Autistic shit you do/did

>used to listen to sonic music when I was taking a shit as it helped relax me
>bite my fingers when I get mad
>practice kissing my own feet
>take pictures of my shit and brag to my friends/family
>threw away elementary school yearbook as it was covered in cum
>used to play with my broken toenail, it used to scare the everloving fuck out of people and make them cringe at the same time
>When my parents want to talk to me i'll just make random noises with my mouth until they go away
>used to lick the carpet
>used to lick my cats
>play with my penis when I am not horny.

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the noises would be me blowing air out of my mouth with cheeck farts

Sonic is the most mainstream video game series every it is far from autistic trust me everyone is into sonic adults included

also fuck off with these threads (((Wave Titan)))

>When my parents want to talk to me i'll just make random noises with my mouth until they go away

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I used to bite my town nails, but I'm not flexible enough anymore

>town nails
Toe nails

Guess instead of a hangover I'm still drunk

>>take pictures of my shit and brag to my friends/family

did they not like tell you to fuck off?

You are all r9k in one person

me too biTCH #METOO

>threw away elementary school yearbook as it was covered in cum
>When my parents want to talk to me i'll just make random noises with my mouth until they go away
>play with my penis when I am not horny.
kek. same.

>intensly stare at objects trying to move them with telekinesis power
>trying to walk around the house without making a sound
>can recognize family members by the sound of their footsteps
>meow like a cat when frustrated if no one is near
>used to think my parents turn into aliens when I'm not looking at them as a kid
>autistically obsessed with UFOs as a kid, to the point of crying when my grandma tried to convince me that my drawing of a UFO needs antennas on it (no it fucking does not)
>always feel like someone is listening to my thoughts or someone's watching me. Tell them to stop
I'm 21 btw. I think I'm broken mentally.

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>When my parents want to talk to me i'll just make random noises with my mouth until they go away
This made me laugh, that is just an awesome thing to do.

>always feel like someone is listening to my thoughts or someone's watching me. Tell them to stop
That doesn't sound like autism to me user so much as schizophrenia. I believe it's called acute Paranoia or some shit. You crazy nibba

>smash controller against head when I get mad at video games
>punch/slap myself in my face because I deserve the pain for being bad
>jaw is sore for days
Guys, I think I need help

Huh... my entire life I've felt like there was some 2nd party always observing me. Like god or something, but the thing is I haven't really believed in god most of my life.
>when I'm alone I try to make things somewhat entertaining like for someone watching
>I get embarrassed by some things I do, but not a lot because they've been watching for so long that they're used to it
>when I talk to myself occasionally I begin to say words, but I've already thought the words, and I know it would be useless to say them out loud because the 2nd party has already heard my thoughts
>I always get unreasonably upset over simple things that happen as chance, like there's some mysterious being controlling what's happening and he hates me/doesn't treat me fair

Is there something actually wrong here?

The autism association of Sonic mostly come from the deviantart fanbase and Chris chan. Other than that, It is just like any other video game franchise.

>Faggot who wanted to experience anal sex
>Achieved this by shitting in a ziploc bag (because anus has poo poo) and fucking it
The smell was awful, lad. Felt pretty good though.

I used to do this sort of thing too. Self-harm isn't just slicing yourself with razor blades like an edgelord. In my case I was having serious identity issues and was using the pain to focus myself.

>still cut off nails with my teeth
>still chew the skin off my fingers
>still pick my nose and sometimes eat the contents
>i try to sneak that shit in the bus or the metro without being seen
doubt that's actually schizo, I get these thoughts too and I think it's just part of being cut off from people for too long

Yes, that is literally a schizophrenic delusion that you think you're being watched. I know you're going to say, "but I know I'm not" well do you? Do you truly believe that no one's watching you? No, because a part of your psychy has actually split and the feeling that someone is there will always be in the back of your mind... It's you. You have a split mind, acute Paranoia. A fear or belief that you are being watched even when there is no logical reason to believe so.
These are literally textbook symptoms.
>I always get unreasonably upset over simple things that happen as chance, like there's some mysterious being controlling what's happening and he hates me/doesn't treat me fair
This is much more Grey, but yet another symptom. As long as you aren't hearing voices, or having hallucinations, I'd say your condition is pretty mild. But there's definitely something more at play than just basic autism.

