered "sexual assault"
To that user who wanted an example of what's the meaning of rape culture, basically this.
christ, the mother of the nigger sure is ugly
>male are also 95% of all sexual assault perpetrators
Dying is worse.
The reason why men die much more than women is because they're criminals.
Males are mostly involved in drug related crimes and gang related crimes.
Women are mostly victims of sex and domestic homicides.
He's talking about the statistic relating to suicides. 80% of suicides are men.
he's making the point that insults from other men make one "man up" and address ones problems.
no clue how you came to the conclusion that
>>he unironically thinks ignoring problems is a good way to deal with problems
is what he was saying
Because men aren't pussies and shrug female sexual assault.
Ask any decent looking men being groped in clubs or by middle aged co workers.
Bitches feeling entitled to come close and touch your arm, stare at your bulge, touch your chest or smack your ass.
Since women always need to play victim and absolutely loathe the fact that an unattractive man harasses them, bitches report and make sure that these men get socially assassinated.
They would have no issues being raped and sexually assaulted by chad.
If we are talking shit stats how about this.
100% of people that use sex to advance their careers are women.
I explained it in the post you replied to.
If you make fun of someone for feeling in a certain way, he won't stop feeling that way. He will ignore it and push it under the carpet.
It won't solve the problem. You need to take conscious effort, and often ask for help to change the way you feel and think.
Maybe the anger you feel for being insulted will work for a while, you'll have that motivation. But since the thought pattern hasn't changed, since the problem ultimately is stil there, he'll fuck up again and feel worse.
Imagine a kid who eats when he's upset, and gets fat.
You make fun of him for being fat.
He gets really upset and stops eating.
He loses weight for a while.
At some point, something stressing happens again. He'll eat again, because that's the only way to deal with stress he knows.
He'll end up feeling even more upset over it. And eat even more.
That will worsen the problem.
Imagine addressing the real problem (a kid who knows no way to cope with stress but eating).
He loses weight. Something stressing happens. He knows how to cope. He keeps losing weight.
I've been groped, stared, cat called a thousand times. I never reported it.
The only time I talked to the police was when a guy pushed me against a wall and threatened me with a knife.
Women aren't pussies, the kind of attacks we're victims of are typically much worse.
>my personal experience is reflective of all women
You're the exception, not the rule
Do you think women routinely report being cat called or stared at? You're deluded.
>cat calling or being stared at is something worth reporting
fucking lol
I don't think it is. I also don't think anyone does it.
My experience is perfectly normal.
You purposely put groping in the same category as catcalling and staring before and then claimed that collectively this stuff has happened thousands of times, yet now you conveniently seperate the groping from the other two.
I wonder how many of those thousands of times were actually groping
Never the less, you're being deceitful in your wording.
>chad has groped me thousands of times
>I never reported it
I think you proved his point
Suicide victims is higher because most women just do it for attention like the whores that they are.
I got groped a few times, around 10 I'd say.
The only case I'd report getting groped would be if I got groped by my boss or something like that.
I don't think a woman would go report getting groped at the club or on the bus. Even if she did so, it doesn't even count as sexual assault but just as harassment.
I'd like to know where you got that I got groped by Chad.
So what kind of groping did you experience?
Men are much more likely to commit suicide but women are more likely to attempt. The "attempts" are misleading though because they count any self-harm, however slight, as an attempt.
Men have it harder.
>dudes grabbing my ass
>dudes spanking my ass
>dude pushing his hard cock against me while I was on the bus
>the only time I went to a club for a friend's birthday, two dudes groped my tits
Stuff like this.
Oh and one time a dude flashed his cock while I was walking down the street at night. It was scary, but it was mildly funny tho.