What would you do if you knew you would end up this way? it's statistically very likely if you're white and autistic

what would you do if you knew you would end up this way? it's statistically very likely if you're white and autistic

Attached: pucci.webm (1920x1080, 1.62M)

i wish
but im scared

Try to repress but fail


in an oregano way

What's that white stuff?

>mfw white and very slightly autistic
>mfw I'm dressed up as a girl right now

although desu that doesn't look appealing at all, too messy

you'll get there, white boi.

Attached: grilly2.webm (360x640, 1.99M)

Just lube

Attached: 20181213_015137.png (716x1225, 675K)

God, fags really are a cancer to society.

Maybe...I just prefer it to look much cleaner and with less white goop.

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I mean they look like girls so why not bang em?

>it's statistically very likely if you're white

This is untrue. Whites are the least gay and least transgender race.

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Have you paid any attention to all the sissy faggots here almost none of them are "transgender identified" even if they are fags on hrt with tits.

most sissies are white. sissies don't identify as trans.

Attached: whyte.webm (1280x720, 2M)

I am a white autistic and I hate trannies sissies and other pozzed menaces!

Attached: F8c374614a19d796fe237b0aca343b81youngmungdaal.gif (347x347, 50K)

>most sissies are white. sissies don't identify as trans.

as a white sissy I don't actually believe this, having been to a few degenerate places there's a ridiculous number of black sissies.

They just seem to do it irl instead of online

Attached: tumblr_nh75ktZnrG1sm80ivo1_500.jpg (480x640, 39K)

Most sissies on r9k are white because most people who post here are white

i already did
i'm trans and i used to stream on chaturbate.
life is pretty good though

Is this you?

haha was fun making her cry

Attached: 1437083669388.jpg (540x540, 94K)

>haha was fun making her cry
wow that's an autistic thing to say

Welcome to Jow Forums buddy

Already taking HRT. Parents found out but don't think I want to be female for some reason. Would buy dildo but would be mortifying if they saw it, wanna move out first but I'm a neet.