Botany thread.
Is anyone else here interdasted in botany?
Botany thread.
Is anyone else here interdasted in botany?
Yeah but only incidentally, because I like aquariums and vivariums and ended up picking up an appreciation for plants. My fav plant right now is the birds nest fern, but I have a big ass Neon Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) in a 5L plastic container placed sideways, which I am probably putting in a terrarium for frogs soon.
>tfw 41 frogs
it looks like it isnt getting enough sunlight
my favorite is the norway spruce due to how kvlt it is
sorry that one isn't mine but the colour and size is the same, it looks like it doesn't get enough sunlight but thats just the original colour of a healthy specimen of that variety, I like it because its bright af and contrasts with the rest.
Norway spruce is a big fucking boy, jesus. Are you mostly into conifers?
I'm a fan of anything that can handle high humidity and temperatures w/out choking to death for lack of ventilation desu, pic related is a golden pothos I got with a Leptopelis nordequatorialis on top, honestly this plant is fucking indestructible, 100% recommend to beginners.
>Are you mostly into conifers?
yes definitely
I mostly grow plants that grow in northern latitudes to remind me of my former home in alaska
bout to take some pics of my couple of plants hol' up nigs
Lingonberry is a plant that grows in alaska and can treat kidney stones just in case you want to know
those things are my worst nightmare
Can it be grown without the cold ass weather? t. Euro Mediterranean
that's pretty cool
I only grow shit that can handle terrarium conditions, but by God my fav plants of all are mosses. I got like 4 types of moss but wild caught moss has trouble surviving. I think I might have success with the one I brought more recently bc it has been 3 months and he's dandy, but this stuff is sorta seasonal and has a dormant summer stage and I never had terrestrial moss for like a year straight.
Have an old photo (a year ago) golden pothos on the left, birds nest fern on the right, this was around peak beauty, kept it as such for like 4 months but then acquired smol frogs and stopped ventilating the enclosure as much, in great detriment of the birds nest fern. Still my favorite plant thus far.
no it cant actually its waaay too hot to grow it outdoors there but you can grow it inside there
Starting with the worst one, my Spiderwort. I need to transplant it into a pot it can actually thrive in because usually the stems actually have thickness to them and the leaves are way bigger. This guy is struggling but since he's so easy to transplant and grow I'm not really worrying about him right now
Here's a pic when I first got the cutting (Aralia balfouriana)
I used to be when I was in college, but there wasn't really a program for it and everyone basically forced me away from doing anything that would have interested me because "muh money". Reality just exists to wear you out until your body and mind give out.
I like willow trees a lot.
here's now, he's a slow grower. It's been around two years since planting
gonna see if I can buy jelly of that shit when I visit family in England ty for the protip
hope your spiderwort bounces back
>I like willow trees a lot.
yes are very aesthetic and kvlt looking but i like weaping conifer trees even more
And my Goldfish plant. At the moment I'm pretty lazy with my plants (part of this is due to the fact that I can't grow any outdoor ones since I live right outside the city) so this guy just kinda does whatever he wants. Sorry for the shitty camera my 3T is being gay
Just grab a little plant from a park lmao
I'm serious btw
Botany can be lowcost af and enjoyable none the less
fav one tbqh love the flowers
forgot the before, it's same as the Aralia so two years growth from a cutting
I lied when I said I can't grow any outdoor plants, I have a little side yard but it's fucking disgusting and is mixed with a bunch of concrete scrap and people will just throw trash in it since I live in a college area and all the houses are up on the sidewalk. So please forgive all the weeds and no mulch and whatever and the next pics.
Here's before (Baptisia australis)
Anyone here grow weed in wild places where no one bothers them?
Iits called guerilla gardening
Growing weed is a great hobby really. If you actually have a secret place to grow it where no one else is 53
Here is the now (december weather obv), gotta save the best for last. This one was started from a little sprout I transplanted from my local zoo, I used to work there as a landscaper. Again shitty camera wont focus
and here's the middle, at the best part of the year. Next year should be much bigger and lots more blooms
I don't know if I've ever seen one of those. Will have to check out. There is an aboretum in my town that has some pretty nice trees both native and otherwise. Never used to realize how much variation there can be in conifers.
I was really into cell biology and photosynthesis and just how plants functioned generally. I kind of wanted to work in a psuedo lab environment and grow and study plants. But you are right, I could pursue a more casual relationship with plants.
Do you harvest the seeds? I always make sure to because its much cheaper and Once you do you never have to pay for seeds again
Yep, I grabbed a bunch of the pods. Gave some to my parents and I've still got a jar up on the fridge. When I actually get enough dough to get the fuck out of here and move some place and have a garden I can't wait to plant them. Might get some started in some pots soon though
>mfw huge treeaboo
>live in Finland
what's you're opinion on Decidious Conifers?
Kalanchoe daigremontiana I had growing last summer :)
woah, very cool :)
What kind of plants do you like the most? I quite like aroids and want to start growing things like Dracunculus vulgaris and Arisaema sikokianum because they like shade, but nobody is shipping them at the moment have to wait until February.
Oh I couldn't say, I love a good variety garden. Solomon's Seal is a favorite though, this is the dwarf kind and it makes a really cool shade ground cover if you get it established. I guess I would say I lean more towards a nice wooded shady area with lots of lush green plants. I'm not a huge fan of color popping things like Begonia's or any of that stuff that people do every year. I love tree's too though, Poplars are a favorite for sure, especially White Poplars since when the wind comes through and turns all the leaves over to the white bottom it looks like the entire tree is shimmering
dunno why I put possessive commas after Begonia and tree, ignore that :^)
No, pot head
But botanical warfare is pretty cool. Native species seed bombing parks and other places is a neat practice. Might throw things out of whack but fuck (((invasive))) species.
Yeah I like shady plants too, I live in the city so sun is hard to come by but luckily you can grow some cool things like Digitalis and I have some Snowdrops coming up now. I'm not too fond of colour popping plants either bumblebees seem to love foxgloves so I like to grow those :)
I must say, this might be a good hobby for you guys
Very nice, I love both of those plants. Snowdrops especially are so wonderful when they all start popping up. Anemones are another favorite of mine especially the white varieties like pic related, so comfy
Anemones are great, really cool plant parts when you look close up. Here's a close up of a flower from an orchid I had in my bathroom Ludisia 'Bicolor'. I thought the flowers looked like flying ducks wearing hoods lol.
My dream is to have a comfy garden on the balcony of a tiny one bedroom apartment. I wanna grow vegetables and herbs and flowers.
Amorphophallus Konjac from inside the tropical nursery at Kew Gardens in London. Really stinky smells of rotting meat and human feces :