Why are women attracted to alcoholics?
Why are women attracted to alcoholics?
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Alcohol is a depressant, and it can serve to turn off your brain enough that you stop questioning things, conveying the illusion of confidence. This is only an illusion and does go morbidly wrong.
>conveying the illusion of confidence
They really are nothing more than animals
There's seems to be an association of alcohol consumption and manliness. I don't understand. It's just freaking poison that tastes bad. But you'll get laughed that if you drink juice while the rest chug their beers
Im no sure what you mean im an alcoholic and women dont even look at me
my alcohol tolerance is really low and i want to keep it that way, i see friends have to go through bottles and that looks terrible
Fair enough. Perhaps its a daddy fetish thing. You just haven't found the ones who you remind of their dad
>makes a thread about alcoholism
>uses alpha m. as the op pic
Well ironied friend! take this reddit gold and let me buy you a vape!
How old are you? My experience is that older women like single mothers and divorced women tend to fall go alcoholics over and over. I know one woman in her mid 30s who has dated 3 alcoholics in a row and she always complains about them smashing up her house and abusing her yet still keeps going for them.
That's an alpha top tier male? I see men like that dating single moms and women with mental health problems. Lots of regular joe guys look like him where i live.
That's Aaron Marino. He's a style consultant, life coach, motivational speaker, owns a couple of mens cosmetic brands, and has a number of social media ventures including his youtube channel under the "alpha m." brand.
Also he doesn't drink.
Women like someone they can 'fix'. It gives them a sense of importance. They're not that complicated, they want to feel special.
I like mentally ill boys but not alcoholics (unless they are sober)
Fuck off, they're not.
t. alcoholic
Dunno about women overall, but my wife doesn't necessarily find drinking attractive or anything, but she likes when I get drunk and excited about things I'm interested in.
isnt that the dude from youtube? such a gigantic faggot
If women are full of low self-esteem and are ashamed of their actions in becoming single mothers and secretly hate who they are then explain this.
How is that they constantly upload selfies to thousands of followers day after day and some of them they legit look like shit like they just crawled out of their bed with no makeup on and they post it for thousands to see with no fucks given as to how many "haters" will dislike it.
Surely if these single mothers had low confidence and hated themselves they'd be ashamed to show their face so often? They'd be self-conscious about who they are? Instead they stand up, puff their chest out and say "I am ME, don't like it fuck off"
There is nobody more self-assured and confident than the modern woman (single mothers especially) it's like they are Teflon. Nothing hurts them. Nothing affects them. There is nothing the strong independent woman of 2018 cannot come back from or move on from.
I just watched a woman breaking down 2 days ago because yet another relationship fell apart. 2 days later she's back on Facebook with a massive confident smile and a new pet dog. A man in the same situation wouldn't even have the motivation to go and pick the dog up and bring him home. He'd be rotting in bed a depressed mess but this woman is straight back up after 2 days getting on with her life and posting memes.
Just tell people that you're a recovering alcoholic and they'll feel bad for you.
Also stop fucking drinking juice at bars like a child, order a water or at least a soda.
Guys like that makes them feel like they aren't alone in their faggotry. The only kind of ""alcoholic"" they're attracted to are the (pseudo) Chads who buy mixed drinks at a club. They don't really pay any attention to the guys drinking beer with their friends at a dive bar; unless you're in the Midwest like me, then there's a market for those kind of sluts.
I'm an alcoholic and no women are intrested in me. You meant HANDSOME alcoholics. Not handsome might just die.
Degeneracy wets pussies
there are three or maybe just two typical insecurity responses in all people. When they sense a criticism or something bad happens to them say like getting dumped or cheated on, they can either
a: withdraw silently and completely, have a "well this isnt for me" reaction,and appear as stoic and non neurotic loners to disguise their pain and weakness or to avoid pain and weakness
b: to become vitriolic and egotistical, asserting that the problems they encounter are the fault of the world or whenever something they do turns out poorly they blame someone else and act utterly confident. Narcisists and Borderlines are like this, they are deeply insecure and weak, they cannot face their failures.
c: those who take traditional reactions to failure like depression and self loatheing. Can sometimes go overboard and self loathe far too much and automatically revert to pitying themselves.
The women you are describing will be using Cluster B tactics to avoid pain because in concept its the best of both worlds. You can remain in the dating game and not suffer while doing it. Except they do suffer and they cause suffering in others due to how intolerable such ignorant narcisism is, and how aggressive they are when anything goes wrong to those who could possibly couch the blame for them.
He has a shit taste in alscahol
>why are women ____?
why is this question asked daily? kill yourselves
Alcoholics tend to have manly features, thanks to high levels of prenatal T.
cranberry juice is chad tier
because women like "bad boys"
it sounds retarded but its absolutely true
women love degeneracy
daddy was a piece of shit.
likes pieces of shit.
They're easier to control and die before they get ugly.
>drinking juice around people drinking beer