>Have gone through various autistic obsessions, some more unusual than others. Some included penguins (my favorite animal), conspiracy theories and unexplained phenomena, dictators and dictatorships, and various other more general favorite things (movies, music, anime, etc.)
>Up until about 13 or 14 I used to take pictures of all kinds of random people without their permission, especially kids. Luckily I stopped this right at the age where it would have started to be a bigger problem.
>Have a lot of weird superstitions and magical thinking. Though I recognize the irrationality of it, I always feel a fear that a malicious force called "fate" is listening to my thoughts and if I allow myself to be relaxed or happy it will purposely make everything turn out worse.
>Have always scrutinized friends' net activity very closely, both IRL and with net friends. Back when Facebook had profiles that were set up so you could add sections for your favorite movies, books, etc. I'd always scan my friends' super closely to see how much their taste matched mine and evaluate how well I'd get along with them based on that.

Are you me? Even right down to it being about video games.

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>when I talk to myself occasionally I begin to say words, but I've already thought the words, and I know it would be useless to say them out loud because the 2nd party has already heard my thoughts
holy fuck dude. You're literally me. I have all this shit you listed, especially this one. Also when some retarded shit happens I always blame them and say they're spirit niggers, feel sorry later though. I don't think I'm schizo, well I might be by normies standards, I think there's actually something out there.

I talked to them in a hypnagogic state, on the verge of falling asleep. A woman's voice was talking about how my guild wars 2 character looks awful and I "have no sense of style", and there were other male voices. I asked them if they're me, they laughed and jokingly said "yeah. Come join us". They also showed me crypto prices a few times, I knew about $90 ethereum back in the summer. Didn't beleive it though, so got rekt on crypto. I know somehow they're my spirit bros, watching me

I used to be an edgy 14 year old who cut himself because my long term crush started dating one of my friends.
I did it because I didn't know what else to do. Yeah, part of me fantasized a little inside about someone seeing and possibly caring, but I intentionally covered it up and I continued to do it because it gave me a certain feeling. It's like satisfaction and resolve when you're feeling upset and you don't have anywhere else to put those feelings.
After I was put in a psyche ward by my mom when she found out I told myself that I wouldn't do it again.
Later on I went through a really angry phase in my life where I would punch holes in walls, my closet doors, etc. This would get the anger out and it would cut my knuckles up. It's perfect if you don't want to look like an attention seeking fag, but want the satisfaction of self harm.
I've only started doing it in the past year or so. It's like my life is falling apart so fast that I'm losing mental stability. I'm investing myself so much into these games that I sperg out when anyone kills me, and I literally resulting to self harm over a video game. I start crying sometimes and just beat the shit out of myself, first because I didn't want to break anything around me, but now because I feel like it's satisfactory.
I just want to stop being a mentally unstable, weak faggot that will do this insane shit over something as stupid as video games. I literally act like a child or someone who belongs in a room with cushioned walls.
I already broke my controller. I might have done myself a favor. Although it was one of the only things that was bringing me a lot of joy, it was also making me go crazy.

bro, I don't think that's how it works. It's not about the shit, it's about the anus. You got it wrong

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Most oregano bamp out there

Anytime anyone held out their palm, I would instinctively rest my head against it until I was like 6.

what was the thought process of this?

> When I alone I cup my hands, wring them and loudly say "Oy vey!" "Gimme your shekels" "Muh Holocaust" or "Dumb Goyim"
> Talk to myself
> Have a fantasy world inside my head
> When I see people in the street wonder how they last had sex and what they did during it

There wasn't any, really. It was just a natural thing. Like, "Oh, there's a hand there. Better put my head in it."