>in modern society, men are expected to be cucks
what are the pros of having a girlfriend/wife again? what can they give you that can't be bought with money?
In modern society, men are expected to be cucks
consuming jew media was your first mistake
err.... I mean
children with my genetics?
Did you unironically make this in paint user?
Why the fuck do you retards post screenshots of Buzzfeed-tier articles like this, acting like they're scientific journals, and then say something that implies that all of society functions as this article written by a single cat-owning red wine drinking woman says it does?
You motherfuckers are honestly some of the dumbest people alive for doing this.
this was probably written by a poly person in denial
even the idea of cheating makes my vagina dry up like the sahara
>author is a woman
Ecks dee
>implying one article made specifically to be controversial and get clicks is representative of all of society
Maybe stop victimizing yourself and go outside some time?
Yeah op is just baiting, the amount of people that think like this is a very small vocal minority.
Just like black people, vocal and committing most of the crime, but that doesn't mean most of America is like that. Just very shitty pockets that get a lot of visibility.
Honestly. Jow Forums and Jow Forums are filled with some retarded as motherfuckers who actually think they are intelligent. They aren't even of average intelligence. They obsess over sex and women yet are too stupid to stop victimizing themselves and put effort into getting what they want.
Yeah cheating is a lot harder to do with most women, we get too attached and don't like the idea of awkward sex with someone we don't know
I fucking told you guys that only cucks are dating women noways. all the smart men are gone.
You missed the point of your own argument all in one post. I rarely ever see something like that on the internet.
Oh, welp, you're right about that too.
I don't do looking for things like that though, those are the kind of articles you find by digging.
I think it's either propaganda agents or more likely some kind of spam AI, either of which has the purpose of just shit stirring the population to keep us distracted and fighting about inane horseshit
sage goes in options field
is it purposeful ignorance that people will miss the point of these wacko headline screencaps? that its not majority law but instead creeping normality to be afraid of?
The world is radically different than it was in the 1950s, and will be radically different in the 2050s
Women are fucking useless
>Women are fucking useless
based and blackpilled
Sure, "cheating" makes you dry, getting in a fight and having pay back sex with a stranger is fine though
sex with a person that doesn't know my body well and i don't love sounds boring, thats more up men's alley
Absolutely based and blackpilled, user. Stay classy
See, its not enough for women to cheat on their partner they have to make their partner endorse taking other lovers. Being discrete is too much to ask, women need to power trip on the humiliation of their partner.
>children with my genetics?
Have you got them tested
basically no benefits to being in a LTR for a man unless they're Chad. But, if you are indeed Chad, then there are way more benefits to being a free agent and slamming endless pussy anyway.
So, basically, the only men who should enter into LTRs are delusional beta cucks who can sincerely convince themselves that they're loved by their girlfriends and gays.
Don't marry women lads. They have grown too bold and bitchy since they gave them rights.
They have an agenda to literally ruin all mens lives.
You forgot to say "unless it's with Chad"