Joy Division edition
Other urls found in this thread:
hang yourself edition
need to add some soldiers or armed police to patrol the little market stall in the OP
Getting mad at smash bros like I'm a bloody 10 year old again
waitrose advent calendars are shite
My god I'm in pain
is anyone here getting snow on the weekend? was forecast here for late friday night into saturday morning but now the forecast has changed to nothing
chat shit, get hit
simple as
Lads the chinky next door bought me some little Christmas cupcakes that they made for me
What is the appropriate response
I never talk shit to anyone I'm a good lad and God is punishing me, I'm made of glass.
Really enjoying MEGALOBOX on crunchyroll.
Nice underdog story.
Rise up my fellow stray dogs!
>What is the appropriate response
mince pies
Which smash bros? i played through melee like a year ago, the last few events were hard as fuck.
>most wonderful time of the year
>want to kill myself more than ever
Absolutely sick of it all lads.
I don't know how to bake
forecast for saturday, but the forecast around my area has been consistently wrong for about three months now so no hopes for it
Say this to her lad.
Ultimate, the new one. I've played the series since the N64 but I don't think I've ever been much good.
i'm in the yellow warning area, can't bloody wait
the forecast says it'll turn in to sleet around noon so i'm not too hopeful
sounds like a bad case of SAD
SAD is a load of bollocks. My life is just pure shit.
had some flamin hot cheetos and 4 french fancies for my lunch, washed it down with a yop.
feel a bit sick now.
How do normies do it lads
Haven't finished work yet and I've still got to work out, do some shopping, pick up some weed and I need to talk to boy I'm trying to fug NORMIES DO THIS EVERYDAY AND NEVER GET TIRED WHAT THE FUCK
>first winter in a couple years where I havent used my SAD lamp
Not feeling terrible but not amazing, but its felt good to not have to use my lamp
great edition
SAD is a joke
another meme you cunts fell for.
It's eas enough lad just buy pastry and a packet of mince
>Ultimate, the new one
any good? Probably won't pick it up for a while because i don't have a switch and cba paying for one atm.
>watch random movie
>oh cool Timothy Olyphant
>ten minutes in he's dead
It's not, I feel much better in the summer you have a case of NEETdom syndrome
yeah saturday. shows snow from 3pm ish till midnightish
I have a job you stupid dickhead. Stop acting like a fucking know-it-all.
Then stop being such a miserable cunt
why do you lads get so wound up?
>dude just stop being depressed lmao
Ok I have pastry and mince what now
Would you rather watch every Danny Dyer movie or get punched in the throat and kicked in the balls?
Because whilst most lads here are nice people theres a fair few knob jockeys here who are here just to annpy people.
Anyone seen chika? Miss that cutey x
Scrunch the pastry up into little balls
why do people like to bait each other and argue
saw a post in the last thread about somebody arguing with somebody about their cat. 1 of the posters was a right meanie but because they were having fun they said no harm done.
i don't get it myself, as somebody seeing it getting posted it wasn't fun and if somebody is intentionally winding somebody up then there is harm being done, right?
honestly I could chin every cunt in this thread
I want some snow so bad. Really want to nightwalk in it.
It's really good, there's plenty of content. Not worth buying a switch for alone though imo.
If you get some will you do a snow angle and take pictures for the lads?
>want to kill myself more than ever
just had some co-op bakery custard doughnuts
they are lovely considering they're 79p, but they will be the death of me
is that a challenge, sunshine?
No friends to take the picture or I would
wonder what lenlad is upto these days, miss that gorgeous murdering hench x
The only thing on that list that fits me is the booze.
Get a tripod or a selfie stick la
id probably just stab you
wonder what amer is up to these days, miss that paki poo x
You heard me right son
Not if I slap the lights outta you
Cat is so creative and imaginative he's playing with an empty irn bru bottle
Be as hard as you want but a knife gives me a massive advantage.
*chins you*
yeah, that's what i thought
would you mind being a little less black?
If 5 nonce hunters cornered you do you think you're physically fit enough to run away/knock all of them out.
Excuse me. I forgot upstanding white men let any old jit smack them to shit.
