>no fat ass middle east gf
anyone else know this feeling?
>no fat ass middle east gf
anyone else know this feeling?
why are you people so obsessed with sex/ relationships i thought aspies were supposed to be smart fffs
oh its you again, aloha tree[?]amigo! im not OP but i am treefucker. remember the magic wordddddcdshg
Oh do I ever, senpai.
You just know this one is getting blacked hard in France.
I thought these clothes were supposed to make them less sexy
Asses that fat are a product of modern foods
>tfw fat ass middle east gf
Post mooar pl0xxzz
How do you know shes middle eastern?
Insta please
>not being able to tell
Am I right fellas?
we know.
Isn't that right, boys?
Yikes, looks like a white mutt to me.
what the fuck is the point of the hijab if youre going to dress like a slut?
muslims living in the west arent real muslims (they still suck though), we corrupted them hard and they must feel really bad about it
Butterfaces are acceptable fucktoys
The hijab covers the meat. But sometimes daddy wants a look before buying the meal. I think this is accepted in most schools.
western schools, maybe. if she dressed like that in any muslim shithole she'd get lashings
>tfw was closed but fucked it up by being a depressed retard
oy vey
>tfw love my fat ass middle east gf
Honest question, where can I find more creeper pics of girls like this?
Depends how creepy. Like bathroom pics? Because that's disgusting and where I draw the line
However I love casual kino creeping like OP
Oh hell yeah, lads
Look at that slag, we see it
Yeah not anything with like actual nudity.
Just hot sexy girls in outdoor areas, I find it's so much hotter than some fake model crap since it feels like you could actually run into these girls on the street
Reporting in with Swedish aryan uberfrau
Classic right there
More please
Mureh plz
Fucking weirdo. Just search for voyeur. Plenty of creep shots and videos out there.
god damn user, i love middle eastern women.
Thanks homie. I know I'm weird and I embrace it.
just go to /gif/ or /b/ they usually have some creepshot threads up
theres one on b right now actually
Love you guys. Those are great
i know this feel and i know it well
>tfw half middle-eastern but don't know really know any family on that side or connected to that community
I used to not be attracted to them, just white girls, but now I realize I love a good sand niggress, especially a pale one.
put a bag on it and you're good to go
Looks indian to me (poo kind)
anyone ITT actually know what a ME girl looks like?
get off my board you fucking shitskin pls and thx
Yeah, this is girl is an Indian.Indians usually have rounder and shorter faces, darker skin, slightly more slanted eyes, and sometimes flatter noses.
Of course there are many ethnic groups in India, but it's a generalization.
Middle-easterners usually have lighter skin than Indians, slimmer faces, longer nose (both protruding and vertically), and more almond eyes.
Again, many Arab ethnicities, just generalizing.
t. half Arab
And gross, I'm not a Paki.
I'm drunk. Don't know where I read "Paki" lel
youre a dumb shitskin you belong on b pls go
this was not read as an original comment for n o reason
/b/ hasn't been good for like 6 years.
Even Jow Forums accepts me, why can't you, senpai?
Plus, I can guarantee you that my skin is lighter than yours. Dunno if shitskin works here.