Taking Photoshop requets/challenges/profile pictures. Its a slow day and I have nothing better to do.
Let's see what you got, r9k
Taking Photoshop requets/challenges/profile pictures. Its a slow day and I have nothing better to do.
Let's see what you got, r9k
Make Gosling into a cute anime boy.
Make him cute okay.
sure, I'll see what I can do. give me a little bit.
also checkem
Nice get
Make the background the first page of Jow Forums
Maybe another one with just the tv/computer screen in the back replaced with that as well.
Here you go user, I am not the best with drawing.
I was not expecting to remake the Goose
That I can do, removing backgrounds is a lot easier than making The GOOSE a qt animu.
Coming right up
Looks exactly like him.
Here you go user, that outstretched hand was not easy to get with all the God rays of shit
I coulda done a better job of this in paint.net man, get it together
Pretty based post.
put a doomer or /nightwalker/ on this photo facing the picture
if I had hours to individually go at each pixel in the hand, I would have. Alas, because I am trying to get these done somewhat speedy to take other requests, I am limiting myself to lasso and a quick cut out.
Of course given proper time I could make them better, but thats not the goal here. Also I'm trying to have fun with this kek, no agonize over pixels right now.
Coming right up, friend. I got just the doomer pic for you.
There ya go friend, hot off the press
but he's already a very cute boi
going to do this one too since I am bored and thread is not doing well.
will do more if people are interested
Can you show me your boipussy?
No, I Flex Sealed it shut.
Thank you OP
thank ya frend. put a doomer here as well please
sure thing user. these are some comfy pictures
Cute boi
Here you are, took longer to find the right pieces for this.
How do I become talented in graphic design / desktop publishing like you?
I can do better than that, here is round two with extra effects.
Are you seriously using the square block eraser to cut shit out?
Talent, now thats funny. This is just years of playing with the software and messing around. I am in no way talented. There are far far far better out there than me. I used to photoshop teachers in humorous situations in high school and picked learned it there.
Guys like this guy here, he has far better talent and wishes to say so.These are shitty throwaway internet memes. Who cares man
doomer midget he so smol walking on the edge
>These are shitty throwaway internet memes. Who cares man
That's true. A lot of people on here will call themselves pro photoshoppers when they aren't and I can't stand that.
But I see you're not like that. Good luck with the requests. inb4 "can you x-ray this" while they provide you a 480x480 fb image that cannot be x-rayed in any way
Should I pirate photoshop or learn GIMP?
I personally find GIMP easier to use. It does everything photoshop can do, lots of scripts and addons, and a lot faster to do several simple things, where in photoshop you have to go through several nonsensical steps to achieve the same shit.
pirate photoshop, a bit harder to learn than GIMP but has way more options for editing and creating images.
>a lot faster to do several simple things
i can agree on this
Been working with photoshop for about 15 years, so I'm biased towards that program. One thing that can be said is that there's a ton of tutorials for Photoshop.
Can someone please shoop this head on the following picture please.
thread is dead but sure thing. give me a second or two
Get out
Here is your abomination. I added a bit of color and used a filter to make it look slightly more painted on
Based, this is going into my collection.
Not OP but I got bored
Can someone put a santa's beard in this
I'll get right on that festive request.
There you are, one santa beard, taken from a genuine santa.
Hell yeah thanks user it looks cool
We've heard of Google-chan. But what about a DuckDuckGo-chan?
challenging. Im on it.
I have two images for your fancy. Posting the new ad for duck duck go
and also one a bit more, private
What about a "an hero"-chan?
but you didn't, because as usual, all you can do is talk shit
Are you still here op?What about cumshots on faces?Can you manage it?