Proud white men use bar stools or in a serious situation a brick
i could easily outrun five of norf fcs finest but i doubt i could win a fight with them
clear night for the meteor shower lads
People like this should be fucking executed
Not really mate if he's proper hard he will just take it from you and stab you
The chances of beating up five men at once would be slim even if they're pie addicted rotund mongs
*uses belly bounce*
arent most those fellas about 5'7 and obese anyways?
Think I could take on a couple
Hi guys. Anyone here play pool allot? I'd beat you all with one hand
I used stab as a general term. I'd j
Use an old steel toecapped boot if it came to it.
I doubt anyone on /britfeel/ is good enough to disarm anyone before catching at least a couple of knocks.
>I'd beat you off with one hand
wow thanks
northerners. bloody hell.
Couple of knocks? Couple of stabs?
That's nothing lad.
Used to play it in my teens. i would like to get into snooker tbqh
One of my step-dads was a really good pool player and won a bunch of ammeter competitions
will be keeping an eye out when i go out for my smokes tonight
jelly belly bastard
I play snooker as well. So hard though
One of my step-dads was a fat fuck and won a bunch of 'am eater competitions
Never trust a man with a first name as a surname
>went to dentist
>Had 2 fillings
>Got home
>Numbness wears off
>Now only one side of my teeth touch when I shut my mouth
>Ring dentist
>Appointment tomorrow to fix this
I do pay for the dentist, will I have to pay tomorrow for him to fix his own mistake?
there was a lad at my school got bullied for years because he used the word "blemish" when answering a teacher's question. people used to go up to him and just say "oooooh blemishing"
i remember a rugby ref with 3 first names, his name was karl kirkpatrick
how much longer are you going to punish poley for
just stop mentioning him
I've already forgiven her desu
Trip on Amer, nobody fucking likes you, nonce
Well if he was to receive appropriate punishment for his noncey behaviour life in prison
Honestly shippy and ebin are right about nigresses, they are fucking based
>girl from Lancasters sub Saharan campus is invigilating the test
>has no idea what the start time is, asks me when I want to start
>totally miscalculated my extra time, gives me more than double what I am owed
>sits on her phone the entire time
>tells me I can sit wherever I want, makes no effort to check my ID
>after my ludicrous extra time runs out, she says I can keep going if I want to
I would totally shill her country on that African memes imagebord that some lad from here found once. Zoomalia IQ? More like Zoomalia Is Quicklybecomingthebestexporterofgirls
It was overblown 2bqh. Poley didn't really do much but /brit/ threatening the meetup directly really fanned the flames.
I am a being of pure rage. God smite this fucking Earth. Burn it to the fucking ground
I ran over a fox on the way to work this morning, it was 5:30 am on a dual carriage way with no street lights or layby to pull over.
britfeel has done a number on amer
>didnt really do much
>gropes toddlers
Pick one.
Had an epiphany earlier. I realised that to a considerable extent I'm a human piece of shit, dickhead, cunt, etc. I'm never rude to people but my attitudes as a whole are never like endearing even when I mean them to be. And all I ever feel is shitty feelings like hatred or anger and most of all bitterness that other people are happier than me. Jealousy too, such as one particular friend of my gf (>inb4 normie etc) that she is close to, and it seems he is nicer to her than I am sometimes, meaning she sometimes likely enjoys chilling with him more than me. So why she puts up with me I don't know. There's no likelihood I'll be cucked before you meme about it, it's more a point about my attitude to her and other people than a relationship thing.
For an example, she had a big achievement last week, that I thought I acted nice for but then he gave her a homemade fucking cake and she ate it with all our friends. And the worst bit by far is that all I felt was bitter and anger towards him/her rather than ever once thinking 'next time I'll make a cake too' or something. Like everyone around me just seems better as a human being, even if I am as kind, polite and friendly on the outside as any of them.
So now I just spent the entire day in a zombie state, just feel empty, because I can hardly just apologise to people and look normal. In fact I would refuse to apologise about some things despite my acknowledgement they're dickhead moves - such as feeling angry over some fucking cake jfc - and that makes me realise even more I am just an utter cunt.
Dunno where I'm going with this but that's all I have to say I think. Relatable..?
remember the heatwave lads